Tabletop Warhammer?

Does anyone know of a decent chaos sorcerer model? Thinking of running one next to my chaos lord in my 1k list but can't find any decent models. The Ahriman one from GW is ok but still a bit meh. I am open to conversion work just want a better model.
Or you are a pimp? Bet you have a purple suit somewhere :p

What is the book on the far right? Something to do with the inquisition I am guessing.

Damn I've been figured out. No that one is the slip box for the badab war books. Just flipped through book 1 and I already want to do about 4 new chapters.....

Does anyone know of a decent chaos sorcerer model? Thinking of running one next to my chaos lord in my 1k list but can't find any decent models. The Ahriman one from GW is ok but still a bit meh. I am open to conversion work just want a better model.

The terminator lord box has parts for a sorcerer.

Mechanicum thralls. Want.
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Started rooting through my bits and putting together a sorcerer, looks ok just need a left arm, right arm is in a post as if conjuring something but want something cool for the left arm, does anyone know where I can get an open book model? or can anyone suggest something cool to do with the other arm?
For open books it might be worth looking at bits sites for grey knights stuff. Think they have some books. Plus the appeal of using grey knight parts in chaos is hard to ignore.
Thats looking good. Really like that model actually and im not a big eldar guy really (unless it's dark eldar).

Finished another couple drop pods last night. Just 2 left now....

Interesting schedule. If the imperial knights are knight titans like in mechanicus then I'll be buying one for sure. Also the rumoured box set is blood angels and orks which is tempting as I write like blood angels but if the orks got new bikers that would be awesome as the Warboss on a bike from forge world is fantastic.

However plastic steel legion could change my plans totally.
the Blood angels/Ork box set is a very odd rumour, the proposed contents is ridiculously unbalanced even more so than the Dark Vengeance box set so will be interesting to see if they release. Hoping they do because I want an ork army and my gf will want the space marines :P

I am looking at starting a bretonnian army so bretonnian later in the year will be nice :) got plenty of chaos to paint and play so the bretonnian will still be small by the time the new release is out (if it does indeed come) :D
the Blood angels/Ork box set is a very odd rumour, the proposed contents is ridiculously unbalanced even more so than the Dark Vengeance box set so will be interesting to see if they release. Hoping they do because I want an ork army and my gf will want the space marines :P

I am looking at starting a bretonnian army so bretonnian later in the year will be nice :) got plenty of chaos to paint and play so the bretonnian will still be small by the time the new release is out (if it does indeed come) :D

What's the proposed contents?
Never mind found them

Blood Angels (plastic quick assembly)
- Assault Marine Squad
- Tactical Marine Squad
- Death Company Squad
- Captain (kitted out for assault)
- Chaplain
- Sanguinary Priest (limited edition, similar to the Dark Vengeance mini was)

Orks (plastic quick assembly)
- 'Ardboys (full mob)
- Nobs (small squad)
- Warboss
- Big Mek
- Ork themed fortification

I would be very tempted to work on some blood angels of that's what's in the box. Really add some Armageddon theme to my army using allies. Salamanders burning everything in close and some death company charging into the enemy....

And I would get good assault marines. Really like the models but tend to suck a bit in vanilla armies. Although I'm hoping my 5 man 2 flamer teams will be effective in the pods it's still not the same as jump pack squads.
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Got the new monthly GW magazine today, it's lovely really nice bug not sure it's worth it and the weekly is so thin it feels to expensive for its size. The old white dwarf was kinda felt worth the price tag, but atleast it was in line with other monthly publications. Now they want us to spend almost £20 for pretty much the same content we use to get for £5. Also what has really ****ed me off is that the new visions mag has the bloomin tyrandis from last month. If it was the new dwarfs I would not feel so ripped off.
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Oh and now I have had a chance to actually read it, it's really only a third of the size as it's printed in 3 languages in one edition.
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I got my sub copy in with a free copy of the first weekly mag.

Visions is just photos of the last months worth of models, the weekly one is a really thin pamphlet. I think I will be cancelling my sub and skipping the weekly unless it relevant to 40k.
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