Out of interest are any of you guys going to Games Day?
Yip, me and 3 mates are road tripping down for it. Im not expecting it to be as ghood as last year, but im hoping to see a Necrons reveal and i want a few things from forgeworld.
Out of interest are any of you guys going to Games Day?
Yup, me and 3 mates are road tripping down for it. Im not expecting it to be as good as last year, but i'm hoping to see a Necrons reveal and i want a few things from forgeworld.
Oh god this please.Y im hoping to see a Necrons reveal
Oh god this please.
I want to see if they've replaced the ugly destroyer models so I can finally collect a 40k army
People are saying the release could be October on the DakkaDakka forums? anyone know any more info?
would love to see a good spread of gamesday pics, used to love the white dwarf coverage they did, but that was years back, is it me or does the event only get a dozen pages or so at best these days?
I'll try and post some (maybe a separate thread to keep this one clear), but I'm very much of the "take a lot and hope" type (my Panasonic TZ7 is great at making my pictures look reasonable).
Someone remind me the best way to paint and highlight Terminator skull emblems and wings please ?
I have skull white, bleached bone and black and mud washes.