Quick question about Monstrous cavalry, rulebook says they are the same as cavalry except for 2 exceptions you always use the highest wounds and toughness.
So mournfangs have 3 wounds and their riders 3 does the model have 3 wounds and that it
If the mournfangs take e.g. 2 wounds does that put either the mount or rider on 1 wound and leave the other on 3 so when you next take e.g. 2 wounds the one that didnt get hit take the two wounds as the rulebook says you always take the highest wounds.
once armour saves have been taken do you then randomise who takes the wounds?
I asked the questions and got these 3 different answers and none of us can decide which it is, i assume the model just has 3 wounds and thats it.
I'll need to check that out.
So there's a 500pt tournament Friday night and then Saturday at the local GW this is the criteria
I was considering going however I'm now realising I can't take my drop pods or thunderfires.
Currently I'm looking at librarian, 2 man tac squads with flamer and probably a combi plasma and a 5 man Sternguard with 2 heavy flamers which is 385. Now I have no idea how to fill out what's left.
Correct, you use the highest wounds characteristic, not both. Just like regular cavalry its one model, once its taken the highest number of wounds (3 for mornfang), its removed as a casualty.
The low points level coupled with the restrictions mean I'm really struggling what to take. I'm still in two minds if I'm going to go or not as I think against a lot of other armies I just won't have the model numbers to survive.