Tabletop Warhammer?

5 Nov 2013
Thats a bit sucky. I quite like how everyone only had a few to choose from :( Though from the sounds of it, daemonhunter/daemons have bonuses from sanctic/daemonology tables
5 Jul 2010
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Yeah it does mean I'm tempted to take a 2nd lvl 2 Libby instead of vulkan and using divination to get my melta squads the re rolls. It saves 100pts but obviously it's far from guaranteed. I also still can't seem to locate my vulkan model so I'm bitter about buying a 2nd

3 librarian presience spam over 2 force orgs at 2k it makes me feel dirty thinking about it really. Although your looking at d6+6 warp points it's not actually a lot when you have 3 psykers. It's made me change my list for Saturday though at 1500 I'm going to try

2 lvl 2 librarians

Command squad with 5 melta in a pod + divination Libby

7 Sternguard with 2 heavy flamers and combi flamer + divination Libby

3 x 7 man tactical squads with flamer and combi plas in pods

2 sky hammer storm talons

2 thunderfires.

I do feel it's a bit awful running 2 divination Libby's but it's something I haven't been able to do so I might try it.
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19 Dec 2009
Wash thoroughly, otherwise you can end up with paint not adhering. If possible, it might also be an idea to pin any parts that might not hold firmly with glue alone.

Which ones did you get?
25 Apr 2009
Cheers J.

I got Asterion Moloc for my space marines and a some vendetta lascannans. Though based on the quality of the sculpts I'll certainly be getting some more!

Ah thanks for that Shami. I've not really read much Dark Eldar lore
5 Jul 2010
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Picked up my rule book and cards today. Didn't get a game sadly and I haven't had a chance to look at it properly but it's a really nice package. The other two books are nicely put together and presented. Looks like it's going to be Thursday till I can try it out as games in store are now 2k games so they count for league points.
5 Jul 2010
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
So had a game tonight against a ridiculous farsight list full of crisis suits a few of the 8(including the riptide and another riptide) and a hammerhead. I ran vulkan, lvl 2 Libby, 2 5 man melta command squads, 7 strong Sternguard , 3 7 strong tac squads, 2 storm talons, storm raven and 2 thunderfires. We used the random objectives

So I get the first turn and drop 1 melta squad to take out the tank another to put a hurting on a riptide then Sternguard to take out his sniper team which scattered and ended up being right beside his pathfinders instead and a tac squad near objective 1 to grab it as that's the card I drew. Turn 1 didn't go my way at all tank survived because it jinked and got 3+ because of disruption pods, riptide was taken down to 3 wounds pathfinders were taken out but it meant my thunderfires had to target the sniper team instead and didn't quite wipe them out. Thanks to scatter I didn't quite managed to get my tac squad onto the objective. But I got first blood. His turn 1 he took out both my melta teams Sternguard vulkan and Libby so at this point I'm pretty much convinced I've lost badly.

My turn 2 I managed to grab another objective from the cards I had which put as at 2-1 nothing exciting happened that turn one of my talons came on and didn't do much and the other tac squads came on one of which went after objective six to stop him scoring and the other scattered near a riptide.

Turn 3 I pull my cards and realise I need to move his crisis suits away from the objective I pulled so I manage to get them into combat and my drop pod was close enough to count as scoring this making me 3-1. At that point he took his turn 3 but didn't have anything he could do and we had to call it there due to time( he played very slowly) and so I have technically won my first game of seventh and therefore it am undefeated under seventh! Had it gone longer I probably would have been tabled.

Opinions so far: the random objectives were quite fun. Definitely how I'd want to play and not just because I won. It made me have to focus on new objectives every turn.
5 Jul 2010
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
I really should have picked up on that. I bet it hasn't changed he did come across as the guy who would try anything especially when it was me keeping track of the wounds on his riptide and he kept forgetting to note it down. To be fair the tank itself did nothing so it wouldn't have made a high difference in the outcome.

Also riptides with feel no pain suck.
5 Jul 2010
Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Yeah that makes me want a typhon even more now. S10 ap1 ignores cover 7inch blast. Maybe partnered with a couple vindicator a just for fun. I'm not convinced on the raven. I can't use formations in the upcoming tournament which is annoying as I can't have them all come in at once or have my raven have strafing run. Maybe best find something else for those points and just use the two talons for my anti air which I hope would be sufficient. Also might drop the 2nd all meltagun squad as I'm just not sure they are worth the points and if I do that I'll probably drop vulkan and he's not worth taking just to twin link one squad. Might even end up dropping both.
25 Apr 2009
Just bought the weighty tome that is the 7th edition rules and man is it heavy. Jokes aside as books go its certainly worth the £40 I paid and the book itself is a lot more sensibly laid out than the previous book. Look forward to reading through the fluff book as well when I get chance
5 Nov 2013
Surprised no-one has been talking about the gorkanaught. Im liking it, looks like a mini-stompa :D also, finally theyre bringing out plastic flash gitz models - theyve needed these for a long time
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