Tabletop Warhammer?

logan work in progress





Yup the more wolves I see the more I'm pretty sure I'm going to add a wolf lord, lukas, 14 blood claws in a storm wolf to my salamanders as possible allies

EDIT: so might have a 750pt doubles tournament next weekend depending on weather what's your thoughts on these two lists?

Librarian, lvl 2 90pts

7 man tactical squad, meltagun, combi melta, melta bombs, drop pod 158pts

8 man tactical squad, meltagun, combi melta, melta bombs, drop pod 172pts

Stormtalon w/ skyhammers 125pts

Thunderfire 100

Thunderfire 100



Librarian lvl 2 90pts

2 x 10 man tactical squads, meltagun, multi melta, combi melta, melta bombs, drop pod


Stormtalon w/ skyhammers 125pts

Thunderfire 100pts


I could swap one of the squads melta weapons out for flamers or something but I feel I have a decent amount of anti infantry. Just without vulkan I'm not getting the best out of my meltas.

Also I have no idea what I'll be teaming with.
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Anyone who plays Fantasy..How are the Ogres as an army? Im sure ive seen someone painting them up. Theres a small fantasy escalation league starting up and its running from october by then my work will be calmed down and I was thinking of entering to learn fantasy and they seem like a fairly cheap army. Its just 1000pts we are building to so the Battalion box seems to cover most of it along with a character like a firebreather and maybe swap out a couple models for some of the Calvary from what ive been looking at online
I have a ~3K ogre army and have 2 friends have have/had in excess of 5K.
They are generally a bit one dimensional and tend to dominate the CC phase.

Movement is great
Leadership is average, Ironguts with a banner of discipline (+1Ld) with your general in the unit tends to be the norm (so he throws out his Ld +1).
BSB is pretty much a must.
Magic can be good, their lore is average but they can take fire/death too.
Shooting can be hit and miss. Iron blasters are probably the best cannon in the game due to the reroll and ability to hold it's own in combat. I've personally found Lead Belchers to be good but are obviously random.
Man Eaters are brilliant. I use two set ups, dual pistols with sniper & poison or stubborn & poison with 2 hand weapons for some combat brilliance.
Mournfang are insanely good, but they tend to get isolated and suffer from their Ld7.

The best thing about them I've found is that they're easy to pack away and take places as you never tend to have many models!

My last 1K game was this list:
Bruiser BSB with Heavy Arm. & Ironfist
Lv. 1 Butcher

6 Ironguts with full command & banner discipline

3 Yhetees
2 Mournfang with Heavy Arm. & Ironfists, Bellower


Yhetees are quite unconventional though, but I was playing a 4 way T&T game with VCs so wanted to use them as counters to ethereal!
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Well the way it's working is we have to paint 300 points a month and then it's a late night triumph and treachery game each month and the army doesn't have to be legal till it's all finished.

The models also look great which helps especially the stone horn and most if the characters. I like the low model count as painting 300 a month should be easy and I can really take my time and try and improve my skills but they still seem to hold their own. Apart from some crazy spells I read about that can take them out pretty quick?

Also how do they fare as a beginners army?
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Even the most basic ogres are like 43 points a head, so yea, 300 is easy a month!

They're a great beginners army because combat is the easiest phase in the game and these guys tend to excel at it. I forgot to mention sabertusks, which are one one of the best chaff units in the game at 21 points!

They do suffer from initiative check spells such as Purple Sun (death) and Black Horror (Shadow)
I'll have to look into sabertusks. I was thinking along the lines of

5 irongut, bellower, champion and standard of discipline
6 ogre, ironfists

3 leadbelchers

2 mournfangs, heavy armour (still gotta decide between ironfist or great weapon)

Then for heroes I was thinking firebelly because of the model or if I wanna do it really cheap I may kitbash a bruiser or something. I'm still working my way through the rule book and I have untill October to decide.
I also went for a kitbashed bruiser, in fact I don't actually own any character models! I tend to proxy.
The firebelly model is brilliant though, I haven't ever used one in a game as I tend to go very magic light and you must have at least 1 caster with the Maw in your army so if you do take a firebelly you'll need at least a level 1 butcher with the lore of the great maw.
Ah I didn't realise you still needed butcher. That solves that then. Battalion box and mournfang box will be the way I go then. Now just have to wait till October till I can get going! Going to pick up the army book tomorrow so I can read some of the fluff and make sure it's the choice for me.
I should clarify that, if you have at least 1 caster in your army, at least 1 of them needs to have the Maw.

You can obviously run a caster free army!
I also went for a kitbashed bruiser, in fact I don't actually own any character models! I tend to proxy.
The firebelly model is brilliant though, I haven't ever used one in a game as I tend to go very magic light and you must have at least 1 caster with the Maw in your army so if you do take a firebelly you'll need at least a level 1 butcher with the lore of the great maw.

if you have more than 1 butcher or slaughter master one of them must have lore of great maw, but you can take firebellies without needing a butcher/slaughetrmaster. See the slaughtermaster & butcher magic entry on p87 & 89 of the armylist
I'll take your word for it and stand corrected! Sorry, I've never used a Firebelly and therefore assumed the rule applied across the board!
So picked up the army book today while I was in playing some 40k (lost the game but took out a fellblade turn 1 so I'm calling it a moral victory!) and I think I have a basic idea if what I want to do

Butcher lvl2 wizard, great weapon, hellheart

5 ironguts, full command, banner of discipline

4 leadbelchers

2 mournfang, standard, dragonhide banner

Iron blaster cannon

So I know that technically enough core but do I have too many toys to be viable? Not sure I need both iron blaster and mournfang at 1000.

On a side note I learned today the Aberdeen is the biggest store in the uk outside of Nottingham since we still have a massive gaming area upstairs.
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So I know that technically enough core but do I have too many toys to be viable? Not sure I need both iron blaster and mournfang at 1000.

It depends really, my group is quite competitive and we play a lot of 1k tournaments so a cannon and monst cav are pretty much standard. Equally some people would suggest its a bit beardy.
I've taken a steam tank in a 1k tournament so you can guess what my opinion is!
It depends really, my group is quite competitive and we play a lot of 1k tournaments so a cannon and monst cav are pretty much standard. Equally some people would suggest its a bit beardy.
I've taken a steam tank in a 1k tournament so you can guess what my opinion is!

I think I've settled on

Firebelly, lvl 2, ruby ring of ruin, dispel scroll

6 ironguts, full command, standard of discipline

4 Leadbelchers

2 mournfang, heavy armour, ironfists



I've no idea what the fantasy scene is like or how competitive this league will be but if I have a strong list I may get some wins which is something I badly need haha. However I'm most excited about painting them it's definitely giving my hobby some serious motivation. I'm going to see if I can turn 1 of the ogres into a firebelly using some green stuff to create fire that'll save a bit of cash.
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