Tabletop Warhammer?

Putting the chaos lord on a bike, and giving him axe of blind fury is pretty OP at times as it gives a t5 speeding maniac, back that up with another 6 bikers all MoK and you get a group who can get into combat quickly and you are looking at 19 attacks from the squad, plus the chaos lord with a possible 11 attacks on the charge with a good roll for the daemon weapon.

Just checked my codex and havocs/CSM squad can not take plasma cannons, just plasma guns.

Thats brutal. How much does that come to though?

Loving the replacement storm shield! Star in the middle would be epic :D
After only starting playing again a month ago, two weeks into my local GW's stores campaign, 2 wins for the tau. A very close game against an infantry heavy IG army, and completely tabled a raven guard force.

Starts to get worrying when everything gets closer to the gun line with the tau, but then you realise that with 2 full squads of FW's at close range and an ethereal uses storm of fire your putting out 72 shots at a squad of assault marines. :)
For chaos lords I've always wanted to do something from the Crimson Slaughter book along the lines of

Chaos Lord, bike, mark of nurgle, daemonheart, blade of the relentless, slaughterers horns, sigil of corruption

Gives you t6, 2+/4++, hammer of wrath, furious charge, rage, it will not die and a sword that improves with each kill and after 5 dead you have +2 strength and ap2

I'd probably end up doing mark of slaanesh instead though since I have a Doomrider model lying around who already had a sword and horns and would be perfect.
Bit easier to kill with the way I'd run him with mark of slaanesh since a demolisher cannon would take him out since its strength 10.

Although I think this has made me decide that alongside my ogres im going to do some more work on my chaos army and get them back on the table next year. I miss my pink marines
Id be too scared to run someone so expensive without eternal warrior. One of the things which puts me off running Azrael with my DA.

So is the general consensus to run chaos with cultists as main troop choice at the moment?
Honestly I've completely given up being competitive in 40k but I think that's the way most people see it yeah.

Right now getting the pink guys back on the table seems like a fun idea but as soon as I remember my recent 40k games it doesn't seem as worth it as unless your bringing Knights or a Lord of war (which is what is annoying about Knights is they are just allies and not a Lord of war choice and don't count as then for any of the rules) which isn't chaos strong point. The new imperial armour helps massively though but I still dislike them being in normal games.

Although three deep striking hellbrutes could be fun. I have two of the dark vengeance models so getting a third wouldn't really be hard.
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Yeah, im not looking forward to going to battle brothers next year and just coming up against knight after knight... Its a bit of a shame how easy they are to work into a list, but hey ho.
Yeah last time I faced two with tigerius and just got tabled. I should have taken one out with all the melta but failed and even then I'd have really struggled to stop the 2nd. At least with ia13 I can have a bright pink Spartan or typhon or something else ridiculous. It may not win but it will turn heads....and stomachs probably
Although three deep striking hellbrutes could be fun. I have two of the dark vengeance models so getting a third wouldn't really be hard.

Do hellbrutes have deep strike by default? or is that some special rule hidden in a supplement, don't recall seeing it.

So is the general consensus to run chaos with cultists as main troop choice at the moment?

Considering their price its kinda silly not to run cultists imo, get them in cover and the autoguns are quite effective, 4+ to hit is not too shabby, S3 is a bit naff against marines but autoguns have rapid fire so a potential 18 shots + Heavy stubber (3 shots) + shot gun (2 shots) you are packing some considerable firepower for such cheap units.

In my last game I gave my pistol + combat weapon culists MoK which made them quite good for charging a unit and keeping it busy for a round, 2 attacks by default + 2 attacks on the charge from Rage and you have roughly 40 attacks coming into combat.

The problem with cultists are they are quite squishy, but if you can get them to their target they will easily kill their fair share.
It's a formation that came out along with 2 others. One is take 5 and they all get it will not die and one gets a 5++ (I think that's all it had) one is 3 of them deep striking but test for crazy every turn and I can't remember the other one. Currently putting together my list for the highlander (no spamming msu blast masters which I've accepted seems to be the way to go with slaanesh) tournament in a couple months. Need to find out if there's one before that though
Do hellbrutes have deep strike by default? or is that some special rule hidden in a supplement, don't recall seeing it.

Considering their price its kinda silly not to run cultists imo, get them in cover and the autoguns are quite effective, 4+ to hit is not too shabby, S3 is a bit naff against marines but autoguns have rapid fire so a potential 18 shots + Heavy stubber (3 shots) + shot gun (2 shots) you are packing some considerable firepower for such cheap units.

In my last game I gave my pistol + combat weapon culists MoK which made them quite good for charging a unit and keeping it busy for a round, 2 attacks by default + 2 attacks on the charge from Rage and you have roughly 40 attacks coming into combat.

The problem with cultists are they are quite squishy, but if you can get them to their target they will easily kill their fair share.

Thats pretty good. Does nurgle still give +1T? If so that might be quite a good sponge unit.

Ive still got my chaos from dark vengeance, tempted to expand them up a bit
Just grabbed the hellbrute data sheet, the crazed rules are not as bad as I remember.

Considering grabbing another 2 hell brutes so I can use that formation, but trying to figure out what to put on them, maybe, either plasma cannon and power first or one plasma and one twin linked las cannon.
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So part of my getting my chaos ready realistically involves looking at super heavies. As I had mentioned before a typhon was what I was considering however I'm now looking at possibly the brass scorpion. Ok so it's technically a khorne vehicle but painted pink it could be awesome. It certainly has the looks and with a 3d6 charge range it's going to get into combat and start ripping things apart

I've seen conversions of them using two defilers or a defiler and a soul grinder obviously not quite as smooth as that but still can look good and almost fits in more with the standard gw chaos aesthetic and is £82 vs £144

As far as stats go it's like 9 hp armour is 14/13/10 I think two s6 ap3 flamers, a demolisher cannon and a heavy 15 s6 ap3 gun with heavy bolter range. Also d3+2 stomps all for 700pts also 6 s10 ap2 attacks in cc and has a+2 on the damage table when it blows so you charge it into enemy lines which with 3d6 charge range it will make and let it destroy everything and blow up and kill more
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