Tabletop Warhammer?

Nope although bought some chaos (oblits, rhino and vindicator) and had another great triumph and treachery game with my Ogres. Plan to have my army re painted by February for the highlander
What are people opinions on squads like havocs, a purely heavy weapon squad, they are quite expensive for a squad that has to stay largely still but the fire power is useful providing they don't have to move.

Depending on who your facing I think obits are the better choice. Havocs are good with autocannons as a basic form of aa and popping light vehicles/infantry etc but if you were going with lascannons etc I'd take oblits. You can't fire the same weapon each turn but generally switching between lascannon and plasma cannon will be my plan. Can never have enough small blasts.

well I lost again 7-5, so much closer than my previous game but again my Lord scored most of those. Forgefiend survived the first round this time which was nice and kept his units busy long enough for a few sneaky cultists to get line breaker at the end.

My chaos lord w/ raptors once again made his points back and then some, eliminated a dev squad, scout squad, some Space marines and ezekial himself.

I really need to actually refine my list, maybe run two forge/mauler fiends and another squad of CSM at a minimum.

All in all a fun game :)

I'd say from my experience of forgefiends... Ditch them and try maulerfiends. I haven't used mine yet but my forgefiends did nothing for me when I ran two. Either with hades or ectoplasm. Certainly never made back the 400pts they were. Maulerfiend at 125 with the melta hits is a solid vehicle threat that with a 12 inch move and ignoring terrain has to be dealt with before it munches through some tanks.

If you want a vassal game or something to try out at some time before committing to any modelling let me know.

Also blood angels getting heavy flamers in tactical squads? But not salamanders? Screw that noise the Imperium will fall in a glorious cacophony of noise for this!
So ordered a few of the new blood angels bit to go with the shield of ball box set.

Will have

Captain Tycho
Tactical squad
Death company combat squad
Terminator squad
Baal predator.

No idea of points cost yet but should be around 1.5- 2k I imagine. Just need a devastator squad now I imagine.
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Nice haul.

I've pretty much got the infantry covered for my minotaurs and could now do with some armour. What tracks so people run with if any?

I like the thought of a land raider for my assault terminators
Started planning out my slaanesh warband repaint so far I'm thinking pink and gold/copper(it's GW hashut copper) I quite like it and think over a whole army along with the lime greens and baby blues I used last time should work well

That's very pink, I'm not sure I'd go with it, but potentially I can see it working.

I went a little "hobby idiot" last weekend and ordered the Shield of Baal set (I've got a load of unpainted nids, but no marines other than those in Dark Vengence), and don't have a small current rule book), then when I popped into our local GW store spotted a Stormclaw set which I picked up.

I'm planning on spending at least one evening a week next year painting up the Nid's, probably making a lot of use of my airbrushes, especially since the Vallejo Game Air paints came out and seem to work brilliantly out of the bottle :)
A combination of Game air, the Model Air undercoats (200ml bottles in about 20 colours for £11 each*), and the GW paints should make doing nids quite fast, especially if Vallejo do what they did with the model air undercoats and do large bottles of their game air primers, in which case Blood Angels and Ultramarins could be very fast, and Necrons incredibly fast (my bother is already looking at using the metal primer and washes).

In the meantime I'm spending one afternoon a week on average with my brother and a friend in our garage painting my brothers Realm of Battle city board which is slowly getting there, even if it is eating through paints like no ones business (I think we've gone through 4 or 5 bottles of Nuln oil), and large amounts of masking tape.
Having said that, if anyone else is looking at doing a realm of battle board, the airbrush is probably the way to go for doing the bulk areas in the normal pants first, as that saved a lot of time even if it has cost at least one needle so far.
I've also been making use of my craft robo sillhouette to make plasticard templates/masks for some things, which is saving a fair bit of time in masking up/protecting surrounding areas when doing some features, for example we've been using the airbrush and masks to do chevrons, and to let us spray and drybrush the manhole covers without affecting the roads, and when we get to panting the scenery I expect to use the cutter to make masks for various things (propagande posters possibly) which can then be used with the airbrush for fast details :)

*German Red brown would look great for carapaces I think, and there is a great tan or grey colour that I think would make doing Skaven plague monks a doddle (spray them wash their cloaks and just paint their hands/faces/weapons normally).
love the pink, Chaos removing the grim dark from 40k with fabulous colours!

So after my game and reading peoples suggestions I have decided to run a maulerfiend in future as armourbane + magma cutters sounds brilliant and they will eat tanks for brekafast lunch and tea! (providing they manage to charge them).

I am also going to make an effort next year to get all my current models painted up plus some additions I want, we should do like a fortnightly painting challenge to encourage each other to get painting (especially those of us with a fair bit in the back log)
Cheers for the compliments here's a comparison of my other forge fiends in the old colours

Going to have a busy few months although once I have my Ogres to 1000pts for next Friday I think there isn't that much of a rush as I believe they are holding off the fantasy campaign untill 9th edition next year so I'll probably get the last 3 ogre models done and then really get into getting my 40k stuff ready

Edit: Lordhughes my plan for mine is at the 1250-2500pt highlander tournament is to either allow my vindicator to survive to get more than 1 shot off or it'll be ignored untill it hits into something
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My plan is to run two maulerfiends (may magnetise them but it looks to be a pita) and a squad of obliteraters (at 1500pts), then have my bikes, two squads of CSM ( + rhinos) and cultists.

Then to extend the list up to 2k I am looking at maybe a helldrake or the deepstriking hellbrute trio plus some more bikes/infantry to fill in the points gap.
I wouldn't bother magnetising. Based on my usage I'd rather take havocs over a forge fiend. Looks like I'll be adding a battery of conversion beamer rapier platforms for the tourneys here that allow forge world stuff. 225pts for 3 big blasts of s10 ap1 at 24-48" range. That should do the job nicely. Probably going to do 3 deep striking hellbrutes aswell. Enemy has to deal with them and they should do some damage. They are always crazy so you can't rely on them but should still be fun.
I would agree with you on the havocs, from my experience a forgefiend just attracks a load of fire very early on and goes boom without doing much, if it gets a chance to attack then two plasma cannons are handy for dealing with infantry and light armour but its just to much of a target, my havocs where useless in my last game but that was more to do with dice rolls and him hiding his tanks behind a building for most the game.

But I like the idea of dropping tough units with the potential to cause a tonne of damage behind the enemy, going forward I probably won't run my havocs as a squad but use them for CSM squad heavy options, should have enough heavy weaponry on hellbrutes + oblits, then the potential of maulerfiends getting in and ruining someones day.

That conversion beam rapier sounds ridiculous! is that a barrage(?) weapon?, that's instance death on most units it manages to wound, which will be most things.
No not a barrage weapon so need line of sight. Under 24" and it's pretty only s6 ap4 I think. I always go double special on my csm squads. That way they are just as effective on the move. At the moment my csm squad is dual melta with ccw instead of bolters in a rhino when it's built. Other troops are noise marines.

Spent 20 minutes repainting a marine quickly. All I've done is repaint the pink and paint the gold on to get a rough idea how it scales down to a marine

I think when I strip them down I need to repaint the silver on the armour gold aswell
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Looking at your maulerfiend again I think the bronze is a bit too bright, especially with the bright pink, maybe try a test using the bronze colours as the base and first highlight, then a gold for the edge. think it might sit better against the bright pink. The impression of tarnished/worn gold rather than a wedding ring :P
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