I think I bought a Rolson precision side cutter/craft cutter last time, but I can't remember the exact name/model, iirc it was about £4, they're like
this but in black.
I tend to use them and a razor saw for most of my sprue cutting needs.
I spent most of yesterday in our garage with my brother and a friend working on our big project, and when I say big, I mean about 6 (possibly 8?) full evenings so far for the three of us
(although I'm not a great deal of help as i'm a very slow painter and at least an hour each session is spent chatting, or running around finding bits).
I'll probably post some pictures when we finish it which should with luck be after another session or two, as we're down to the last of the drybrushing, some final details and then the all important varnishing.
We did at least get most of the masking tape off it last week which means we're now seeing the progress.
As a little hint of what it is:
This, and a few other bits like it took me about 4-5 hours, I told you I was a slow painter
(thankfully most of the rest of the project has been done with either an airbrush or much larger brushes than the "standard" brush).
One thing I will say, vallejo air metallics are awesome for painting on with a brush (although they do dry out fast, so only a drop or two on the palette at a time), I suspect I'll not be using GW metallics much now, especially given the comparative pricing (and drying in the pots*), and the logistical issues when you're using multiple ranges (we use Vallejo model colour, model air, game air, GW current and still have some GW old and very old).
Also the GW "project box" is pretty good for what it is, I picked one up and can see it getting a lot of use with my next project, and my brother is using his one to hold the vast number of GW pots we've been using/gone through on our project
The quality of the painting by you guys is making me jealous
*I've been quite disappointed with how some GW paints seem to dry out in well sealed pots very fast (my brother has a couple that he bought 6 months ago and they dried out before he opened them).