Tabletop Warhammer?

So GW have released a new Assault Marines boxset...

£25 for 5.

The default tactical marines are £25 for 10. I initially thought they must be resin to be that crazy stupid a price but apparently not. I can't understand why you would ever buy this set and not just pick up the vanguard veterans that are the same price but with more parts and far better detailed parts.

Classic GW.
Aye, seems like pricing madness! You can expect a price increase for those veteran vanguards soon then!

The upgrade kits look pretty cool, but I can defiantly see them phasing out chapter specific tactical squads i.e. Blood Angel, Dark Angel and Space Wolf tactical boxes and just having that £25 tactical box along with the £8 upgrade kits. So your BA/SW/DA tactical squads will now cost £32 if you want them to look like anything other than Basic Marines.

Having not played the game in ~ten years, drunken Tummy decided to purchase;

  • 3 x Space Marine tactical squad
  • 1 x Space Marine Terminator Squad
  • 1 x Space Marine Dreadnought
  • 1 x Space Marine Commander

  • 1 x Brush set
  • 2 x Plastic glue (one thin, one thick)
  • 1 x Black undercoat spray

I've managed to dig out my old tool box full of old models, and found my old brushes (some ok, some not), my old tools (citadel set from a while back), some old basing kits and two tactical squads still in the box, one squad made and undercoated and one terminator assault squad built. (ignoring the 3000 points of Chaos from when I was a kid).

I also chucked in an order for a drill / magnets so I can magnetise my new models (Terminators / Dreadnought / Commander).

Putting in a pre order for 2/3 x Ultramarines upgrade pack and I'll also pick up some tactical squad shoulders (one of each).

Then it's building, undercoating and buying paint.
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I will put some pictures up after the FA Cup final :] I'll have a look / organise through things properly then.

I'll be able to find people locally no problem (I've still got a couple of friends that play casually), there is a club at Uni (there are two Uni's in Leicester and one of them definitely have a club), there is a couple of local 'gaming' places too I'm sure and then there is always the Games Workshop shop in the city centre whom I can enquire about getting help.

I primarily got them to paint I guess, I've always found painting / modelling therapeutic to be honest. I've only ever played the game a handful of times.
I managed to find my old original Blood Bowl board game the other day, complete with the fake concrete playing pitch:) Must hurt getting tackled on that.
Looking for a miniature game to play, thats cheap, and would work well with DnD (!) came across "Kings of War".

There are a couple of other "factions" that have similar £30 starter sets, as well as a £50 set with 2 armies.

The dwarven £30 starter set gets you (Can be found for as cheap as £25!):

20 Plastic Dwarf "Ironclad" - Your regular bread and butter troops
10 Plastic Dwarf "Ironwatch" - Your regular ranged crossbow or rifle guys
10 Plastic Dwarf "Shieldbreaker" - Your elite big hammer kind of troops
2 Dwarf Ironbelchers with crew - Your cannons


All for £30.... Now compared to what that would have cost you at GW for a similar number of dwarves, thats a damned bargin!

Anyone have any experience with the gameplay of it at all?
Anyone around Nottingham way this weekend fancy popping to Warhammer World for a pint and a mini meet? I will be there on Sunday with some mates playing a 6k vs 6k Apoc game. Will be most of my Tau vs Necrons and Orks I believe.
That sounds good - I have daemons at the minute but I'm starting an Eldar army if painting those has any appeal?

Hey. Eldar sound fine. I took some pics at weekend and will upload them in next couple of days. Can let me know what you think then. What sort of list ou looking at model wise? If you set up your trust you can email me details etc.

I see you are Nottingham based. Feel free to pop down Sunday to WHW and you can see them in the flesh. My friend is bringing his ones I paintrd for him including the knight.
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Old stuff;


Found some old models and unassembled models;


New stuff;


When I'm feeling better and the Ultramarnies upgrade packs are released I'll have a go with the new models :).
Is the heat effect done with the airbrush?

I'm love to get an airbrush, but I know my normal brush skills ain't even table top yet, so would just be wasted money until I can learn to get to a decent standard with a brush.

Infact, I "finished" a model for my DnD campaign, a Wight King from Fantasy. Was done following some tutorial on-line, and I'm moderately happy with it.

Yeah, its just about table top standard, but it/only/ took me 2 hours... considering these orcs took me the same amount of time (2 hours EACH!), it's not that bad. I think I am getting better (orcs were done before the Wight King!).

This post didn't seem to get much attention, but I'd put that Wight King a step above 'tabletop' for sure - really nice brush control, good outlining, nice highlighting.

I'd be really pleased with a finish like that, particularly in two hours!

How is it based? I'm always tempted to go for a stone (rather than grass) look for RPG stuff because they so often take place in tombs/caves.
@ Mockingbird - Ah thanks :D, am happy with it indeed, but it is deceptively easy to paint!

The base was part of the blister kit, has him standing on a tablet with the skull there. With foresight, I should have painted the base separately then glued it in place when everything was done as I couldn't get much done after I assembled it.

@ Tummy - Thats a lot of bits! you er, fancy sending me anything fantasy related? cheers! :D
I threw it all to my dad (not literally) and he's putting it on eBay (I don't use / have never used the site) as he is going to do with all my years of old White Dwarfs :).

I'm super excited to start putting some things together again, the wait is killing me. I'm holding off until I've got more models (I want two boxes of Tactical Marines to practise on) and the new Ultramarine upgrade packs are released & maybe will get some new assault marines.
Heck, I would wait to get more until the new Marines Codex is out, in a few weeks. Just incase things go crazy.

As for assault marines, in the current codex they suck ass... but as they have released a new kit that often means that they are in line for a super "buff" in terms of power. However, if you do get some, get the Veteran Vanguard kit instead, same price but waay more bits.
Yeh, I'm holding off on getting much more than another tactical squad, upgrades for the Ultramarines and the new assault squad until the new codex is released. I don't 'play' much, or rather I didn't play much, but I need a distraction over the summer and getting back in to painting will be good.
@ gradyhawks

If you're looking at possibly getting an airbrush, I wouldn't worry if you think your normal brush skills aren't "table top" yet (but from what I've seen of your models posted, it's more than table top), as the AB is a different skill set and you can learn the basics in a few afternoons. The first project I did with my AB was to do a bunch of Tau tanks, in two tone camo (fairly ideal given the large models), and a couple of friends have started to do really good work after a few afternoons work with the brush.
They are absolutely wonderfully painted.

I'm six foot eight and have huge hands, so I've always found the Lord of the Rings models exceptionally small and difficult to paint, so I'm in even more awe of that.
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