Tabletop Warhammer?

I don't even think the models are that good. Half of them are just space marines which we've all been painting for decades. Some of the chaos ones are ok but nothing really that outstanding. It just pales in comparison to other miniature lines.
Oh, I was really impressed with the sculpts. Yeah they are space marines, but I've not painted many :D!

I'll be using them in King of War, not warhammer, so won't have to use these crazy AoS rules. Reading through it, you don't have points any more ... you can have as many models as you like on the table... thats crazy.
I've been slacking on the painting front this week...but this evening I've managed to make some Dante progress :)

Only the Jump pack to do now.


That is outstanding!

I'll hopefully be putting together and starting to paint my two tactical squads and Dread today / tomorrow :).

Finally decided on my basing too! I'll try and chuck a pic up for opinions.
Yeah age of sigmar has killed off all my GW interest now. 40k was already pretty horrible to play and 8th edition fantasy sorted that for me. Now they have gutted it so I'll stick my Ogres up for sale tonight and that'll be me moved on totally. Only having a GW local means I don't have the option to play any other miniatures game. It's a shame but on the plus side it's gonna save me plenty money!

AoS is just a starter for a new system based on current rumors. More competitive and advanced rules are to follow over summer/autumn.

I'd hold off selling up for now if you have any interest in playing Fantasy.
+1 to ^^

I see this as just a very basic intro to the game here, I can see almost all the armies getting a revamp at some point along the line with some extended rules.

Anyway, in this current AoS rule's ogres seem to be one of the strongest races in the game due to the sudden death rule. You field 30 ogres, if the enemy fields 40+ of anything you get sudden death against him.
As much as an expanded ruleset would be good it would mean destroying most of what the rules are in age of sigmar. Which leads me to why bother with AoS if that's the case. Assuming the guy GW had answering questions about it is legit then we know there's no BRB coming and it's all going to be campaign packs and various scenarios to "balance" the game.

Honestly I hope something does come out down the line but it's a hobby I was already struggling to find the time for. It was hard to muster any enthusiasm to paint like knowing serious change was coming and now it's here it's just killed it for me. It's sad for me because it was basically my only social hobby but given how competitive my scene is I can guarantee any possible fun will be sucked out of it by waac players.
Check belloflostsouls for the release details of a new £50 AoS book and limited edition I'm coming weeks. Looks like rules to me as it shares same part code as old rulebook.
From faeit 212.

An official representitive was Forgeworld answering questions directly, and not shying away from the hard ones. Need to know about the future of points in AoS? Here are the answers.

thanks to a reader for sending this in.

Shared via Luca Pinsuti
"GW had a guy camped out at the Forge World open day whos entire job was to answer questions and talk to people about Age of Sigmar. His entire job is to go to shows and talk to people about the new game. For the first time I think ever they're taking Age of Sigmar to Gencon, Comic Con, all the major wargames conventions in Europe etc. They're throwing a considerable amount of money at putting this in front of new audiences who have never played fantasy before. He was also brutally honest and didn't dodge any questions and answered everything he could. I'll start with the negative stuff first.

This is it. There categorically will not be a '9th' edition of fantasy. Age of Sigmar is the only thing fantasy related GW will do for the considerable future.

He acknowledges that the 'funny' rules are rather silly and don't make for a great intro to the system for new people. His response was that the armies in the box set don't have the silly rules. They're there as kind of a celebration and final send off of the old warhammer armies, and he said you might notice the new armies don't have the stupid noises or imaginary friends. This is deliberate, its designed that you'll only generally play the old stuff with your mates since it's a bit embarassing to play in a public place.

The new races will look different to the old ones. Ooruks will not look the same as the orcs we currently have. As such, when they get round to releasing Ooruks, the old models will cease production. He did say that you can still use your old models as ooruks, but you won't be able to buy normal orc boys again.
There will never be points values.

On to the slightly positive stuff then.
They are going to fully support all modes of play, and will be releasing rules to balance armies against each other. There will be narrative campaigns where your forces are picked for you for specific missions, and there will be a system for tournament players to balance lists that isn't based on model count. He did not know the specifics of this, but said it is definitely coming.
The rules will always be free. He said that they are very very aware that fantasy had a massive buy in for someone to get started, as such the game was designed with the ability to play it with one box of models. There will be army books, but every rule in them will be available, for free, online. The books will just have extra background info and scenarios.

GW really are trying harder than they ever have before to make this work. If you're at one of the shows go and talk to them. They want to talk to you about this, but especially they want your feedback on it. As he said, this is totally uncharted territory for them and they are totally open to rules revisions as they go.

I forgot probably the best/worst bit. I asked him if he knew that it was possible to win the game first turn with the screaming bell/fateweaver thing. 'Thats deliberate' he said. 'You can do whatever you want in this game, but if you do stuff like that you probably wont have many people to play against."

Also from faeit

via anonymous sources on Faeit 212
I wanted to follow up on the AoS book. It will have 8 scenarios, some (they couldn't tell me how many) Warscrolls, and the 4 page rules. They also stressed this repeatedly. "It is not a rule book"

I just have to wonder, what did the BrB Have? Rules on the game. Basic model stats. Scenarios. This sounds like a $74 rule book to me.

More as I get it, but I think most will come on Saturday when they allow pre-sales.

None of that is all that positive in my opinion
@ aceytrixx - Agreed, all looks pretty dire. I thought they might entirely phase out the old armies and looks like it's going that way. Sure I am all in for new models, but Im sure these new models will NOT fit on the square bases so you won't be able to play 8th with them.
It's things like measuring from the model and not the base that's going to be so open to abuse. Suddenly everyone has outstretched swords to gain that extra distance. No longer being in blocks of infantry also ruins it for me. I loved that and it set fantasy apart I felt.
measuring to model doesn't get you any advantage. when you move a model no part of it can move further than the max move distance. & if you can measure from an outstretched sword for range, your opponent can measure to it as well. All the measure to model rules do is remove any advantages/disadvantages from all the different base size & types.
Yeah that's fair enough I guess. Just seems like there would be a way to abuse it somewhere since I'm not familiar with anyone else doing it.

I still don't think it's for me based on what I've read and I don't think there's a way to add on advanced rules without regard writing the rules and if that's the case then why do it this quick? Seems a waste to out these out to over rule them in a month or so. My foot has been half out the door for a while and really age of sigmar had to wow me and it hasn't.

Although it's not any less balanced than 40k ;)
I believe this is a test for 40k.

GW would love to make their games simpler to play so little Jimmy can pick it up quickly. Add to that removing a point system so you can just keep buying models when you fail to win and they are on to a winner. It's safe for them to try it out with Warhammer first because the sales were on the slide. If it is a success then I expect 40k to follow in a few years.
I believe this is a test for 40k.

GW would love to make their games simpler to play so little Jimmy can pick it up quickly. Add to that removing a point system so you can just keep buying models when you fail to win and they are on to a winner. It's safe for them to try it out with Warhammer first because the sales were on the slide. If it is a success then I expect 40k to follow in a few years.

I doubt GW are going to shoot the golden goose in the foreseeable future.
It's not so much shooting it as trying to improve their sales, the only thing they care about is selling more models. They've already milked the 'make strong things weak and make weak things strong' for each codex so people have to change their armies a lot. You can see how much they've struggled with the last few years codex releases to find new models to sell. They pushed apocalypse pretty hard as a 'forget balance, just buy lots of models and play them all at the same time!' We had the phase of just giving every army a big titan like release and we even had space marines in a second set of armour. I don't think a step like this is that hard to see.
I'm considering painting up some tyranids having played 40k when I was younger but not really having the patience or money for it all. Having watched a fair few painting videos, I can't decide between after the wash over the skin, if to dry brush (two stage) or to go for paint layering that will be more time consuming. The best effect seems to be using an airbrush, but I don't really want to invest so much at this stage.
It's not so much shooting it as trying to improve their sales, the only thing they care about is selling more models. They've already milked the 'make strong things weak and make weak things strong' for each codex so people have to change their armies a lot. You can see how much they've struggled with the last few years codex releases to find new models to sell. They pushed apocalypse pretty hard as a 'forget balance, just buy lots of models and play them all at the same time!' We had the phase of just giving every army a big titan like release and we even had space marines in a second set of armour. I don't think a step like this is that hard to see.

I did not think that Games Workshop were doing poorly, so the sales thing is a little confusing? They make good profit?

Also; having got back in to this and have got my Ultramarines force (more or less) nailed down (as in regards to what I'm gong to buy) and a small Necron force, I actually find the variety of models... poorer? Less varied than when I played as a kid (I found some old codexs and a catalogue from 2004).

Also; are they planning on releasing a new Terminator Captain/Librarian soon? The models are unavailable' on the store.
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