Oh no! My mate was unable to secure me a special copy!!
Looks like I will have to stump and get the plain copy...
What are the rule changes for Eldar? I believe physic powers are now like WHFB Magic?
Tyranids look to have gotten a big buff now they can basically glance vehicles to death very easily, shame as I've started to sell my tyranids on ebay![]()
Reading the new Empire army book, something has me stumped. A Wizard Lord may be mounted on a Hurricanum Celestiam thingy, but it is also a rare choice in the book. The Lord entry says it he may be mounted, but replaces an Acolyte and costs 130 points or so, now, what has me, is the fact the chariot globe thing is initially a rare, so does the 'mount' version count as a Lord points or just the Wizard riding it and the rest as Rare points?
Not 100% sure as I've not read the empire book, but for tomb kings, the cost of the whole model would come from the lord points (for mounting a tomb king on a warsphinx). GW is usually pretty consistant with this sort of thing, so I would imagine empire being the same
Any thoughts on the dry brush compound GW make? Got some golden griffon and necron compound.
Looking good, have you thought about adding a shade of blue into your grey, really helps bring out the colour on space wolves imo.
Also I'd perhaps add some flock/grass detailing to the base sporadically to break the colour away from his foot etc.
Oh and maybe colour the plasma section on top of the pistol
im rambling now, but TL : DR I like it.
Ooo I just remembered I had an all vehicle Eldar Saim Hann army, including a converted Nuadhu 'Fireheart'
and a 5 landraider black templar army
oo and the 1000point ish blood angel honour guard that were uber scary!
Oh the staff discount was good !