Two good youtubers below that had decent priming videos. Also check out cult if paint and the painting coach.Many thanks for highly useful feedback and kind and encouraging words Pardon the Wait and Warbie, it's much appreciated. Maybe I could do another wash of just Nuln oil, I can see how slightly more grime might improve it, my first one was so grimy due when testing a earthshade wash to paint thickness it looks like it's been dragged through a sewer and I left blatant sprues on it too, I guess I could say it was explosion damage on an unfinished armour set.
Really enjoying this as a hobby so I will try to paint the 20 models I have first as different space marine colours and then maybe something different, my ultimate plan is to do a fair job on the giant Space marines and chaos marine models that I have. Thanks to all for all the great advice in this topic because I know it's saved me likely having to give up, or just try strip paint off and start again, but I'll keep the first two as reference to know possibly how to get better on the next ones. I also may just try to paint the other that already has heavy black undercoat spray as more of a cartoon style rather than try strip its paint down.
I'll definitely sub to all the Youtube channels recommended and really appreciate all the great advice.
Did anyone get one of the Supply Drop Mystery Boxes? I hesitated too long and now out of stock so would be keen to know what is in them when they arrive for future reference
Don't feel so bad about missing out nowFrom what ive heard they're mainly stuff they cant sell, I bet they'll be some khorne bezerkers in every one and the old chaos possessed.
Treat yo SelfI’ve had the urge to buy a full range of paints for a little while now and wanted to try something new, so I’ve just dropped over £200 on the whole pro acryl range except metallics and washes.
Can’t really provide a good justification for it but I’m super excited so that’s nice
Treat yo Self
It's hard though when they have colour ranges just for specific armies. It's just the easy option hah
I believe Duncan paints are the closest match to CW with a slight better consistency.Yea true, but the pots out weight this imo, im so done with citadel paint pots.
Bought a couple from Duncan Rhodes range, not tried em yet but ive heard good things from some unbiased youtubers.
I also bought "royal purple" from Vallejo a few weeks back for my orks, great colour.
Trying to push the contrast. Which I'm finding difficult to do. In hand the models look a little darker and I could have pushed the highlight a touch more.You’ve got some really nice colour and shading going on on that armour, looks great
DeathwatchNot a huge WH40k fan but know a small amount and have a "who are they" question from a now lost Youtube video I saw a few months ago, where I'm trying to remember the name of a group which was formed a bit like the Nights Watch in GOT (or Dirty Dozen), where the best individual fighters from the various different loyal legions (no Chaos) would leave their legion to join a single "unit" to fight against the worst outbreaks of Chaos/Demons and I'm sure their armour was painted black - does that ring a bell to anyone from my fairly poor description?