Tabletop Warhammer?

Recently got back into this after a 30 year break haha! Used to have high elves, turns out the don't exist anymore so went for Lumineth!




Which then led me into buying a 3d Printer, where I found this chap, and I love him, long live Teclis!

Entertaining 1000pt game tonight. Ran 5 leman russes against a mates elder. Was just funny. Never has so much whiffing been done by so many dice.

I've ordered some new dice. Seriously, it was that bad. My vanquisher never landed a single shot despite using re-roll 1s. My plasmas all suffered mortal wounds every turn despite using re-roll 1s. His wraithlord tanked all 5 shooting at it for 3 damage in the first turn, which he healed using his spiritseer.

Still wiped him thanks to a heroic charge by my surviving russ at the end of the game which killed his last guardian.
Awsome painting.

Haven't attempted to paint since Christmas mass.

Hands were a mess so no point in even attempting to hold a paint brush.

Think it was a bad case if Chillblaines
I'd love to see how you achieve some of those textures. The steel, blues and greys look great. So much depth.
I'd love to see how you achieve some of those textures. The steel, blues and greys look great. So much depth.

Thanks :)

The rusty metal is dead easy, I nicked it from Mediocre Hobbies on YouTube, if you search for Mediocre Hobbies Deffkopta he shows the method there and it works really well.

Prime black, rough base coat of Rhinox Hide, stipple on a load of Ryza Rust, then drybrush with Leadbelcher. Paint in your body colour, not going to most of the edges of the panels, then drybrush Leadbelcher again.

I did some highlights and chipping and stuff as well but that really is most of it.

Then after it's painted I use Greenstuffworld Liquid Pigments Light Rust to do extra rusty bits, then after varnish and stuff I just splash a load of pigment powder all over everything. I use a light brown and an ochre yellow by Jackson's Art Supplies just because they're so much cheaper then any of the miniature brands for the same thing. Huge pot of about 100g is £4 or so, you get a tiny pot from AK or someone like that for similar money and it's just pigment powder, it's all the same.

I want to do some sort of pattern on his klaw, but a) I can't really be bothered and b) I don't really know what I'd do, I couldn't see how I could make checks look good, and I have no other hazard stripes in my army so... I just didn't. Relying on the pops of pink to draw the eye away from the fact there's almost zero other detail painted in on the model :D I'm trying to get an army painted here!
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Haven’t really painted much since July, bar the above marine (he’s got his head done now, but not worth the update :p). However I managed to score a commission doing the new Azrael model for a mate, who is then going to split the new boxset for me. I saw the new ad-mech daemon guy and thought he looked fantastic, actually a new model that got me excited to paint. Anyone else picking up anything from the new set?
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