No point. It would be covered in plastic and resin dust in 10 mins hah.Hoover that keyboard!
No point. It would be covered in plastic and resin dust in 10 mins hah.
I removed all the key caps before. Waste of time!
Looking good. I absolutely adored building and painting that kit, one of the few “re-imaginings” GW have done which captured a bit or the originals coolness.Ok basing is taking longer than expected.
Here’s a WIP shot of the storm speeder
For every 5 models in this unit 1 Plague Marine's plague bolt gun can be replace with 1 blight launcher.
For every 5 models in this unit 1 Plague Marine's plague bolt gun can be replace with 1 plague spewer.
For every 5 models in this unit 1 Plague Marine's plague bolt gun can be replace with one of the following:
◦ 1 meltagun
◦ 1 plague belcher
◦ 1 plasma gun
For every 5 models in this unit up to 2 Plague Marine's can have their plague bolt gun replaced with 1 bubotic weapons.
For every 5 models in this unit up to 2 Plague Marine's can have their plague bolt gun replaced with 1 heavy plague weapons.
it is. The way it comes together and the build was really enjoyable. If I remember correctly I'm building the hammer strike. Really happy the way the paint came out apart from the yellow but a few well placed transfers will hide my highlighting !!Looking good. I absolutely adored building and painting that kit, one of the few “re-imaginings” GW have done which captured a bit or the originals coolness.
I've got me a nice Word Bearers army but it's been tricky to get some actual games in. I don't suppose there's ever any OCUK member games in say London or Kent?
Any thoughts on this if it's not already happening? Would people be interested?
Edit - Dante's axe snapped in the middle.
Move up here. It's the perfect excuse. You know it's absolutely logical and makes absolute sense.
Also, I was looking and it seems knights are a really popular faction to play, but to me it just doesn't seem like 40k having like 3 massive units on the table. Tau as well, look like they belong in a Gundam game.
Friends in Manchester keep telling me to move there...
Which milliput did you use? Think I have white in my drawer somewhere.
I hear you. I was watching a nids Vs grey knights at the club and I thought CBA with all those little nids.
I guess the beauty of having the allied units options is that if you can't be assed you could just stick a massive unit (cost) in even if it's not optimal.
So I didI think you may have quoted the wrong post bud however I agree with both of you re the tyranids.