Tabletop Warhammer?

You know I'm painting up these old imperial guard (astra whatever these days I guess) and looking across the range of available models to buy new there isn't much out there I like.

The new version cadian shock troops are better, I like the sentinel models, any version of the chimera chassis, so hellhound etc.

As Dis86 pointed out above the new kill team Kasrkin, although really expensive, and if I'm brutally honest I prefer the aesthetic of the metal ones I have, but they are nice models.

Heavy weapon platforms are decent, any version.

I appreciate I have listed a fair bit above but nothing else interests me, I don't like ogrins/bullgrins or anything on horseback (latter doesn't fit 40k imo) don't massively like those Scions.

I've never liked Leman Russ tanks, to me they are an awkward mix of fantasy Vs semi realistic looking which to me doesn't work, same for the Rogal Dorn. I don't like any other of the vehicles either, actually the Baneblade is cool but I'm not into large models like that.

None of the characters are particularly inspiring, the command squads etc.

I always have in my head a good idea where to go with an army but not with these guys, might paint what I have up first, and see.
Woke up this morning checked my mail box and had an email from GW.
The nova event wow. Some of the best models yet!!!

New Iron Jaws, Fulgrim, and the below are simply stunning. There’s also new marines but I expect that was the loosing set from the wee event they did were we got more new nids as they won.

Heck if I make it to retirement at least I have something to do.

I saw that as well, will definitely be picking up Fulgrim to go with all the other primarchs I've got but am too scared to paint lol.
It's cool seeing upscaled Scouts and Assault marines but they seem to be slightly tweaked and the same as the rest. The IronHands looked very cool I thought and Fulgrim looked very cool. Although painting all those scales doesn't appeal. :D
So finally getting back into painting minatures and Ive noticed as Ive got older (in my 40s now) im having to time my hand shaking to when Im applying fine detail. I do brace my hands when painting but just wondering if any of the other old 'uns in here struggle with the same and what, if anything, they have found useful?
I'm a bit disappointed with the scouts although I can't put my finger on why. They are slightly tweaked upscaled versions which is expected but the pictures seemed to lack that quirkiness the originals have.

I do have a box of the new snipers (eliminators?) that I want to get painted up as a combined squad with the og scout snipers I have. The models look cool together I feel, gives a real sniper in training vibe. Or Level1 character vs level 20. :D
So finally getting back into painting minatures and Ive noticed as Ive got older (in my 40s now) im having to time my hand shaking to when Im applying fine detail. I do brace my hands when painting but just wondering if any of the other old 'uns in here struggle with the same and what, if anything, they have found useful?

Something to hold the model and hand bracing as you say. Also the fine motor control will come back in time.
These cork bungs / handles people use. what size and where do people get them? finding some of my models now there's no way I can hit certain parts of I used double sided sticky tape onto their base
These cork bungs / handles people use. what size and where do people get them? finding some of my models now there's no way I can hit certain parts of I used double sided sticky tape onto their base

No one in this house drinks wine so I got some from hobbycraft. People sell big bags of old corks on eBay as well.

I 3d printed some little handles to put corks in and they work well. It’s rare that I’ll bother pinning a model though, 95% of them get fully built and stuck on the base.

Painting 1500 points of necrons at the moment… no pinning, no subassemblies except on big vehicles etc, pretty much just drybrush, airbrush, no painting all the pipes, getting these guys done quick and dirty.

They look quite good though. Quantity has a quality all of its own as they say
They look quite good though. Quantity has a quality all of its own as they say

Yea it's what I go for, I paint armies not individuals.

So not display quality, but I paint to what I would consider a good tabletop standard.

What colour scheme are you doing your Necrons?

I painted a few but really struggled to get a good colour scheme that was different to the black and glowing green.

I tried to do a dark grey/glowing blue but it didn't work.
Yea it's what I go for, I paint armies not individuals.

So not display quality, but I paint to what I would consider a good tabletop standard.

What colour scheme are you doing your Necrons?

I painted a few but really struggled to get a good colour scheme that was different to the black and glowing green.

I tried to do a dark grey/glowing blue but it didn't work.
Seen quite a few overgrown themed necrons that look seriously impressive - might be one for me next after these stormcast eternals
Yea it's what I go for, I paint armies not individuals.

So not display quality, but I paint to what I would consider a good tabletop standard.

What colour scheme are you doing your Necrons?

I painted a few but really struggled to get a good colour scheme that was different to the black and glowing green.

I tried to do a dark grey/glowing blue but it didn't work.

I've done a bit of a rusty metal look for the base coat, turquoise shoulder pads and pink glow. Got some crystals for the base that I was intending to tint pink but nothing sticks to them so had to prime and paint which was a bit of a pain. I also got some turqoise base paste from AK but wasn't very happy with the colour/finish of it and it just didn't look very good so I'm going boring old desert.

I think the scheme looks ok and it's very quick. I could get a nicer glow, but the time involved for it I'm just not really up for. I spend a lot more time on some of my Orks as they're my favourite/main army but I've also got about 1500pt of Chaos Knights done with a fair few more waiting, and I've got an absolutely shameful pile of space marines that I really want to get to at some point. So I decided to really just go tabletop for these and I'm pretty happy with them tbh

Trying my best to not give up, I don't force myself to paint when not in the mood etc. My biggest frustration is seeing things and having no idea how to do it, mainly shading, where people have a smooth transition of colour. No contrast paints.

Take this Typhus I just grabbed, they have the colour darker where it would be but I don't get how it's done. I practiced (albeit like twice) a method from Duncan Rhodes where he applied the base colour and then applied black further down and going across 'wet blended' them together to create the gradual contrast. When I did it, I just made the whole thing black/streaky. I spoke about getting plasticard before to practice these methods, is this the right stuff?
Fed up of ruining models and stripping so want to pause and practice the techniques on something like that.

It’s called glazing. You paint everything green. You then get a darker green and thin it with either lots of water if Lahmian Medium (paint thinner), load your brush, offload a lot of the paint on to a cloth, then drag the brush in the direction you want the fade to appear. You have to do this many, many times, letting each layer fully dry to get a good transition.
Takes ages and something i'd personally only bother doing (trying probably more accurate) again for display quality pieces or special character units.
Latest view of the four I have been working on.

The one of the left was the first model and the one on the right is the latest work in progress - these have been done over a week or so but still very much finding my feet again. Im also playing around with colour schemes as well as trying to improve quality.

Close up of first model:

Close up of second model:

Close up of third model:

Close up of work in progress fourth model:

Feedback appreciated. Im using citadel and vallejo paints but I dont think I am getting the amount of water right when diluting them down. Washes are going ok, but my outlining needs some serious work. Also, using purple seems to be a major pain the proverbial.
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