Trying my best to not give up, I don't force myself to paint when not in the mood etc. My biggest frustration is seeing things and having no idea how to do it, mainly shading, where people have a smooth transition of colour. No contrast paints.
Take this Typhus I just grabbed, they have the colour darker where it would be but I don't get how it's done. I practiced (albeit like twice) a method from Duncan Rhodes where he applied the base colour and then applied black further down and going across 'wet blended' them together to create the gradual contrast. When I did it, I just made the whole thing black/streaky. I spoke about getting plasticard before to practice these methods, is this the right stuff?
Fed up of ruining models and stripping so want to pause and practice the techniques on something like that.
Keep at it, with your encouragement I overcame my fear of holes (!) and drilled into Dante's gun.
As said above, it's glazing. I wasn't really bothered about it until I got to my dark apostle and his green flames. Keep it to special characters I guess.