Tabletop Warhammer?

My first ever Space Marine finished off today.

Its for a community project at my local model/games store, the guy who owns the shop gave me the Space Marine to paint up any way that I liked.

Really pleased with it, mainly done in Citadel contrast paints.

Cheers All
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Pile of shame :mad:
Bah, beginner...;)

I'm not even going to attempt to photo my pile of shame, just imagine a pile of boxes about 4-6 foot high with unassembled models in them, then a bunch of really useful boxes between 4 and 18l in size with past assembled, assembled, and part painted models ;)
At some point I'm going to have to clear out my unused 40k stuff as I can't see myself getting back into that at the moment, except possibly for some of the nids.
I think I've still got two unopened copies of the Knights game because at the time it was only a tenner more at discount to get the pair of knights in that set (with some scenery) than a Knight on it's own.

I'm not even going to think about the likes of the Judge Dredd Mega Bundle from the kickstarter, or the Hellboy stuff.
Bah, beginner...;)

I'm not even going to attempt to photo my pile of shame, just imagine a pile of boxes about 4-6 foot high with unassembled models in them, then a bunch of really useful boxes between 4 and 18l in size with past assembled, assembled, and part painted models ;)
At some point I'm going to have to clear out my unused 40k stuff as I can't see myself getting back into that at the moment, except possibly for some of the nids.
I think I've still got two unopened copies of the Knights game because at the time it was only a tenner more at discount to get the pair of knights in that set (with some scenery) than a Knight on it's own.

I'm not even going to think about the likes of the Judge Dredd Mega Bundle from the kickstarter, or the Hellboy stuff.

Don't fall down that trap, you'll end up with thousands of points of 'Nids and <insert second favourite army here> me lol
Don't fall down that trap, you'll end up with thousands of points of 'Nids and <insert second favourite army here> me lol
I've already fallen down it..I'm just trying not to fall down any further.

My main force for 40k is Tau (I've got loads of Crisis suits etc), about 2500 points painted as of 2012 and probably the same again (I've got a pair of ghost keels and the bigger boy in box for example).
I've also got about 2000 points of Chaos as of ~2015, inc a half paint khorne mower and two Greater Brass Scorpions unassembled.

I won't mention the Empire and Skaven from Fantasy, I'd just bought a shed load of Skaven and started bulk painting them when GW killed it off. Currently I've got several boxes of Storm Vermin etc in parts in some tiny really useful boxes.

One of my friends has quite possibly got enough GW product to pay for a small house*, but unlike most people he's got most/all of it painted. He is the only person I've ever heard of who can basecoat models in a moving car, fortunately he doesn't doesn't paint and drive he only does it as a passenger.
We still talk (in awed whispers:p) about the time he assembled and painted something like 1200 points of Necron in about 36 hours back in around '06. Admittedly Necron are quick to paint to tabletop standard, but even so they looked good and if you didn't know about when he started clipping them out you'd never have suspected.

*At least in some parts of the country, but he's got a well paid job and has been collecting for 25 years.
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Bah, beginner...;)

I'm not even going to attempt to photo my pile of shame, just imagine a pile of boxes about 4-6 foot high with unassembled models in them, then a bunch of really useful boxes between 4 and 18l in size with past assembled, assembled, and part painted models ;)
At some point I'm going to have to clear out my unused 40k stuff as I can't see myself getting back into that at the moment, except possibly for some of the nids.
I think I've still got two unopened copies of the Knights game because at the time it was only a tenner more at discount to get the pair of knights in that set (with some scenery) than a Knight on it's own.

I'm not even going to think about the likes of the Judge Dredd Mega Bundle from the kickstarter, or the Hellboy stuff.

No point getting rid of it! You’ll only end up buying it again!

That or more stuff to replace it :p
Got a delivery today.

The army must grow.

I soaked some minis overnight in IPA and this morning the paint has barely shifted. This IPA is allegedly 99.9% and yet is working completely differently to the other stuff I had. I'm just going to leave it in there for now but I won't be buying it again.
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I love that the post above is less than 6 months after your first "I might get a few models to see if I like painting them" post in this thread @Noxia :cry:

Nah, hate it :D

I wasn't expecting to be able to play the game at the time, then I found out I like the game, the rest is history.
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Who ever recommended Scale 75 gold metallic's. You're a rock star.

almost finished this new scheme for my wolves. Think it's my best work to date :)

bolters still peeve me off tho hah
Whilst we are on the subject of plastic I have gone from this.

To this in under 3 months.

I wont go into all of the paints I have now got plus a spray booth and everything that goes with it.

The second photo is missing the Thunderstrike Command box as that went in the bin about a week ago.

Cheers All
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@roman59 I really want to paint some Salves to Darkness just too much epicness!!

I’m completely chuffed how this turned out but I can’t take good photos lol. Attempted a few below.

Still can’t paint leather or bolters :D

Yes I am looking forward to painting the Slaves To Darkness.

That Marine looks fantastic to me well done !

Did you see the weapon I painted on my green marine ?

You should check out Warhipster on Youtube his painting tutorials are well worth a watch, pretty sure he covers leather in his videos.

I would suggest Cygor brown or Garaghaks Sewer contrast paint as a base colour for the leather with a bit of orange drybrushed over the top.

Cheers All
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Do SW not have aquilas?
First Born choose their armour when they past the trails. Ornate and very stylistic.

Primaris Spacewolves? Well once they are accepted well they are Spacewolves! We do whatever the **** we want to do :D

We customise the Aquila’s also remove the skull and replace with gems or animal skulls.
First Born choose their armour when they past the trails. Ornate and very stylistic.

Primaris Spacewolves? Well once they are accepted well they are Spacewolves! We do whatever the **** we want to do :D

We customise the Aquila’s also remove the skull and replace with gems or animal skulls.

Oh ok. I know nothing of their lore. Got some parcels arriving tomorrow... this will decide if I paint Iron Hands or Imperial fists. Fists are arguably easier but after reading the rules, my play style is very much Iron Hands, dreads, tanks, dreads and dreads.

Guess what I need to do is have the same units painted for every single chapter just to satisfy my autism :D
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Got some reasonable pics taken of the display case as a now final completed project arranged by colour for its initial display. Clearly a lot of them could be painted a lot better, but overall they do combine to make a nice, colourful display in a compact, enclosed case. The magnetic bases keep them in place so it can be moved around easily. Overall I'm really happy with how it came out as a beginner's project.

For reference the 20 chapters as as follows from back row left:

Dark Krakens, Death Spectres, Hawk Lords, Ultramarines, Dark Angels

Aurora, Mantis Warriors, Atlantian Spears, Dragonspears, Space Wolves

Executioners, Grey Knights (fake as they can't be Primaris), Minotaurs, Blood Angels, Exorcists

Celestial Lions, Imperial Fists, Mortifactors, Wolfspear, White Scars

All have either 3D printed or official transfer chapter heralds except Aurora and Blood Angels that I painted early on when I didn't have any of the others on hand. All have alternative magnetised helms except the Imperial Spear which I glued on as my very first attempt that I went back and tried to rescue. Very happy to call the project finished and to move on to painting the Grey Knights combat patrol set that I've already built and magnetised between gaps in painting this 20 marine display.

Head's up for a few more images, hope all get some time for painting and modelling over the Christmas break.






With helms


Got some reasonable pics taken of the display case as a now final completed project arranged by colour for its initial display. Clearly a lot of them could be painted a lot better, but overall they do combine to make a nice, colourful display in a compact, enclosed case. The magnetic bases keep them in place so it can be moved around easily. Overall I'm really happy with how it came out as a beginner's project.

For reference the 20 chapters as as follows from back row left:

Dark Krakens, Death Spectres, Hawk Lords, Ultramarines, Dark Angels

Aurora, Mantis Warriors, Atlantian Spears, Dragonspears, Space Wolves

Executioners, Grey Knights (fake as they can't be Primaris), Minotaurs, Blood Angels, Exorcists

Celestial Lions, Imperial Fists, Mortifactors, Wolfspear, White Scars

All have either 3D printed or official transfer chapter heralds except Aurora and Blood Angels that I painted early on when I didn't have any of the others on hand. All have alternative magnetised helms except the Imperial Spear which I glued on as my very first attempt that I went back and tried to rescue. Very happy to call the project finished and to move on to painting the Grey Knights combat patrol set that I've already built and magnetised between gaps in painting this 20 marine display.

Head's up for a few more images, hope all get some time for painting and modelling over the Christmas break.

Amazing project!

Already thinking about my next army even though I still have so many orks to paint :cry:

I'm thinking of going for Crimson Fists, any other ideas?

I want something that's:

- Pretty shooty - Orks are so melee heavy, I want to have fun setting up massive gunlines and blasting people from afar.
- Enough lore/specific rules to make them interesting.

I could just go Imperial Fists but I'm not a big fan of yellow, and love the Blue/Red contrast of the Crimson Fists, as well as the fact lore wise their biggest enemy is the Orks, could make for some fun battles!
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