Tabletop Warhammer?

This tool looks great too ;)

Cheers all

Am I crazy for not bothering to spend too much time removing mould lines/sprue offcuts etc?

Personally the worst part of the hobby for me is building models, I find it finicky and annoying so the less time I have to spend doing that the better :cry:
Am I crazy for not bothering to spend too much time removing mould lines/sprue offcuts etc?

Personally the worst part of the hobby for me is building models, I find it finicky and annoying so the less time I have to spend doing that the better :cry:

With that in mind, if seeing them on your final painted model doesn't bother you either then no you're not. Got to do what suits you :)
With that in mind, if seeing them on your final painted model doesn't bother you either then no you're not. Got to do what suits you :)

Might help that I’m an ork luddite, so can just pass them off as either mushrooms spores on the skin or clanky bits of metal on anything else :cry:

I’d never get anything painted if I spent all that time removing every imperfection! Mind you with the amount of model stripping going on in here I don’t think anyone gets any models painted :p
Might help that I’m an ork luddite, so can just pass them off as either mushrooms spores on the skin or clanky bits of metal on anything else :cry:

I’d never get anything painted if I spent all that time removing every imperfection! Mind you with the amount of model stripping going on in here I don’t think anyone gets any models painted :p

I hear you. Can't make painting mistakes on death guard (it's just decay, disease, dmg etc).
Trying to decide what my 2024 projects will be for the various games I play.

Ages of sigmar
  • Flesh Eater Courts
  • Cities of Sigmar
  • Soulblight
  • Eldar
  • Tau
  • Dark Angels
Decisions decisions
I had a look at Tau the other day as it's not an army I've ever looked at, was surprised how few models there were. They are pretty cool but the aesthetic just seems weird. Dark Angels cool because Deathwing Termies.
Nearly finished my void dragon to nightbringer kitbash as the official model frankly sucks after 20 years.

Need to find an appropriately sized head and some final smoothing and finishing on the body.

May even increase the size of the scythe blade but undecided on that atm.

PXL_20240114_180952174.RAW-01.COVER.jpg PXL_20240114_181004670.RAW-01.COVER.jpg
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Nearly finished my void dragon to nightbringer kitbash as the official model frankly sucks after 20 years.

Need to find an appropriately sized head and some final smoothing and finishing on the body.

May even increase the size of the scythe blade but undecided on that atm.

PXL_20240114_180952174.RAW-01.COVER.jpg PXL_20240114_181004670.RAW-01.COVER.jpg

Is all that green stuff... green stuff? If so great job! Well I mean great job anyway but especially if you've sculpted all that
Got a little side project on the go at the moment, I've got a redgrass games painting handle which I really like. Drew up and printed some extra tops for it and got some museum putty because it's basically the same stuff they supply with it. Then I was chucking some stuff away and found a handful of 5mm shelf pins like you have in wardrobes and kitchen cupboards and decided to make basically the same handle again but printed, I'm doing some different size/shape tops at the moment but I've got a big army project planned soon so this will be a big help I reckon. I can just bang out loads of these.

It's very light so I think I'm gonna do some handles with provision in the bottom to put a big M10x40 bolt in the bottom to give it some more weight but other than that, pretty good I reckon.

Oh also if you currently stick your models to cubes of wood or whatever to paint them with blu tac, definitely recommend museum putty, it's much much more secure, really good. It's not expensive and it goes a long way. The stuff I've got is called Quake Hold or something.

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So today I started my kill team box set, started with krieg minis. Haven’t quite made my mind up what colour scheme to go with. So I stick with the blue coats and trouser the box art colours. There is a part of me that wants to build a whole krieg army, winter bases, snow effect around the artillery etc. so I am thinking about painting them with off white coats and grey helmets. What do you guys all think?
PS also think of doing an Old world army. Think I will need an another mortgage for all these GW products.
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