Tabletop Warhammer?

A trio of Contemptor Dreadnoughts I painted up for my 30k Alpha Legion!

Deathwing Knight Terminator Chaplain conversion I was working on earlier. (Deathwing Knight body, Reiver Skull Helmet chopped to fit and position appropriately, as can be seen its VERY close to an official Chaplain helm, Asmodai's Forearm/Crozius)

Had figured it was going to be a quick job, in the end was actually a bit of a headache to get the arm at the right angle to line up properly at the elbow. Ended up having to fill in some gaps with 'sprue glue' but I think once painted up you wont be able to tell :)


Edit: I've still got one more of these to do, now, knowing how much of a ballache it is to trim at the elbow, I'll probably see if I can get a clean clip on the hand/wrist instead. The forearm and weapon are semi moulded together which makes it more difficult, but I doubt it'll be much more of a pain than this was to get moderately neat lol

After they're complete I'll have the standard Terminator Chaplain (although I bulked the Crozius up a bit), this guy, and the second conversion that I'll likely position the weapon and shield differently in. The Deathwing Knights have the shield/weapon arms opposite way around to the official Terminator Chaplain so it'll give a nice bit of visual difference across the 3.

I did one other minor kitbash yesterday which was simply an armswap for the Leviathan Terminator Sergeant. He's got a very nice pose (and a shame that the new Terminator squad box doesn't offer it for the sergeant in the box as well) but the power sword he comes with is a bit puny. Swapped that out for the Terminator power 'broadsword' that comes in the Dark Angels upgrade sprue. Substantially bigger and more imposing, and again ties him in more with the rest of the army.

I've also got 2x Terminator Captains from the Combat Patrol magazine to do, to go with the one I got with Leviathan. Not planning any major changes with them, but I will be replacing the 'shouty boy' head they come with a Deathwing Knight helm, as it'll really help cement the vibe and give a little bit of a differential across the range but with coherent themes etc. I might also give them Power Fists by swapping thier arms with the ones from the standard Terminator Kits, BUT I do like the nice large Relic sword they come with so again Rule of Cool might well pip the better strength on the fist (which fits very well visually with the Dark Angel Upgrade Kit's Terminator Sword and the DWK Relic Sword also). Not sure there, on a Captain, I think either option works, and I'll have the arms, so I might do one of both. Standard Leviathan Termi Captain, Termi Captain with Deathwing Helm, and Termi Captain with Deathwing Knight Helm and Power Fist, again, a bit like the Chaplains, would give some variance :)
Maybe I'll just do Fists on both? Not sure. I like swords due to that knightly vibe, but Power Fists are also very iconic and although one less attack they're substantially stronger. (Str 8 v 5). I might even put fists on them both and knick the standard Captain Terminator Relic Sword to put on one of the Deathwing Knight Masters :) The fact I could do DWK helm and Fists, and then the guy who DOESNT have the helm gets the vibe sword, flavour still ties them together.

I'm not customising every model or squad in the army, that gets way too much, but a few flavour touches here and there with part swaps from one kit to another, help bring the force together a bit more cohesively/into the theme.

The bit I'm struggling with slightly is my Deathwing Knights. The updated rules KINDA make me think I should run 2 squads of the 3 with Maces, to help them pop hard targets, however, as I'm kinda going with that 'Knights in Space/Knightly force around the Lion' vibe, I'll probably go with 2x Sword and 1x Mace, as swords and shields just feels super appropriate, and eh, rule of cool and loving the army is always the best option. The concession I've 99.9% decided to make is I'll use some Deathwing Knight singles to make sure I've got both weapon options available for the squad leader; so for all 3 squads, at any given point, I can decide to run a game with the Knight Master with the Relic Weapon (Great Sword) or the Great Weapon of the Unforgiven (Flail/Mace). I have the spare bodies as I picked up a few singles in preparation for the Terminator Chaplain conversions, so this just kinda feels appropriate. I note the rules don't lock the squad leader to the same weapon as the rest of his squad, so I can quite easily take Mace squad with Sword Leader or sword Squad with Mace weapon, which gives me options, all the whilst allowing me to run what I visually prefer. As above 'borrowing' the Captain's Relic Sword for one of them would also vary the pose for the Knight Master nicely.
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I'm tempted to cancel the combat patrol magazine in all honesty because I mean I haven't even looked at the one I got and that's just going to accumulate over months.
I'll see how it goes I guess.
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I'm tempted to cancel the combat patrol magazine in all honesty because I mean I haven't even looked at the one I got and that's just going to accumulate over months.
I'll see how it goes I guess.

If you're not having to wait to mid October for yours (like I assume I am because there's still no details of any deliveries whatsoever on my account), you can probably sell any you're getting for a while for a profit on eBay :p
If you're not having to wait to mid October for yours (like I assume I am because there's still no details of any deliveries whatsoever on my account), you can probably sell any you're getting for a while for a profit on eBay :p

Meh effort for little value. I tend to attribute everything now to is it really worth my time and most things are not? Lol.
I guess I could just keep them in storage boxes sealed. Granted there will be some bits I want, but then I'm just like well why didn't I just buy those particular bits I want.
And no, I got my first two editions the other day.
Yeah, I think I subbed too late and ended up in the "We've sold out but we'll keep taking orders anyway and figure it out later" batch
Vizzik ready for some primer, not attached the head yet as it will easier to paint it first then stick in on after all the painting is done.

Stunning model & yes he is big !

There goes some of my Christmas bonus before I even got it!!!

Squidmar Infinity and the Squidmar wet pallet ordered!!!

Been fighting the urge for the new evolution or even the Ultra since they came out!!

Warrick from H&S is one hell of a salesman.
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