Tabletop Warhammer?

We always spray water through as part of the cleaning :)
Although we tend to go with tap water.

We don't tend to spray into a cleaning pot, mainly because we've got a spray booth/extractor which means we can just spray at that ;) (it's handy for the airbrush, nearly vital spray cans if spraying inside, we used to have black/white powder coating every surface in the garage before we got the booth).
i used to do 40k when i was younger (13-16)
had a tyranid army and a small spacemarine army
i then moved onto the black templars when they were released and sold the tyranids.
i was never really into playing it, as others have said i prefrred building/painting/imagining

the whole universe is pretty cool, i have a couple of books from there now

but 40k does bring back good memories! used to go down to my local one (sutton coldfield) on a saturday and just hang around and play a game or two.
but then i moved down to exeter and kinda lost interest as it was such a trek to get down to the store, that and the fact that the models became so expensive!

a while ago i brought the assult on black reach set just to pait them and have the occasional game
Good guide to the Dettol method here:

Be extra careful with plastic models though.

I've googled the same thing and apparently dettol is the best at removing paint without damaging the models.

Used to play 40k stopped playing about 18 years ago, bought Doom and the add-on off the bay a while ago with the aim of teaching my oldest son. Going to use those tips to get these figures from the games clean and repaint, thanks.
Re airbrushing - I'd really recommend going to Flory Models and joining the site. The bloke is a professional model maker and there's hundreds of hours of builds on the site. His basic modelling and Airbrushing DVD's are highly recommended and I learnt loads from them.

I wouldn't recommend Dettol - it stinks and is not so great at getting rid of sprayed primer coats. I'd use Fairy Power Spray or Simple Green if you can get it.

BTW - if you get more into it, the chaps at Everything airbrush are super helpful if you give them a ring and will really try to steer you down the right path when buying new bits.
All you disillusioned "older" gamers should try different systems other than just GW ones.

I still play 40k myself and currently building up a Space Wolves chapter, however Flames Of War is taking most of time up lately (gaming wise)

You DO NOT HAVE TO SPEND HUNDREDS with GW. You can but you do not HAVE too.
I wouldn't recommend Dettol - it stinks and is not so great at getting rid of sprayed primer coats. I'd use Fairy Power Spray or Simple Green if you can get it.

Agreed, Dettol does pong a bit, although I think I've become immune to it. I've found a good overnight soak combined with judicious application of an old toothbrush will shift a sprayed primer coat - had to give Gandalf from the new GW Hobbit starter set this treatment last night as I made a bit of mess with of him whilst trying to decide on a colour scheme :(

I've seen mention of nail polish remover and brake fluid also being used to strip plastics.
All you disillusioned "older" gamers should try different systems other than just GW ones.

And there are plenty to choose from at the moment. From attending a few shows over the past couple of years it's almost as if the hobby is going though a renaissance given the amount of new systems springing up. Many are skirmish oriented games with a minimal amount of models required to start playing, but with plenty of scope for building larger forces.

A few I've encountered over the last couple of years:

There are also numerous historical systems to choose from, including Hail Caesar and Black Powder from Warlord Games. The beauty of a lot of these systems is that you're not tied to one particular manufacturer for the miniatures, and can shop around for any that match the historical period.

Lots of fantasy football around at the moment as well; in addition to Bloodbowl there's Dreadball from Mantic, and Relics: Armistice League from Tor Gaming

It's worth keeping an eye on Kickstarter and Indigogo too, as a lot of new systems will look to these platforms to gain funding and you can pick up a lot for your money.
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Well got my order and got the models built :) Wont be doing anything flash with the bases so will be spraying and painting them over the coming days :)
Gandalf & Bilbo - white primer, very watered-down base coat, strong tone Quickshade applied with a brush, and finally a quick application of Testors Dullcote to get rid of the sheen. No highlighting.

Pretty happy with the results given how quick this technique is.

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Looking good :) from what I have heard quick techniques are best for the hobbit series, the guy in my local GW has 30 odd Goblin's to paint this week. he sounded very excited by the job ahead :P

also does anyone know when the next White Dwarf is released?
Aw great news for the Tau - I found a squad in the loft I forgot about so this will be my second army :D

Finally got my army build over Christmas for the Chaos just need to paint them now :D

Quick question regarding Monstrous Creatures in 40k I have a Demon Prince as my HQ but it doesn’t have an Armour Save it just says '-' can any1 help me with understanding how to play him. I know that they have had a few bits added to them in the 6th Edition rule book but it just doesn’t seem to be going in!
Daemons have an inherent invulnerable save. You can only use 1 save (Armour/Invuln) so he will get a save. The majority of his resilience to damage will come from his high toughness though.

I am looking forward to the new Tau book. I have been mainly buying ForgeWorld models awaiting the new GW plastic releases as I don't like to buy twice.

Now I just need a Wood Elf book this year to update my fantasy army! Although less interested in the models as I am in the process of tracking down 1990's monopose Wood Elf archers to bulk out my force.
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Daemons have an inherent invulnerable save. You can only use 1 save (Armour/Invuln) so he will get a save. The majority of his resilience to damage will come from his high toughness though.

Thats great thank you :D So is that only 1sv throughout the game or per turn? I do have 4wounds and a decent amount of toughness.

I did want to go with Typhus but I will see how I get on with the Nurgle Daemon Prince :)
Its a save per wound. You only get to use your best save though. eg. 3+ Armour save and 4+ invuln would give a single 3+ save against each wound.

For weapons that ignore the armour however (eg AP3, AP2 or AP1) then you would still get the 4+ invuln.

For a Daemon prince, you just get an invuln but I can't remember what the exact value is.

The high toughness means that rolls to wound will be harder but stronger weapons (Lascannon, Krak missile etc) will still get a decent try on a 4+. You then get your save against each wound inflicted. You die after you lose 4 wounds.
Thats great thank you, you have managed to clear this up - I am new to the gaming side of warhammer 40k lol I did start it at 14 but starting to enjoy it again :)

You have me interested in the Tau as my second army now ha-ha I was wondering when they will be getting a update :D
I have my Nid's and its been a while since i last done it. has there been an update in the codex or am i alright using 1 from a while bk lol
I have my Nid's and its been a while since i last done it. has there been an update in the codex or am i alright using 1 from a while bk lol

Best get the most upto date one, look at the cover of yours and compare to the one on the GW site should give you an idea if using the current one or not

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