Tabletop Warhammer?

Its frustrating that the new codex are £30 as they are hard back :( Need to get the Chaos one but am not keen on spending that amount as I already have the Orks and Nids one... Although the Nids one is now out of date lol.
I found I got a PDF version and use it on my tablet lol

It took abit of searching but eventually I found one, also did it for the 6th edition rulebook
...the guy in my local GW has 30 odd Goblin's to paint this week. he sounded very excited by the job ahead :P

I can empathise - I've managed to paint just 6 of the goblins so far, but decided to break things up a little so made a start on my Federated States of America for Dystopian Legions. I'll alternate between those and the goblins over the next week or so.
Nearly zero progress on my models over the last week, combination of Christmas and feeling rubbish means all I've got done is to magnetise 120 bases, and that took a couple of days :p
still trying to decide a colour Scheme for my Chaos Terminators, So far ive got one painted completly red and 1 painted partially in Purple although want to try reversing the base/top coat on my purples and see what it comes out like on another model Quite liking the purple so may go for Purple/Green or Purple/Gold
Finished my first Forgeworld Broadside and a Devilfish last night. Will get some pics up later. White is proving to be a difficult colour to paint and every mistake takes ages to fix.

I'm looking to move beyond the GW/Citadel range of paints, and wondered which other ranges do you regularly use and recommend?

Some on my shortlist to try:

  • Privateer Press "P3"
  • Vallejo Game Color
  • Vallejo Model Color
  • Reaper Master Series
  • Army Painter
  • Foundry
  • Coat d'Arms
Privateer P£ are from memory basically the original GW paints from the 90's (I've got a few of them, including the orange for my tau).

Game Colour and model colour are both good, although you can't dip your brush into the pots, and if they separate they're a pain to remix (must finish paint roller!).
Cheers Werewolf. Was it Coat d'Arms that were the original GW paints?

I quite like the idea of the Vallejo (and Army Painter) droppers for accurate mixing, and the Game Color range match the previous generation of GW shades - very handy as most of the colours I use seem to be different in the new GW range!
First of my 3 FW Broadsides. 2nd is done but base is still drying so no pic.



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