Tabletop Warhammer?

Not aimed at anyone directly but getting your paint layers really thin, especially undercoats helps massively when sharpening up the look of your models. From a lot of years experience painting this might help a few :D


- USE A SPRAY! Undercoatign by hand will be so much thicker

- I know this is massivly common sense but a really long shake of any undercoat paints helps get a very smooth thin layer first time, 30 seconds minumum, longer if youve not used the undercoat in a while.

- Also starting and stopping your undercoat sprays is adding more layers of undercoat than you need, try be continuous with your flow of spray if at all possible.

- If you find that pressing down the top of the undercoat makes your finger freeze up, a rubbber thimble or a chopped off bit from a marigold helps youkeep it pressed for longer. (Tip from an old work colleague)

- I found that most of the time If I was undercoating I'd try and get it as thin as possible and only use one coat. Any thin areas left after the sparying can be touched up with a slightly waterde down paint of the same colour.

- Undercoating/leaving to dry in a really cold area will sometimes lead to graining on your paint. Dont undercoat when its -2 outside!

If I think of any more I'll add in on :)
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Any tips on highlighting my warp talons - my paints come tonight so I want to make them better! also going to get the bases sorted out and put up a final picture of the finished product!
Any tips on highlighting my warp talons - my paints come tonight so I want to make them better! also going to get the bases sorted out and put up a final picture of the finished product!

Its hard to tell from the image if you have already, but I think some very light edge highligting on some of the metal areas would bring it out a treat. Wouldn't need to be much just a thin line.

Some of the white lines ive added here as example areas I'd look at


They look pretty badass tho :D
My 10 year old daughter is showing a bit of interest in this. Her teacher runs a Warhammer club in school and she has always been quite captivated by this sort of thing. Would you seasoned campaigners please link any resources you use with regard to painting the figures etc. I know there are some nice videos on You Tube but there must also be some decent fan sites etc.

I have bought her some paints and brushes and just need to pick up some figures for her to start on. I suspect it will be a bit of an ordeal at times as a 10 year old won't be quite up to the level of many in the thread but I am quite prepared to help her as its something we can do together despite me having no experience either.

Any tips on which fantasy/LOTR models to pick up as starters without spending a fortune?
I haven't done any highlights at all on them as of yet just waiting on the paints I ordered lol but even with them white lines they look better haha cheers btw

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No worries, it will just lift the metal areas out and give it depth.

Also if you can a lighter higlight right across the eye area will lift them too :)

Im a bit of a highlight-a-holic truth be told. When painting shop armies I used to get told off and to hurry up as I would be highlighting even rank and file troops :D
No worries, it will just lift the metal areas out and give it depth.

Also if you can a lighter higlight right across the eye area will lift them too :)

Im a bit of a highlight-a-holic truth be told. When painting shop armies I used to get told off and to hurry up as I would be highlighting even rank and file troops :D

I know that feeling my armies are in a state of perpetualy being worked on, I tend to want to make every single model look brilliant which is my downfall.
Some really impressive painting, when I collected for a little while my painting was total crap.

Think I only ever played (attempted to play) about 3 games, preferred the collecting part. Plus I wanted to make a Hobgoblin army and people said it wasn't allowed :p
Well I used to do it when I was aout 16 then stopped because it was expensive - The reason I am back into it now is that a friend who really likes the computer games said he wanted to try collecting them and playing a few games. So I thought what the hell I will join him and started a Choas Army which I have got the battleforge (from GW) and the Choas part of the vengance pack off e-bay for less than 30quid which I dunno if that is a good price but I now have a decent amount of painting to get on with ha-ha
Hi all,

This may seem a bit off-topic, but I'm hoping that people who shop around for Warhammer gear may know where I can get Warhammer 40K shirts?

I came across a site called RedBubble, but read lots of negative reviews.

IIRC they used to sell some in the shops, but stopped doing it for some reason, but as has been said they still sell some in the bugmans bar (it would be nice to be able to ail order some though).
Another Kickstarter worth some attention (in the next 32 hours before it closes) is Kingdom Death: Monster.

Kingdom Death produce some amazing (and sometimes very bizarre) miniatures.

Yes, I have seen that, but to be honest, I really don't like there figures...they are...odd to say the least...I don't think I can paint them and use them as display's somehow...
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