Warning...this thread is for people interested in or have already whitened their teeth. Metros only.
Buuuut as topic...last thing i heard a few years back was related to crest (?) strips.
Whats the latest nowadays?
I recently paid to have my teeth professionally whitened so i can share some first hand experience good and bad.
It cost around £350, but i ended up paying a bit extra as a i was a new patient and had to see the hygenist first for a deep clean.
First off you go for a checkup and they assess your teeth. If you have any problems such as gum disease or other tooth problems, its a no go until that's sorted. I was okay so i then had to go back for another appointment where they take moulds of your teeth so that you can insert whitening gel (peroxide) into the moulds and you wear them overnight.
Second appointment, they stuck this cold, purple clay like stuff in my mouth and pressed it against my upper and then lower teeth and held it in place for 30 seconds or so to allow it to mould. It didn't taste great, but it wasn't too bad.
They sent that off to the labs and i came back two weeks later to collect my moulds.
The dentist gave me a bag and inside it had two whitening pastes and some special toothpaste. One was a weaker whitening paste and the other was a stronger paste.
My instructions were to put a small dab inside each tooth position inside the upper and lower mould that was visible when i smiled. The dab was small, you only needed a tiny amount as it spreads over the front of the tooth when you put the mould on.
You then sleep with the moulds on over night and can't take them out for 6 hours for best results. It was hard not to dribble with them on and it took some getting used to. The first few nights weren't great sleeps and i was keen to wake up and get them out of my mouth.
You keep going until you use all the first paste and then move onto the second. You can take a break for a day or two tops if your teeth get sensitive in between. They do get sensitive, luckily mine weren't too bad but every now and then when breathing through my mouth one of my front teeth would get very sensitive. I would describe it as a second or two of intense brain freeze.
They provide special whitening toothpaste and sensitive toothpaste and some special dab sticks which provide quick relief if your teeth/gum get sensitive.
After i spent two weeks doing it i had mixed results. My teeth were a bit blotchy, really white in certain places near the tips and less white near the root/thicker part of the tooth. They also had like white blotches on them. I was a little disappointed initially.
Went back to see the dentist but he said not to worry, the white bits means the tooth is dehydrated and normal, it means the peroxide works as it dehydrates the tooth. He said give it a week or two and they will go back to normal and will match up okay.
I doubted it but he was right, and in the end i was happy with the results and they blended nicely.
The best thing is once you have paid the £350 up front or thereabouts, you can buy top up whitening paste which only cost £40 or so as you still have your moulds. Obviously if you have major dentistry work like having a tooth out then the moulds will need to be re-done, which is the expensive part.
The effects last at least 6 months and up to 2 years.