Teeth whitening - Recommended kits?

Has anyone tried a mix of baking soda and peroxide when brushing or does the peroxide only work if in a tray and hence let to soak for 30 mins or so.
Has anyone tried a mix of baking soda and peroxide when brushing or does the peroxide only work if in a tray and hence let to soak for 30 mins or so.

I am not a dentist but a combination of both? :eek:

I would say this would be not great for the enamel. I used to use Baking Soda occasionally when I smoked and (used in much moderation) it works; whitening toothpaste and kits, I would not bother.

Since giving up (I tried a whitening kit once and felt the burn so removed - put me off for life). To be honest - see a dentist about whitening.

The showbiz diamond white smile is essentially false and implants. Unless you are blessed with 'Hollywood' teeth from birth, you are chasing rainbows.
That charcoal stuff seems to get decent reviews, might try that. I wouldn't expect miracles though. Don't dentists have to grind your real teeth down to fit veneers?
That charcoal stuff seems to get decent reviews, might try that. I wouldn't expect miracles though. Don't dentists have to grind your real teeth down to fit veneers?

Yep, into itty bitty little stubs, so if you ever lose a veneer you look like terrible for next week or so however long it takes to get an appointment.
That charcoal stuff seems to get decent reviews, might try that. I wouldn't expect miracles though. Don't dentists have to grind your real teeth down to fit veneers?

Charcoal isn't going to whiten anything AFAIK, it just removes stains. You can get toothpaste with baking soda in for the same reason and I'd be more inclined to just stick to that or would ask a dentist first before trying charcoal.

Veneers are generally for old people or people who haven't looked after their teeth and have a mouth like a sewer. (exceptions including accidents involving chipped teeth etc.. of course)

To get whitened teeth you just get your dentist to bleach your teeth with a take home kit, none of this BS laser/UV light treatment stuff either.

Main thing is just to get a good dentist and ask them...

You go to the dentist ever 3 months?

They seem to sell people on this, especially some private dentists trying to make $$$$, I went to one in the city and the dentist didn't even do a quick brush/polish himself at the end of a checkup - separate hygienist appointment for that and the hygienist, strangely enough, "recommends" coming back to see her every 3 months. Dentist himself "recommends" a visit to him every 6 months.

Went to a different dentist locally to me, the guy is also a lecturer and former examiner with a load of experience, tells me that actually it depends on the state of the teeth etc.. and I don't need to come back to see him for 18 months... oh and it wasn't beyond him to do a quick clean/polish himself after the checkup either - in fact he does some sand blasting thing too. Was lower prices than the city one and seemingly a much more experienced dentist too.
Yeah our dentist used to do a scale and polish every visit, now he sends people to his 'hygenist' who charges extra.
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