TERA release date announced.

best area by far that I played was here (cant remember what its called as was ages ago!)

plus some of the later dungeons are incredible.
If you thought quests were dull, Tera takes them onto another scale. They're so poor.
Thought I'd reinstall today to say hello to old friends I'd left back in October. 716th in the queue. These clowns running the show just never learn.
It may not be for you, it is for me.

Well considering you said "what a joke" i was letting you know that is fine for me. So it's nothing their end, probably something your end.

You sure you've downloaded the EU copy and not the US one? That might be why you can not use the password recovery.
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If you thought quests were dull, Tera takes them onto another scale. They're so poor.
Thought I'd reinstall today to say hello to old friends I'd left back in October. 716th in the queue. These clowns running the show just never learn.

I've not played this since about 1-2mths after release but I know what you mean, at least in WoW the quests have variety... in Tera it was just hub after hub with the same 5 types of quests just with different mob names, it was more persistence than enjoyment that kept me going. :(
I can't seem to play this...launcher pops up fine, everything is up to date but when I push play, it takes at least 10mins just to start even loading and when it does it stops responding etc. Tried googling it and seems the same problem is happening to a lot of people :(
It was on Steam last time I looked but its a bit pointless as Steam will just launch the tera launcher anyway. Also the SteamUI overlay thing doesn't work on it. Better off just downloading the installer/client from the Tera webby.

I gave in yesterday and went back on. It is sheer madness ingame - there are players EVERYWHERE due to the server merges. Lag was OTT too due to the sheer increase of players. 600ms pings were normal on my end with 60mb broadband.
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Well I played this last night (albeit solo), and I rather enjoyed.

The quests are about as dull as it gets, but combat is good fun, and I'm a fan of the art style.
Yeah im 32 at the moment and the quests have barely changed, it's just rinse and repeat for them other than the odd good one. It's a good game and i enjoy the art style and combat system.

I did buy this for release, but to many other games were out and to be honest fed up of paying £9+ a month for games. So i decided to leave it, only having picked this up again as it's free to play and im having a lot of fun.
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