Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

Had a couple attempts at the Eye of C in gold/tungstan armour. Got owned :/

Expert mode does not **** about.

Beat it with iron armor and jungle yo-yo for the first phases and frostbite arrows for the last part (when it goes crazy). On the other hand, Eater of Worlds is major a pain, the projectiles do too much damage, a few mistakes mean certain death..
Beat it with iron armor and jungle yo-yo for the first phases and frostbite arrows for the last part (when it goes crazy). On the other hand, Eater of Worlds is major a pain, the projectiles do too much damage, a few mistakes mean certain death..

Get a slime saddle first and then you can kill the eater of words solo with ease.
hmmm id been playing 2-3 days solo while waiting for the server to go up, and now i cant be bothered to start again as id put so many hours into getting hearts etc. :( my characters still pre-hardmode, can i go on FTs server with it or would that not be fair? Everyone seems to have got quite far on FTs server already (as pre-hardmode goes) so not sure i can bring myself to start again
What kind of stuff do you have mrbios?

Maybe log in with a new character and ask where people are up to and then just downgrade your already established character to a similar level? You could always then just upgrade some bits from your stashed items as everyone else advances - just keep yourself around the same level and avoid re-doing any grinding/endless digging.
What kind of stuff do you have mrbios?

Maybe log in with a new character and ask where people are up to and then just downgrade your already established character to a similar level? You could always then just upgrade some bits from your stashed items as everyone else advances - just keep yourself around the same level and avoid re-doing any grinding/endless digging.

That sounds perfect, from the looks of the chaps in there at the moment they're at the point of farming demonite from the worm, so if i put on meteor armour and then put on my demonite armour once they have enough (also means doing the bosses less as that way i dont need the mats) that sound ok?
Sounds good to me :)

Currently on with Reeve and Mouldy, one now has shadow armour, and one has meteor (selectively staying that way) so im using my set of shadow stuff now until anyone else gets further :)

Luckily i never went hard mode on my solo game, just spend ages loving the normal mode so none of my items are far ahead of what seems to be in play at the moment :)
ello gents :)

Mrbios - take it you got into the dungeon on your solo sojourn? If not that'll be nice to play through for gearing. I think a couple of us have eyes on getting a handgun (necro armour and the phoenix blaster are about my favourite pre-hard setup think Reeve mentioned it too).

If there's a spare Murumasa to make the nights edge as well then all good :D

How goes the worm slaying? Sorry to hold you guys up.
I picked up a mini shark and needed more meteor so have taken a water bucket down and blast mined some freshly made obsidian :D There's not much else I need prior to getting the dungeon opened up now (maybe molten armour as it's got good defence till we get some dungeon time in).

AM liking the fact the bosses drop all their stuff in the goodie bags now and it's done per player. That makes it way fairer/easier.


Hopefully there's more out there, but the surface is the place to look for aglets.

I also spent a bit of time in the jungle last night and I came across the coordinates for another nest and the jungle temple.

4050 West
1400 Depth

3700 West
1700 Depth

How goes the worm slaying? Sorry to hold you guys up.
I picked up a mini shark and needed more meteor so have taken a water bucket down and blast mined some freshly made obsidian :D There's not much else I need prior to getting the dungeon opened up now (maybe molten armour as it's got good defence till we get some dungeon time in).

The worm slaying goes well, we're not having any difficulty with him now but the materials are harder to farm for so we haven't really killed him much.

To anyone else popping on the server, all of the loot in the chests in the NPC house is available to anyone as far as i'm aware so take what you want. I really want to get the dungeon boss down now so I can get access to the safe, even when I clear my inventory up I still only have a few slots spare.
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There's some tracks leading all the way to the dungeon now, I've timed it and it takes 90 seconds to go there which is better than the 5+ minutes it would have taken before. There's also still a lot of spare hearts in the chest from when I want exploring in the jungle this morning, I thought I may as well pick up as much as I could as this server will probably be going into hard mode sooner rather than later and it will be hard to farm for health at that point.
Doh, just when we'd broken into the dungeon.

Merc and Reeve, what we going to do with all the dungeon loot? I looted a Muramasa and some handgun before my untimely death :p
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