•Solar Flare armor set Dash ability now only consumes flares when it hits an enemy, and any hit enemy will result in a Solar Radiance explosion!
•Party Girl's spawning chance has been increased
•You can now take Camera Mode pictures of wiring if you hold a mechanical item while taking the pictures
•Fixed certain issues with the Stardust Dragon's damage and rebalanced him to be more in line with other minions
•You can now hide the Moon Charm and Neptune Shell's effects...or put them in vanity!
•The final boss' attacks now use their own cooldown for immunity due to how naughty some of our players have been.
•Potentially fixed lag issues when using Steam multiplayer
•Potentially fixed invasions not trigerring when they should (Martian Probes)
•Fixed Money Trough turning 'Quick Stack to All Chests' button invisible
•Fixed Javelins drawing behind doors on all cases
•Fixed Keys of Light / Night not working through autopause
•Fixed nearby crafting stations not updating when you open inventory in autopause
•Fixed 'allow mounting' check not taking player's velocity into account (mounting into ceiling exploit)
•Fixed breathing meter appearing when hanging on to a ceiling that has water in it
•Fixed content files not being compressed
•Fixed Umbrella art not being consistent
•Fixed Solar Eruption item stray pixel
•Fixed Jellyfish expert mode counter hitting you when you can't hit the Jellyfish
•Fixed Drill Containment Unit being able to mine Demon Altars before Hardmode
•Fixed certain Penguins not counting towards the tally
•Fixed Dryad not selling Vicious Powder during the Bloodmoon on Crimtane worlds
•Fixed issue where Shroomite and Psycho Knife stealth would work on mounts
•Fixed issue where Martian Probe would trigger Martian Invasion clientside
•Fixed Cultist Boss summoning issues in multiplayer