Dammit, I'd already left for the gym by the time you posted so it'll have to wait til next week now! Few questions for you though, if I may
You may.
When you pyramid down, do you also add more weight? I'm assuming yes! Also, any reason for using a BB rather than DB? I'm bit of a DB whore you see!
Yeah increase the weight as you decrease the reps. No real reason which ever works best for you. I find with DB's my traps work overtime (though I don't use a backrest) . A bar I can really focus the contraction and place the load over the delts as the traps aren't, for me, recruited as much. Although DB's should offer a bigger ROM and more intense contraction if done properly. Could save the BB for the superset.
Basically any pressing movement for your anterior delts here will be fine. Big ROM, but stop at the bottom of the rep before you loose the tension and again stop at the top before lockout so it's constant tension.
I don't understand this one. By upper body being parrallel to the gorund, do you mean lying down on a bench?
Yes in effect that's the position your upper body needs to be, or on a slight incline. If you've got a high bench that gives you ground clearance then by all means try them lying down. Basically if you keep your arms in the position that you would finish over head press in with a slight bend in the elbows, slightly wider than shoulder wdith. See how internally rotating your wrists feel, if it kicks the rear delt more do it. Pritty much want to finish the top of the rep so that if someone looked down on you it looks like a 'Y'. I found just sitting on the end of a bench and then putting my chest on the knees worked well for positioning.
If this was FaceBook, I'd Like the **** out of this paragraph. I ****ing love supersets, and ****ing love Arnold Press; mixing the two together with some upright rows sounds all sorts of awesome. However, should I go for volume (ie 10 - 12 of each) or weight; I normally aim for 3x8 when doing Arnies?
You could vary your shoulder workouts on a weekly/fornightly basis. So do some heavy and some light and base all your reps on whatever the workout (volume/strength).
I found upright rows with overhead press for a double superset to be absolutley brutal.
Arnies and seated side laterals would be pritty killer.
You could also do a tri or giant sets:
Overhead/shoulder press, Upright row/shrugs, side laterals.
DB shoulder press no backrest, powercleans/upright row, facepulls/horizontal front raise, seated side laterals, front raise.
1 giant set should be enough, maybe 2 tri-sets.
I assume Shrugs are an essential part of a shoulder work out then! Bit gutted as I ran out of time to do these last night as I had to meet my mates for a swim. Trying to train for a triathlon for next year; but I can't really swim! One length fine, but any more and I'm absolutely knackered. Just a lack of any good technique, so I'm working on it
Shrugs I used to do on my shoulder day too. However I've now moved them to my back day as the traps are a big 'diamond' shape coming down inbetween the shoulder blades. And so to me are more a part of my back than they are shoulders. I'n my experience and using my logic shrugs won't do much for actual shoulder development (I may well be wrong).
When I do my shrugs I lean slightly foward and shrug up but also slightly back. Leaning foward makes shrugging slightly back a natural part of the movement and it also takes pressure of your spine and engages your core more. I find this up and back movement easiest with DB's but be sure not to flex your elbows as you do the movment.
If you need anything else explaining just shout.