*** The 2010 Gym Rats Thread ***

bloody hell thats a lot of weight. well done

Cheers - only ever managed one sketchy rep before - I'm back in the swing of things now, and managed a couple of sets of 3 reps nice and deep (to just below parallel).

Just need to get that 250kg deadlift in, and then crank the weight up on the squat and I'll break 600kg.
Yep, I've got the same issue - have keep really tense on the other side to take the weight from the strained side, which means that both are killing me after a while of sitting up. Did it last thursday so hopefully it should be fairly mobile by next weekend - maybe stay out the snow park for the first day or so....:p

Mine was so bad that after lying down I couldn't get up again, couldn't even lift my head foward. Looking up and down would take about 15 seconds. Sleeping became a night mare, rolling over wasn't happening. Good thing my chair at work swivells. Learnt my lesson :p
Ive went back to stronglifts in the last 2 weeks as I enjoyed doing it earlier.

Ive now got my Squat at 97.5 - 5x5 to attempt today. 95kg was easy enough with 90sec rest between each set.
I finally have internet once again. No more will I be forced to do everything on a tiny phone screen :).

On another note I'm off to do HST :)

Nice work on the squats FF, them some big weights
I did back today, and I had a go at doing dumbell shrugs to pre-fatigue my traps before doing barbell ones. I also had a go at seeing how much weight I could pick up on the barbell, and picked up 200kg (mixed grip)... it's really heavy!!
can anyone sort me out with a good shoulder and legs routine, haven't really felt like i've made much progress :(
About to go to the gym in 40 mins

help would be much appreciated!

Im not the person to ask for legs but for shoulders id try.

Standing Military Press, Side Raises, Shrugs, Seated DB press.

Something pretty simple.

Maybe some front raises if you havent hit chest recently
Anyone got some sort of idea of when I should start eating like a giant wombat? and not like a snail

Come down from 18.9st to 15.3st as of last weigh in, im thinking of around 14.2? Im 6ft 2 and looking to pack the muscle on, am I better off cutting really hard to get around 10% bf and then going for it? or trying to bulk for lean mass before then incase my skin is too stretched.
can anyone sort me out with a good shoulder and legs routine, haven't really felt like i've made much progress :(
About to go to the gym in 40 mins

help would be much appreciated!


I have an absolutely brilliant workout for shoulders and all you need are dumbells and a bench.

When you do this workout it has to be Max OT. You have to do it with the maximum weight you can handle while practicing good form to get 4 to 6 reps, more than 6 reps means you have to up your weights.. so with that in mind try this!!

"Dumbells only"

4 x sets of Arnolds
4 x sets of "W"
4 x sets of Upright rows
4 x sets of Lateral Raises
4 x sets of Seated Military Presses.

Stand for all but the seated military presses

This workout is absolutely excellent.... trust me!!

This is a good example of the exercises needed for this workout, its awesome!!
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ok thanks, I'll do some squats and calf raises for legs, is there much point in doing leg press and squats on the same day?


Going by the BennyC and Freefaller mantra; when it comes to legs, volume is key! I do 10 sets of squats (slowly working up then hitting a drop set or three) then move on to 7 or 8 sets on the leg press; again, putting the weight up with each set, then doing a drop set. THEN I'll do two more leg exercises; be them calf raises, leg curls or leg extensions :)

I really can't stomach doing lunges after squats tho! Blurgh...........

@BennyC, these shoulder workouts are ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL :p
I really can't stomach doing lunges after squats tho! Blurgh...........

You should try doing SLDL's after squats & press now thats horrible/down right dangerous as the quads are so fatigued stopping your knees bending the wrong way is tough!
@BennyC, these shoulder workouts are ABSOLUTELY BRUTAL :p

Good! Mix it up every 2/3 weeks and go heavier with less reps but the same intensity. I found my shoulders quickly adapted to the weights I was using so time to change it up again.

Those "W"s look good. Never thought of doing it like that before. Always done pure vertical presses. :)

Yeah 'W's are good.

'Palms out' press is good as well but quite hard to master and was devised to help bring up lagging lateral delts. The only videos on it are from like the 60's/70's. Basically DB shoulder press with palms out and DB's tipped inwards. Then you want the 3 middle fiths of the range of motion pushing up and back.
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