*** The 2012 Gym Rats Thread ***

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I'm on 5/3/1 at the moment also. What are you getting on your + sets? LiE likes to get around 12 reps on week 1, 10ish on week 2 and 7 ish on week 3 if I can remember correctly :D Personally I like to get heaver doing around 8-10 on week 1, 5-7 on week 2 and 3-6 on week 3.

10 Squat
12 Bench
8 deads
OHP - going just now.

I suppose 8 isn't a bad number, it just felt horrificly harder than squat and bench.

Yeah I think I prefer solo training now, I go with a guy with work when were on the same shift which is good as he's stronger than me so pushes me that extra bit.

I think your right mrthingy ;)
That seems not bad to be honest. Is this your first week doing 5/3/1? Big but boring helped me a lot with deadlifting and getting better rep ranges after a few cycles.
I've not had much off an effect from the BA in my pre workout. Just a little more energy and being more able to focus, even doubled the dose once and it never had any different of an effect.
I got my mate to come squatting with me the other day, he says that he's never going again due to it hurting too much the next day. Massive, massive gay. I've stopped going to the gym with him.

Anyone else here on 5/3/1 LiE?

Why are my reps for deads so low compared to BB/Sqauts! Is this normal for everyone else? Should I lower the weight?

Maybe I just need to MTFU and smash out more reps :o

Deadlifts can be a bit funny if you're not on form, they aren't great for doing big sets. You really have to dig deep.

Your calculated RM from the +set should be very close to your RM you enter for the cycle.

Here's my last cycle of 531 I did.

I've not had much off an effect from the BA in my pre workout. Just a little more energy and being more able to focus, even doubled the dose once and it never had any different of an effect.

That's because it doesn't do any of that.

Beta alanine increases (over time - most studies go in for 10 weeks minimum) the concentation of nutrients in your muscles, the end effect being lean mass and strength gains. IT also requires the 'right' dosing, too.

It does not do anything for energy, focus, etc.

nothing spectacular going on here. the main thing is this:

"Just messing around trying to learn "continental" technique. I very rarely use this and need to put it in my arsenal before I began competing again in 2013"

Kevin Nee is coming back to strongman! Hopefully he can carry on from where he left a few years ago :D
Yeah, hit the top level very young! Damn those injuries. His eyebrows are still like huge black caterpillars too!!
That's because it doesn't do any of that.

Beta alanine increases (over time - most studies go in for 10 weeks minimum) the concentation of nutrients in your muscles, the end effect being lean mass and strength gains. IT also requires the 'right' dosing, too.

It does not do anything for energy, focus, etc.

What's the right dosing?, i've still got some i might as well use it up.
I'm sure he was only 19/20 in his first WSM, makes me wish I'd stuck with the gym back in school :o Not that I'd be anywhere near that level.

What's the right dosing?, i've still got some i might as well use it up.
3.5g daily I think is what was used in most of the studies.
That seems not bad to be honest. Is this your first week doing 5/3/1? Big but boring helped me a lot with deadlifting and getting better rep ranges after a few cycles.

I have mate, but went ill for a bit and lost a stone so went back to SS to gain my strength back before going back to it. So never went above 5reps in a while, especially deads. Mind over matter I think.

Deadlifts can be a bit funny if you're not on form, they aren't great for doing big sets. You really have to dig deep.

Your calculated RM from the +set should be very close to your RM you enter for the cycle.

Here's my last cycle of 531 I did.


Those are some bad*** numbers! Yes I see what you mean, I done 5/3/1 before infact I think I may have brought this up before and you had a look for me! Just being over cautious (over delvis :p)

That seems not bad to be honest. Is this your first week doing 5/3/1? Big but boring helped me a lot with deadlifting and getting better rep ranges after a few cycles.

I have mate, but went ill for a bit and lost a stone so went back to SS to gain my strength back before going back to it. So never went above 5reps in a while, especially deads. Mind over matter I think.

Deadlifts can be a bit funny if you're not on form, they aren't great for doing big sets. You really have to dig deep.

Your calculated RM from the +set should be very close to your RM you enter for the cycle.

Here's my last cycle of 531 I did.


Those are some bad*** numbers! Yes I see what you mean, I done 5/3/1 before infact I think I may have brought this up before and you had a look for me! Just being over cautious (over delvis :p)


Can't really tell untill the end of the cycle but meh.
Most 'efficient' dosage (i.e. lowest amount to make a difference that doesn't leak too much out through your kidneys) is 10mg/kg of bodyweight for each dose.

So I weigh 92kg, which means I'd take 920mg per dose. I generally round this up to 1g.

However, doses of up to 40mg/kgbw have been tried, but that generally results in parasthesia and a lot of wasted BA. However, they don't generate a significant difference in power increase.

Start at somewhere between 10-20mg/kgbw, with enough doses to get 5g/day into you. For me, that's 1g/servicing, 5 times a day. :)
No - beta alanine gets converted into carnitive -> carnosine, so as long as you have a decent diet, it should 'work'.

Do bear in mind, you're not suddenly going to lift like Magnus Samuelsson or whatever - BA, like creatine, require at least a couple of months to make noticeable differences (against control studies).

So you might have to get more, depending on how long your supply lasts.
No - beta alanine gets converted into carnitive -> carnosine, so as long as you have a decent diet, it should 'work'.

Do bear in mind, you're not suddenly going to lift like Magnus Samuelsson or whatever - BA, like creatine, require at least a couple of months to make noticeable differences (against control studies).

So you might have to get more, depending on how long your supply lasts.

Wonder how something like beta alanine would work in a steroid abusing fool like myself? Ive never committed any thought to compounds like creatine and BA as when natty they have so little effect as to be negligible imo, but i wonder biologically whether juice creates any defecits which would benefit from the addition of either compound, its the sort of thing that has absoloutely no studies conducted, i wonder.
Nothing wrong with water retention, I don't notice and difference while on creatine so the difference must be minimal.
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