Thanks. I just about finish 3 sets of 5 at the moment, anything failed I finish off with negatives. To be quite honest it is the grip and my forearms that let me down so I have been deliberating the purchase of some straps. Not sure whether to go for them or just keep digging away at the pullups without them in the hope it brings my grip up to scratch. Thoughts?
If you feel your grip is holding back your work then straps are there to help.
HOWEVER, I personally feel that by jumping onto straps you're also missing out on some good grip work. Though saying that I do very little grip specific work.
A few things that may help are:
Plate pinches
Fat gripz on dumbells/barbells when doing some of those exercises or alternatively do towel holds - i.e. hang a towel and grab the 2 halves and try and hold yourself up as long as possible - holding onto a towel is hard and creates a great forearm pump.
Static holds
However, I'm not a fan of grip specific training - things like captains of crush are a waste of time as they just train crushing strength. I mean you can do things like finger press ups, rubber ball pinches etc... but I wouldn't spend time in the gym specifically training grip.
I do deads before my pull ups, and then finish off with some DB rows with fat gripz - the make the dumbbell handle VERY thick - i.e. around 4" in diameter.
So my grip does get hammered.
This has taken years of training without straps. When deadlifting try DOH grip as much as possible. When putting plates away, or moving plates, try doing them with plate pinches instead. When doing chins, when you've finished your set - just try and hang there as long as possible - if you get forearm pumps and pain it means you're doing it right. Also, white knuckle grip - i.e. concentrate on holding on as tight as possible.
Grip is a slow thing to develop as it's mainly tendon work, and they take a long time to strengthen - as typically we don't give them enough recovery - but that's just the way it is! Nothing to try and avoid.