*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Oh banter, that new word for bullying. Not serious but I don't have the patience for it. I'll be back once I make gains to get out the pit you kicked me into. Then I shall acquire awesomeness (like that scene in batman) so you'll all listen to my jacked up kernt body!
I think what Nate Silvers is trying to say but very unsuccessfully, (which as far as I can tell no one has mentioned) is to a certain extent he is right.

You don’t need to increase your protein. You need to eat enough to promote protein synthesise and allow our body to repair and build new muscle.

I.e 1-1 to lbs bodyweight or just over is probably sufficent.

What you do need is more carbs, fats and calories overall. But not necessarily protein if it is already in adequate quantities based on the individuals needs.

Of course don't negelct your vitamins and minerals from healthy food sources such as veges etc and your good to go.
The only thing stopping me throwing you is that muse signature.

Thanks that's exactly what I was meaning to say, disregard all my posts and replace it with that ^. I figured the guy was already good on protein it's getting more calories in and you can't really do that just eating protein all the time, carbs are good for restoring that energy lost after the workout. Oh crap I said new stuff, said too much *ducks*.
The only thing stopping me throwing you is that muse signature.

Thanks that's exactly what I was meaning to say, disregard all my posts and replace it with that ^.

Yes mate, but I think the point people are trying to make is that if you are not increasing in weight, then you are not eating enough.

The party line is to gain muscle the scales should show increases. If they are not going up, eat more untill they do.

It's that simple.

You cant come back here and say I didnt gain weight, becuase you just play with your diet untill you do. If you cant eat enough whole food, becuase the quantities are too much, take a mass gainer or something, which is what I need to start doing.

Either like the banter or lump it, but, irrespective of that, lift some weights, eat well and ask for advice on that, but do not expect people to give you advice YOU WANT people will offer you advice that you NEED.

You don't have to listen to the advice, but don't behave like a petulant child if your points/opinions/diet/exercises are not sensible or up to muster.

Most of the guys in here are VERY knowledgeable and will help you for a certain amount of time, but will lose patience or seriousness if the advice falls on deaf ears. No one likes speaking to a brick wall, which some people appear to be pretending to be very well.
I'm listening but I was given banter first then advice. I will listen to anyone's advice they put their time in to give. I do respect the guys on here as I've seen some of their worklogs and they date back a good few years with great results.

I still think my suggestion was sensible, okay I agree the protein thing wasn't and to be fair I'm not a scientist.

Anyways I get the message to eat more and maybe take a weight gainer which I'm kind of against as they are pretty expensive. How much do you guys spend on food a week to get an idea of how much you eat? Has there been any kind of thread with pictures of peoples food stashes? Would be interesting to see just how much food you are talking about.
Forget the pre made weight gainers, make your own out of whey, oats , peanut butter , coconut oil and things like that.
Much cheaper and not packed with cheap filler.
and maybe take a weight gainer

Noooo, whoever gave that advice should be ridiculed

Weight gainers are trash, and like you say, so over priced. It's far healthier and tastier to make your own.

A shake you could make yourself and save yourself a load of money would be:

100g Oats
50g Whey
30g Peanut butter
1 tbps Coconut Oil
1 tbsp Cinnamon
Handful of almonds

In a blender....

Find me a good weight gainer, that isn't over priced, and I'll give you a cookie to put on those big ol' teddies of yours
It's still far preferable to make your own food, at least you have a better understanding of the ingredients going in. Whole foods > supps. Certainly for 90% of people. Supps help really when you're starting to be at the limit of your training.
Damn I gotta try that shake, looking forward to that

Although you forgot bananas, gotta have bananas I wanna be a rowdy ass ape mother******.


Looks tasty!

WKN, Congrats keep it up you cutting for the summer or just burning the extras?
When I was eating around 4.5-5k calories a day my morning was made up of the following:

1/2 tub of probiotic yoghurt
God top milk
2 Handful of berries
Handful of oats
Crunchy peanut butter
Scoop of flavourless whey

Blend and enjoy! 1000 calories of pure joy.
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