*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***


Absolutely amuses me how you think a simple 'No' is sufficient.

With nothing to back up the statement or consideration of context. (as usual I will add)

Please read section marked Training issues: Weights.

If you are going to post, please at least back it up with real and factual arguments, or just refrain from posting at all.
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Don't let me down ice :p

Absolutely amuses me how you think a simple 'No' is sufficient.

You've said that training like someone on steroids when you are natural won't allow you to grow - that's an absolute statement and it's wrong. You may find that it's more difficult to follow the same programme and you almost certainly won't grow as fast but if you consistently overload your muscles then there will be micro-tears and they will over time build up into muscle provided you eat sufficiently, have rest etc etc.

I do somewhat worry that you're trying to teach icecold how to suck eggs though - doing a bit of reading on a topic is good but Alexander Pope's warning about a little learning being a dangerous thing is as applicable now as it was when he wrote it.
You've said that training like someone on steroids when you are natural won't allow you to grow - that's an absolute statement and it's wrong. You may find that it's more difficult to follow the same programme and you almost certainly won't grow as fast but if you consistently overload your muscles then there will be micro-tears and they will over time build up into muscle provided you eat sufficiently, have rest etc etc.

I do somewhat worry that you're trying to teach icecold how to suck eggs though - doing a bit of reading on a topic is good but Alexander Pope's warning about a little learning being a dangerous thing is as applicable now as it was when he wrote it.

It all depends on context. All I originally was doing was trying to shed light on something I recently read Mendhi wrote, for the guy that asked the question, that was it.
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Don't let me down ice :p

I don't want to "let someone down" again.

But also

Absolutely amuses me how you think a simple 'No' is sufficient.

With nothing to back up the statement or consideration of context. (as usual I will add)

Please read section marked Training issues: Weights.

If you are going to post, please at least back it up with real and factual arguments, or just refrain from posting at all.
Absolutely amuses me how you think you have any authority to give any advice or assume any knowledge about training at all.

With only a bit of reading of some articles that you don't really understand as the basis for your facts. (as usual I will add)

Please read considerably more over several years, and also actually lift some weights and make some progress. You are currently just a keyboard jockey who doesn't even have the basic theory correct.

If you're going to post, please at least be useful and perhaps partially correct. Also, refrain from delivering your posts with this weird tone of authority and wisdom, of which you have neither.
I've realised that squat doms and hangover are very similar as only hair of the dog seems to cure them both. I could barely walk today but decided to try and do squats anyway; since getting home I feel better than I did before I went. Endorphins ftw.
What is it with eastern europeans/russians being absolute beasts? It's interesting how typically afro-americans are the kings of 'athleticism' (no racist) but raw strength is all about eastern block beastmode.
What is it with eastern europeans/russians being absolute beasts? It's interesting how typically afro-americans are the kings of 'athleticism' (no racist) but raw strength is all about eastern block beastmode.

Awesome genes.

Training. Eastern bloc countries still do it better.

PEDs. Testing regimes aren't quite as transparent as NATO countries.

Richer nations can spend more on higher tech sports, whereas Kazakhstan/etc. cannot... So guess what they're good at and what they are not?
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