*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Funnily enough I have been doing upright rows for a few weeks and today I have a lingering pain in my left shoulder that isn't DOMS or anything positive feeling. It seems more internal, like joint or tendon/ligament. Perhaps swap out for another exercise?

Sounds like my shoulders all the time. RIP welcome to snap city enjoy your stay
Funnily enough I have been doing upright rows for a few weeks and today I have a lingering pain in my left shoulder that isn't DOMS or anything positive feeling. It seems more internal, like joint or tendon/ligament. Perhaps swap out for another exercise?

Soooooooo many good exercises for shoulders I don't even know why people would want to do upright rows.
Its called ****ty Shoulder Syndrome (SSS) and it comes from **** like upright rows when done wrong. Have fun with shoulder workouts when it started hurting half way through your warm up :)
Have to start somewhere! Although I admit at this time of the year when you know 80% will not be returning in a few weeks!

Oh absolutely and I'm all for a bit of a bicep training even as a beginner, but curling in the squat rack is pathetic no matter what.
Maybe I could understand some monster doing some forced reps with 100kg but surely he should be deadlifting that weight with an arm easily then - no need to occupy a squat rack.

On another note I've seen this skinny Asian lad that had a bit of doyouevenlift look on him and didn't weigh more than 70kg deadlifting 200kg ( on a trap bar, but still) the other day. not bad, not bad at all.
Its called ****ty Shoulder Syndrome (SSS) and it comes from **** like upright rows when done wrong. Have fun with shoulder workouts when it started hurting half way through your warm up :)

Explain how they are done wrong, hopefully that isn't the case as I'm controlled with them (no thrusty penis movement or anything like that).

I do DB press and lat raise too. Which shoulder exercises are SIE BESTEN?
Explain how they are done wrong, hopefully that isn't the case as I'm controlled with them (no thrusty penis movement or anything like that).

I do DB press and lat raise too. Which shoulder exercises are SIE BESTEN?

Lot of people jerk the weight with upright rows, but the fact is you'll likely be internally rotating your shoulders, then grinding the weight up with your shoulders in their weakest position. There's just much better exercises that won't risk injury half as much.

For traps, power cleans, hang cleans, heavy deads, shrugs (even tho people don't like them around here).

For delts lots of pressing, front raises (esp with bb), cable raises.
I find that by loudly proclaiming how superior my diet is and how terrible other people's workouts are, I can actually lift heavier and get better gains than if I didn't make such comments.
27 today :( goodnight sweet test levels

Pretty much have to start TRT now :(


Happy birthday :D

Upright rows in a smith are rife at Kiss

Yeah, we have upright row, barbell row, and anything with press after it popular in the smith...

Yeah, was thinking to myself this morning how there's always strong trends in these forums.

  • ice debunks the upright row as a poor exercise, upright rows now scorned at any mention
  • Training barefoot/vibrams is now the base
  • Wendler is the only program to use if you want to make strength gains
  • Carb Back Loading should be done by everyone, irrespective of how you live your day-to-day life
  • Everyone's gym except for mine has people curling in the squat rack

*This post is tongue in cheek and should not be seen as a sleight on people's training techniques or regimes

Couple of these aren't right, but made me chuckle :)

Good day at the gym today, having a curry night, so threw in an extra ten minutes cardio. Somehow I don't think it works like that :(

Also, something that confuses me. Two very loud, 'made in chelse-esque' guys in the gym today were deadlifting. I have no issue with this. Quite impressed they were deadlifting actually. Anyway, they were well on there way to snap city. Not a surprise, but if I spent all my time correcting form I'd never leave the gym. Anyway, a third friend came along, and then deadlifted with near perfect form.
Why didnt the friend tell them they were going to screw their backs up?!
They were also DL with a belt. One guy turned around and said 'the smallest one is too loose' - he had about three inches spare around him. To which the other guy responded. That's ok, it doesn't need to be tight.

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Most guys won't listen KD. I can tell which guys are trying hard and would respond well to some input. Then there are bros, who are set in their bro-ways.
Because ego. I've tried coaching friends and randoms for some basic "how to avoid dying" cues, and they always revert back.

Take my boss for instance; he can squat to just about parallel with 60kg, but his ego always makes him push up to 80kg and then he sticks with half squats. I've told him deeper, wider stance, push knees out, brace core, but he just ignores me. He doesn't want to learn, I won't teach :)
I don't bother with strangers who think they are the bee's knees either. I've taken a lot of friends to the gym and I'm very strict with their form as I like to think I know a tad more than someone who just walked into a gym.
Not going low enough on squats is sad, but not dangerous. Arching your back like there is no tomorrow on deadlifts is another thing though.
I sometimes pipe up, sometimes I don't. I don't care if they don't listen. IF they do, they often become friends and enjoy seeing them at the gym - but I don't lose sleep over it.
I wanted to comment on someones squats the other day but then i realised if he asked me to show him i'd have had to say 'no sorry i cant, broke my back doing squats'

I'm far from being an expert, In fact I'm quite a n00b in the grand scheme of things... However, you can usually look around your gym and tell which guys genuinely don't know what they are doing/are drifting through their gym life crying out for help(Vulnerable to the set in their ways guys..), guys that would respond to pointers and actually carry them through and improve, guys which are massively set in their rubbish ways and probably beyond saving and guys you can probably ask for help with form/spotting.

My gym seems to have a couple of set in their ways guys, quite a few who could benefit from help but not many who I'd actually ask for help. Its a shame really. But luckily I have you guys and this place to get help/abuse from :D Thanks guys. //nohomo //maybeslighthomo //Wherestheshowyourpicsthread
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