Quite a lot of newbies in my gym the last week. Last night I was dead lifting and left that part of the room for a min to get some more plates and when I came back 2 guys around my age/weight were attempting the weight I left on the bar (120kg). They have never DL before and were very close to hurting themselfs! Back like a bow which was about to snap and an almighty jerk, cringgggeeeee! Tried to help them out a little recommending they start of lower ect... Didn't seem to interested but its not my back so I don't care.
I try to give people some pointers if I see some truely terrible form, end up being friends most of the time but some people just want to do it their way
I try to give people some pointers if I see some truely terrible form, end up being friends most of the time but some people just want to do it their way