*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Right next to Tesco's own brand in our Tescos. Your Tesco sucks.

On the subject of ring dips, how on earth do you get in the position of dipping?! I have tried standing on a box, muscle ups. I just keep falling off :(

Shall continue to try, can feel the core getting smashed just trying to get on them :)

Practice really. It takes a while to get used to balancing in the upright position. Lock core and pull rings towards the body arms straight and locked.
Kd, split squats / bulgarian split squats are a great alternative to standard squats, seriously do not underestimate them for leg development. Yes its a pain you cant back squat, just make do for now :)

You can go damn heavy with them as well.
The only real issue I have with box jumps is the speed and tension you're placing through your knees.

It seems moderately high impact.

Not a problem provided that your mechanics are good. Your legs are designed to work in that way, if they don't then fix 'em! :)

Hmm. So, starting to consider swapping out the traditional squats in SL for something less... Risky.

Especially after watching some stuff by Kelly on knees and things related to that. Basically been getting some small knee twinges, which I feel is being driven by the need to stay so vertical during the smith squat.

As such, I think I'm going to swap them out for something. I know it's a right pain for training, and progress, BUT, it will at least drive better core stabilisation requirements, and should help my core, which will help the other lifts.

So the options are:
Stick with Smith squats - Think I'm going to stay away from these for now on - so that's a no. If I want to do some 1RM's to see if progress is coming along, then yeah, maybe I will at some point.
Back/Front Squat - Nowhere I can do these off of.
Leg Press - More knee issues, no stabilisation again, so that's that out.
Overhead Squat - Interesting consideration - it's certainly humbling, but I rarely feel the biggest thing it works is my legs, and ultimately it will always be limiting my legs by my push press.
Goblet Squat - Again, interesting consideration - having not done many of these before, how will it work from a leg strength perspective? Will I be able to get enough weight in my hands (relying on grip here as well) to actually really work my legs properly (DB go up to I think 45-50kg). They are however supposed to be great for your core though, something that needs massively working for me right now.

The real thing is this would be a layover as such until I can get in a decent gym with a proper squat rack.

I know the big thing is, pick a plan and stick to it. But yeah, I'd rather adjust slightly and save any potential injuries.

Secret other option:

STRICT leg press - core tight, lats tight, back straight for the whole movement with ZERO tuck at the bottom.


Deficit Bulgarian split squats with DBs - vertical torso, level hips, tight core/lats, as much hip flexion as you can manage.

This gives you some nice loading, while also turning you into a functional beast

Tried zercher squats?
Trial by fire :D
Love the Deficit Bulgarian split squats with weights! Been doing them a few weeks and it has greatly improved my stability in squatting :D Not to mention Nose Tork smelling salts and learning how to screw my feet into the ground ;)
It's been too long since I've been to the gym.

Going home for christmas I went once with a friend. And we quit Fitness First before christmas because a new gym has opened that's half the price and more well equipped ie it's not full of treadmills :P. It's opening Monday! Can't wait to get back, this one has proper squat racks too. Wonder how much of my gains I'll lose, haven't been in the best part of a month now.
Ok, so it seems split squats won that argument xD

My balance is dire in a split squat position. This'll be fun xD

I did realise that, say I have 1 40kg dumbell in each arm. That's 80kg on one leg... I'm sure that'll be enough weight wise for a while....

Aye, hence how I decided I'm pretty sure it won't be a weight loading problem I've got xD

Anyone have any recommendation at what kind of weight to start as a loading weight in each hand? (Remembering I'm a weakling xD)

Lol.....BW :D

After that, 10kg per hand probably, just see how it goes. You'll be surprised how much only using one leg will make things interesting ;)
If by interesting you mean falling over every 5 seconds then yes I agree xD

I'll try some BW ones and see how it goes. Today should technically be rest day, but I can easily move that to tomorrow if I'm feeling a bit to DOMS tomorrow.

Tried some at the gym in five minutes after my deadlift form (videos coning this afternoon) fun... Didn't seem too bad. Although I should do so either leg check xD

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Right so one of my shoulders feels 'clicky' when lifting. It's pretty much have always felt like this, just a weakness with the muscles which needs to be trained or an ongoing injury?
Just lol, get so sick and tired of reading the positive effects of something then later on seeing a study suggesting the complete opposite

Green tea at fault now, I just never know what to believe :(

Green tea polyphenols inhibit testosterone production in rat Leydig cells.

Figueiroa MS, César Vieira JS, Leite DS, Filho RC, Ferreira F, Gouveia PS, Udrisar DP,Wanderley MI.

1Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Federal University of Pernambuco, 50607-901 Recife, PE, Brazil.

This study investigated the acute effects of green tea extract (GTE) and its polyphenol constituents, (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) and (-)-epicatechin (EC), on basal and stimulated testosterone production by rat Leydig cells in vitro. Leydig cells purified in a Percoll gradient were incubated for 3 h with GTE, EGCG or EC and the testosterone precursor androstenedione, in the presence or absence of either protein kinase A (PKA) or protein kinase C (PKC) activators. The reversibility of the effect was studied by pretreating cells for 15 min with GTE or EGCG, allowing them to recover for 1 h and challenging them for 2 h with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), luteinizing hormone releasing hormone (LHRH), 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol or androstenedione. GTE and EGCG, but not EC, inhibited both basal and kinase-stimulated testosterone production. Under the pretreatment conditions, the inhibitory effect of the higher concentration of GTE/EGCG on hCG/LHRH-stimulated or 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol-induced testosterone production was maintained, whereas androstenedione-supported testosterone production returned to control levels. At the lower concentration of GTE/EGCG, the inhibitory effect of these polyphenols on 22(R)-hydroxycholesterol-supported testosterone production was reversed. The inhibitory effects of GTE may be explained by the action of its principal component, EGCG, and the presence of a gallate group in its structure seems important for its high efficacy in inhibiting testosterone production. The mechanisms underlying the effects of GTE and EGCG involve the inhibition of the PKA/PKC signalling pathways, as well as the inhibition of P450 side-chain cleavage enzyme and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase function.Asian Journal of Andrology advance online publication. 30 March 2009; doi: 10.1038/aja.2009.2.

Chronic green tea consumption decreases body mass, induces aromatase expression, and changes proliferation and apoptosis in adult male rat adipose tissue.
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