*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

There's a few powerlifting and weightlifting clubs, just need to find them :)
Most won't be specific for those though as its too much money with too little interest.

Might have to look the Gloucester Rd one up and have a visit :)
Yep and most restrict walk in punters too as it apparently negatively affects the normal WOD doing members. Which kinda makes sense. They are selling a community spirit as well as the gym. To the point that they will not just take members money who don't turn up, they will give your place to someone else so that each class is as full as possible.
Unless I become a billionaire, living in London and having enough space to have my own gym stuff is going to be a hard push.

Being able to get a setup like Morba has, going to an old hangar type of place with lots of equipment does appeal though.

It's a bloody god send. We have all said that should we win silly millions on the lottery we will make the ultimate strongman / strength training facility and basically live the life with nutritionists and specialised coaches lol.
Overhead session:

Warm ups:
Plate presses, tri extensions, body weight squats

Push press:
Knees hurting, getting next to nothing from them so not going heavier.
Back to strict:

Seated axle press, clean from floor then sit down and press:
100xf - sat down horrid, couldn't press from that position.
Drop set:
40x couldn't be assed. Just felt too light and delts were on fire already :)

My knees are ****ing me right off. Really limiting my overhead progression.
Bicep felt fine on log cleans. Slight tweak and the 110kg flew up so fast I had to put it down first time, it almost knocked me over :)
Strict felt good though, happy with that.
Quick question, Morba:

How much power (not total work done) can you generate via your glutes?

You've mentioned your moniker of 'diesel' because of your lack of speed, so I'm just wondering if you've ever targetted speed as a specific objective, as for certain lifts you seem fine, but then you post how you struggle with the 'explosiveness'?

In terms of power, not sure. How would I test/check?

I do speed squats and deads and also plenty of glute work through front squats, ghrs, stone loading.

This time last year I was doing more cardio and was doing additional work like box jumps with dumbells, now my knees hate me I do much less of it. i think that is what is ruining me at the moment.

At the moment it really is funny for everyone else, I generate enough strength to move stuff, but its so slow that they start singing the steptoe and sun theme tune lol.

Thinking about it, a lot of it is probably me being lazy. For example I was able to make the 110kg log fly up last night, but then going back down to 80kg for strict it went stupidly slow again. Could be that I need to ingrain the movement pattern into my mind so that it is always *bang* rather than a half hearted clean and a bicep log curl (which kills my biceps lol)
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Ah, I think I was getting up to about 38" at 130kg. Will have to do a search and see. Think it was 13 or 14 reebok step things stacked up. Not done them in a while though due to my knees.

Yeah we do some speed deads and squats. Fast triples. Most of the time we will incorporate into our working sets some way, though other times we will just do them as a full workout. Should do more though I think.

Definitely do have that mindset sometimes, I know I'm about to do something 90%+ in terms of 1rm.
But then I like to be able to rep 90% as much as I can to make it easier.
It's odd though, as last night I was full cleaning the 100kg axle then sitting down with it where as if I was going to press it overhead I would normally continental clean it.

Need to do more, drill the patterns and get into the mindset that every rep of every set should be the same, not just switch on when it comes to the heavier stuff.
Just need to get to the gym during lunch sometimes and do a tekkers session. Stick 60 on the bar and hammer technique for an hour or something.
Morba (or anyone else to be fair), you got any ideas on how to build a make shift sled kind of thing? (I'm hoping you know what I mean)


They should be pretty easy to make. Base plate with a 2 inch thick pole sticking out of it and a loop to stick a chain on.
Most places sell sleds quite cheap tbh, might be worth just buying one.
Holy ****, those are lovely. Are you planning on really making the most out of them though as they are a HUGE outlay iirc :D
Cant argue with that at all, I'm well jealous.
Some oly shoes are on my wish list, just need to try a few pairs to find something that fits first!
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