*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***

Years ago I used to do forward and backward rolling shrugs. While it never did me any damage it's one of the things I no longer do at all because of the risk / reward ratio is not in my favour :p
I thought I responded but I think the page crashed as I posted.

Since I cant do 20kg I've been doing 4/5 x 10 of 18kg to compensate

You can do sets of 10 at 18kg but nothing with 20kg?!

There is no sense to that tbh, 2kg per hand extra shouldn't be an issue at all :)
Yea that's what I thought as well.

I feel my shoulders are my weak point so I might try and focus on upping the weights elsewhere within my routine and I guess the rest can catch up?

Can you seriously not do a single rep with 20kg? I don't think this is a strength issue tbh.
I've changed my routine up cause i been doing it for about 10 weeks now, This is my old routine
10-12 reps on all sets

Back and biceps:
Chin ups/pull-ups x4
Deadlifts x4
Barbell Row reverse grip x3
Lat Pulldowns x4
Barbell Curl x4

Chest and Triceps:
Dips x4
Benchpress x3
Incline Dumbell press x3
Tricep push downs x3

Squats x4
Leg Press x4
Stiff leg deadlift x3
Calf raise x3

Barbell military press x4
Dumbell press x3
Upright row x3
Shrugs x3

I'm starting a cut next week and this will be my new routine:

10-12 reps on all sets

Back and biceps:
Chin ups/pull-ups x4
Deadlifts x4
1 arm Dumbell row x4
Barbell Row reverse grip x4
Lat Pulldowns x4
Straight arm pulldown x4
Barbell Curl x4
Hammer curls x4

Chest and Triceps:
Dips x4
Benchpress x4
Incline Dumbell press x4
Decline Dumbell press x4
Dumbell overhead extension x4
CG bench press x2 (1 warm up)
Skull crushers x4
Tricep push downs (rope) x4

Squats x4
Leg Press x4
Stiff leg deadlift x3
Calf raise x3
Leg extensions x4

Barbell military press x4
Seated military press x 3
Dumbell press x4
Upright barbell row x4
Shrugs x4
Side lateral raises x4

Critique my routine please, Any thing i should take out and put something different in instead?

Thanks :)

Far too much going on, far too many exercises and reps.

If you are reaching the end of those days and still hitting your planned reps then you simply aren't working your main compounds hard enough.
There is no best routine, the earlier people realise that in their lifting career the better for them.

Consistency and damn hard work is what matters most
I'll only feel content when I have lifted 300kg, either from the floor or on my back.

This is madness, but it makes sense to me.

Not madness :)
I'd love 300/200/300 and tbh don't see it being impossible.
Coupled with 150kg overhead and I think that's a good standard :)

If I had some bench lessons to learn how to get power through my legs and a decent arch I think I'd improve my PB pretty quickly. Add in some specific bench training and it would fly up :)

Hardest one for me atm would be a 300 squat, that's furthest away.
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Yeah I think 300 pull this year will happen :D
I think if max DL came up in a comp is pull 260 at least, it would be the kick up the bum to actually try something heavy lol.
250 squat is doable this year for sure.

A few people have mentioned I should consider a PL meet to force my maxes up (still training for high weight but for reps) and tbh it is tempting!
Few friends were trying to get me up to the bpc season opener at genesis, but they are all on cycle and moving silly numbers lol
I'm an annoying client - I tell them what's wrong, and tell them what I want done :o

Where I need to be I'm the same. If i go to the physio we all use from our unit then i just let him do whatever he wants as I trust him. He knows what we do and has been looking into specifics for us (awesome!).
However, if I book a session with the woman who comes in to work then I tell her what I want and how hard (harder than she would do by choice lol)
That's a definite bonus, someone who would be putting themselves in pretty mush the same position is a good thing!
He is the daddy afterall! I myself am a firm believer in a strongman being in shape. Whilst i cant refute the dominance of Big Z ill always have more reverance for a jon pall sigmassun or a pudzian than i could a capes or shaw.

It is unnecessary to be carrying excess functionless bulk, an archaic ideal of strongmen of the past. Its unhealthy, it serves no purpose and obviously it looks crap.

Completely, these days there is no need for it at all. The more functionally fit will rule the sport eventually, its getting that way already for the majority, additional fat will only be detrimental :)
exactly. look at the main past winners, most are smaller more mobile men. It's only this last few years where the absolute giants have taken over!
blood from nose, from lips. blood shot eyes. **** myself. no spots or blood spots on body though :D
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