*** The 2014 Gym Rats Thread ***

Even 3 weeks is pushing.

Anyway, can't answer the workout part but the 'training two days in a row thing' is no problem, I do Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri.
Even training same muscle groups with different exercises on the day after?

Going by this:

Sun:Triceps/Chest+15min HIIT
Mon:Biceps/Back/Shoulders+15min HIIT+Str Cardio
Weds:Triceps/Chest+15min HIIT+Str Cardio
Thurs:Squats/Benchpress/Deadlift/Some legs.+10min HIIT

You aren't? Although I'm skeptical of the layout of that, why have you chosen the above? You have four days, would a four day split not work better or are you wanting more full body workouts or something?
Well that's what i am planning to start doing from Sunday onwards(if it's good) but was wondering how effective it would be? Or should i just stick with working all muscle group areas with different exercises each workout like today? with doing the compound exercises on Thursdays once a week.
I think you might want to get a bit more arm work into your routine. You accidentally did some deadlifts and leg work on Thurs - maybe replace that with some more bench/curls?
Basically no, why are you doing Triceps/Chest twice in a week?

Just do 3x8+ on everything going by what you've done already, do a four day split.

Sun:Legs +15min HIIT
Mon:Chest +15min HIIT
Weds:Back +15min HIIT
Thurs:Shoulders +10min HIIT

Add in arms wherever if you want to. Each day has a compound movement. Unless I've read everything completely wrong of course then ignore me :D

People may say switch back and shoulders around, I do it the above way so there is more space between training shoulders and chest.
True good point, my arms need improving, started doing pushups often too and bicep pulldowns.(dont know name of this)

I keep hearing/reading that working muscle groups twice a week is very good that's why i was thinking of sticking with what i am doing rather than changing to the mentioned example i posted.

Just seen your post Delvis, thanks that gives me better guidance and will go with what you say if others agree though i seen your log you seem to know your stuff.
True good point, my arms need improving, started doing pushups often too and bicep pulldowns.(dont know name of this)

I keep hearing/reading that working muscle groups twice a week is very good that's why i was thinking of sticking with what i am doing rather than changing to the mentioned example i posted.

In that case I have no idea then, something like HST might do that but I've not looked it up properly to comment. How long have you been training again?

Just seen your post Delvis, thanks that gives me better guidance and will go with what you say if others agree though i seen your log you seem to know your stuff.

Heh, some would argue.
gained 3kg muscle aswell as losing 0.7% fat over 2 weeks

The general consensus seems to be that max lean gainz are around .25lb per week, .3lb for beginners. If we go for .3lb a week for three weeks, then you'll have gained 1kg of lean mass if we be nice and round up.

I'm afraid you haven't been measured in the correctly/same manner both times, so you cannot compare the two measurements.
Yeah it seems wrong, i was 68kg muscle when i started now says 73kg so no idea what's happened with it since last measurement lol.

I been training 4 months now...but still getting into some things and want to try do the best i can.
Yeah it seems wrong, i was 68kg muscle when i started now says 73kg so no idea what's happened with it since last measurement lol.

I been training 4 months now...but still getting into some things and want to try do the best i can.

I'm going to guess you get it measured by a machine using electrical resistance, therefore it's complete rubbish and can be effected by which way the wind happens to be blowing at the time.
I been training 4 months now...

This early into the game, I'd be doing all compound, all the time.

Something like Stronglifts - you can always do additional brocep stuff at the end of each session if you wish. Basically, you need to be doing squats and deads more than once a week.
Just got back from gym, got measured and gained 3kg muscle aswell as losing 0.7% fat over 2 weeks....not bad considering i ate a load of crap for a week or so during xmas so i am happy.

Ok - most of that will be water because of the increased amount of glycogen being held in those muscles being introduced to resistance exercise. There might be some muscle in there, but it may also be greater profusion of vasculature due ot hte increased blood supply requirements.

Done a workout of: (bare in mind my weights are low as i am new :p )

Seated Rows close grip 35kg 3x8
Tricep Bar pulldowns 17kg 3x8
Bicep Curls 18kg 3x8
Lats Pulldowns(think it's called that, overhead pulldown to below chin) 35kg 3x8
Bent over rows 20kg 3x8(i can do a lot more on this but first time i do it so)
Dumbell Chest Press 10kg each 3x8 (can do a lot more on this but my leftside is weak and getting form better for next time)
Standing Dumbells Lateral Raises 8kg each 3x8 (again leftside weak needs catching up so doing a weight it's feeling good with)

Was this a good workout of exercises? i am trying to workout each muscle group area on each day(do compounds on thursday with legs) i go but problem is i go mon/weds/thurs/sun so two days are next to each other twice so might be best just go back to split workouts for them?

That is a very busy schedule of beach weights that hurts my brain. Swap it all for chinups, bench and overhead press.

And as FrenchTart points out: where is your leg work? Where is your core work? Where is your real back work?

Before trying what i did today i splitted over 3 days with 3 exercises or so per muscle group only problem was one group as only being worked out once a week.

I was thinking might be best for me:

Sun:Triceps/Chest+15min HIIT
Mon:Biceps/Back/Shoulders+15min HIIT+Str Cardio
Weds:Triceps/Chest+15min HIIT+Str Cardio
Thurs:Squats/Benchpress/Deadlift/Some legs.+10min HIIT

I might just go with what you say Freefaller but i am wondering if the above could work well or stick with what i tried today?

That's a nasty set of sessions for a beginner, and I'm not sure how you can manage regular cardio AFTER HIIT twice a week... which suggests you're not doing HIIT properly. To support this, it looks like you will also have to eat pretty much everything you soo if you don't want to look like a marathon runner, too.

I would honestly look back at either Stronglifts or Steedie's "New Year's Resolution" routine to begin with.

Forgot to say, my main purpose is to be lean and pretty solid with around 10%-12% bodyfat or so.I want to put on some mass but not huge amounts.I also should note that i was born with a deformed lefthand which has had 2 operations on it to fuction a lot better though my grip with it is not as good as right....about 70% or so of it.(it's getting stronger and better)

Don't we all (aside from the "not huge" bit... ;).

Staying at around 10-12% bodyfat and putting on muscle mass is quite a challenge - quite possible for noob gains, but pretty difficult as you progress through your lifting career.

Regarding muscle mass itself, I would drop the assumption that you're suddenly going to explode into Ronnie Coleman or something after a month, or even a year. This stuff takes time: the noob gains you see are just easily removed once you stop, as those gains are a lot of muscle perfusion (i.e. water/blood) that drains out once those muscles aren't used properly (i.e. you stop working out).

If you want to look 'solid', then rethink your routine, rethink your priorities, and settle in for the long term. :)

With regard to your hand, looks like you're in for a LOT of pulling work to bring this up to scratch (assuming it's all healthy to be worked out)... this means:

- single arm rows;
- bent-over rows;
- deadlifts;
- Romanian deadlifts;
- Chinups;

Whilst not an exclusive list, you need to be focussing on heavy stuff to really stress your grip and build that strength in your forearm. Don't forget to look at your wrist and shoulder mobility for this side, too (actually, both sides!).

Either way, congratulations on your existing gains: keep it up! :)
Tom-e: Yeah it was, even though inaccurate it's a lot more accurate than other ones i've used but still i'll just get measured via callipers and take photos now.

UV: I'll do compounds twice a week then few days apart, thanks for the advice.

MrthingyX: I can't do one chin-up at the moment mainly due to my leftside due to what i said about my lefthand.(it's definitely improved)

I work my legs once a week with about 4 weight exercises, started pushups last few weeks, leg raises and will start dips the coming week.

I'll check those guides out thanks!

Yeah i know it takes time, my muscles been building slowly and i am trying to get my form correct on everything before going high weights too.

Pulldown exercises i am doing fairly well with and will try do more of those to help with the hand, thanks for this.It sucks being at a disadvantage but it doesn't stop me.

I think i might do pushups 2-3 times a week with dips to help with benchpress?

Also for my HIIT i am usually doing 15mins with 2mins rest/1min intervals:

Bike 70rpm 2mins/Intervals 1min 125-130rpm resistance 4
Crosstrainer 90rpm 2mins/Intervals 1min 140-160rpm resistance 7
Treadmill Speed 8 2mins/Intervals 1min Speed 13-15

Rowing machine i aim for a distance in 5mins....this tires me a lot perhaps i should do it a lot more.
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Tom-e: Yeah it was, even though inaccurate it's a lot more accurate than other ones i've used but still i'll just get measured via callipers and take photos now.

UV: I'll do compounds twice a week then few days apart, thanks for the advice.

MrthingyX: I can't do one chin-up at the moment mainly due to my leftside due to what i said about my lefthand.(it's definitely improved)

I work my legs once a week with about 4 weight exercises, started pushups last few weeks, leg raises and will start dips the coming week.

I'll check those guides out thanks!

Yeah i know it takes time, my muscles been building slowly and i am trying to get my form correct on everything before going high weights too.

Pulldown exercises i am doing fairly well with and will try do more of those to help with the hand, thanks for this.It sucks being at a disadvantage but it doesn't stop me.

I think i might do pushups 2-3 times a week with dips to help with benchpress?

Also for my HIIT i am usually doing 15mins with 2mins rest/1min intervals:

Bike 70rpm 2mins/Intervals 1min 125-130rpm resistance 4
Crosstrainer 90rpm 2mins/Intervals 1min 140-160rpm resistance 7
Treadmill Speed 8 2mins/Intervals 1min Speed 13-15

Rowing machine i aim for a distance in 5mins....this tires me a lot perhaps i should do it a lot more.

I really would encourage you to read those guides. Please do so. :)
There is nothing high intensity about those intervals. You need shorter rests and much more intensity, in the 90+% range. The whole point is that you're completely destroyed after HIIT. What you're currently doing is just phases with slightly different intensity, which is just interval training.

Let's go right back to basics with your routine and cover some basics.

You need to be working from a foundation of squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and some kind of pulling movement (chins, rows, etc.). This is where you need to be spending most of your energy, and the first three or four need to be on their own day (more advanced routines can mix things up).

Secondary to these are your accessory movements, which is also where your isolation work comes in. RDLs, DBSS, more rowing, core work, leg press, shoulder isolation, arm isolation...
There is nothing high intensity about those intervals. You need shorter rests and much more intensity, in the 90+% range. The whole point is that you're completely destroyed after HIIT. What you're currently doing is just phases with slightly different intensity, which is just interval training.

Let's go right back to basics with your routine and cover some basics.

You need to be working from a foundation of squats, deadlifts, bench press, overhead press, and some kind of pulling movement (chins, rows, etc.). This is where you need to be spending most of your energy, and the first three or four need to be on their own day (more advanced routines can mix things up).

Secondary to these are your accessory movements, which is also where your isolation work comes in. RDLs, DBSS, more rowing, core work, leg press, shoulder isolation, arm isolation...

And I've been referred to as the patient one... :p :D
So heres my predicament, i work 12hr night shifts from 7pm to 7am on a 4 on 4 off rotor, it takes me 1hr each way to travel to and from work so thats a 14hr day before i can even think about doing any form of exercise, add to the equation that i take my missus to work most days when i get home, then have a bit of breakfast when i get back, it leaves me about an hour to unwind and i usually get to bed around 11am, my alarm goes of at 4pm and i start the cycle again.
Is it possible/advisable to do a 4 on 4 off workout plan, that fits in with my work pattern, or is that to long a break between workouts ?

Or try to fit in workouts on my working days and risk burning myself out, with only limited sleep, i know that this is very subjective, but just wondered if anyone else is in a similar situation and how they deal with it.

Due to my work schedules long hours was thinking of starting a 4 day split routine, 4 days cardio, 4 days weight training, good idea :confused:

If so i need help setting up a routine for my lifting days to include all body parts, so arms, legs, chest, back.

I will be working out at home and have the following equipment, dumbells, barbell, bench, squat rack that includes dip, tricep bar, curl bar, and about 100kg in weights, i will also be getting a chin up bar as well.

So now i just need the exercises to do, any suggestions as to what will give me the best bang for buck, and what days i should train certain body parts, as soon as i get my program sorted im good to go!

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