*** The 2014 Gym Rats Thread ***

As Delvis has already mentioned, have you stalled?

If not carry on with Madcow (I really, really enjoyed madcow and seen me some great gains), if you have stalled then it depends where you want to go?

Want to carry on making strength gains, or?

I would do something different to strength for a week or two and then either back on madcow or 5/3/1.

Ive stalled on squats for about 5 weeks now.
Bench hasn't gone up since I started madcow?
OHP actually went up by 2kg last week.
deadlift ive stalled on that for about the same time as squats.
bent over rows I have stalled for about 3 weeks.

Yes I would love to carr yon making strenghth gains.
5/3/1 looks good, but maybe your right and do something else for a couple weeks.
Do you think maybe doing madcow routine but at a really low weight for about two three weeks would be enough change. I don't want to stop squatting.

Maybe start jan 1st the 5/3/1 program, good start to the year.
Ive stalled on squats for about 5 weeks now.
Bench hasn't gone up since I started madcow?
OHP actually went up by 2kg last week.
deadlift ive stalled on that for about the same time as squats.
bent over rows I have stalled for about 3 weeks.

Yes I would love to carr yon making strenghth gains.
5/3/1 looks good, but maybe your right and do something else for a couple weeks.
Do you think maybe doing madcow routine but at a really low weight for about two three weeks would be enough change. I don't want to stop squatting.

Maybe start jan 1st the 5/3/1 program, good start to the year.

It might be worth looking into the Texas Method if you like the style of Madcow since TM is based upon Madcow. Or if you like the idea of 5/3/1 it might be worth considering the Full Body, Full Boring routine Wendler suggests.

Wendler outline:

Day 1
Squat 5/3/1
Bench 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Deadlift 65%x3, 75%x3, 85x3

Day 2
Squat 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Bench 5/3/1
Deadlift 65%x3, 75%x3, 85%x3

Day 3
Squat 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Bench 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Deadlift 5/3/1

Substitute the non 5/3/1 rep schemes for (as you feel necessary):
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3
75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1
80%x1, 90%x1, 100%x1

Hope that is of some use.
@Delvis - Because my training has either been SL/531/ICF programs I've never done more than 1x5 on the working weight for deadlifts. I'll give it a go tonight and see how it goes.
@Dreamforger - I used strengthcalc.com to draw up a routine. For the pull day it has me deadlifting 5x5 first, followed by BORs, weighted chin ups and curls.

One set? I don't get how that is even a thing.

5x5 might be a bit much, if you are worried just drop it back a bit. I assume the calcs are based on a 1rm?
It might be worth looking into the Texas Method if you like the style of Madcow since TM is based upon Madcow. Or if you like the idea of 5/3/1 it might be worth considering the Full Body, Full Boring routine Wendler suggests.

Wendler outline:

Day 1
Squat 5/3/1
Bench 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Deadlift 65%x3, 75%x3, 85x3

Day 2
Squat 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Bench 5/3/1
Deadlift 65%x3, 75%x3, 85%x3

Day 3
Squat 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Bench 65%x5, 75%x5, 85%x5
Deadlift 5/3/1

Substitute the non 5/3/1 rep schemes for (as you feel necessary):
70%x3, 80%x3, 90%x3
75%x5, 85%x3, 95%x1
80%x1, 90%x1, 100%x1

Hope that is of some use.

Cheers that looks very good some questions though if you don't mind:

1) the 5/3/1 means 3 sets one at 5 then 3 then 1, what sorts of percentages are they?
2)do I increase the weight each day or week, and by how much 2kg?
I'd deload first and foremost, a week or two of doing something totally different or even longer. I'm currently doing HST (it's awful and I hate it).

Then re-work out your numbers. But yes lowering your numbers isn't a bad idea, also looking at your food intake is another approach if your constantly stalling.
Thanks everyone for the bodyweight squat kudos. Amazing how fast you progress doing Stronglifts as a newbie.

Nice work :) It's nice when you hit BW squats. Now to work towards 2 x BW ;)

Haha, err, no. :p If I could do 2xBW deads and 1.5xBW squats I'd be very happy. I doubt being any stronger would benefit my riding.

It's nearly 2 months since I started lifting and I actually weigh slightly less than when I started which is good given my goals. :)
Cheers that looks very good some questions though if you don't mind:

1) the 5/3/1 means 3 sets one at 5 then 3 then 1, what sorts of percentages are they?
2)do I increase the weight each day or week, and by how much 2kg?

5/3/1 just means follow the standard Wendler protocol each week. The weight is % based and is increased after 3 weeks but follows a 6 week cycle. I.E run week 1,2,3 - increment weight, run another week 1,2,3 with the new weight calculated and then at then of that 3 weeks deload. Rinse repeat. Increase squat and deadlift by 5kg each 3 weeks and bench by 2.5kg. Note that the %'s are based of a training max, not your actual max.
Chuffed today at hitting 100kg for my deadlifts.

Just one rep mind you but only started stronglifts 5x5 at the end of August. Working set is 75kg, did my 1x5, did 80kg 1x5, then did 90kg single rep, and 100kg single rep. All good, and very happy with that!
Ive stalled on squats for about 5 weeks now.
Bench hasn't gone up since I started madcow?
OHP actually went up by 2kg last week.
deadlift ive stalled on that for about the same time as squats.
bent over rows I have stalled for about 3 weeks.

Yes I would love to carr yon making strenghth gains.
5/3/1 looks good, but maybe your right and do something else for a couple weeks.
Do you think maybe doing madcow routine but at a really low weight for about two three weeks would be enough change. I don't want to stop squatting.

Maybe start jan 1st the 5/3/1 program, good start to the year.

What's your diet like, specifically are you in a caloric surplus and gaining weight in the acceptable 'not going to get fat quickly' range?

Is this mainly broscience or are there studies to back it up.
Looks about right off the top of my head - presume that's from Practical Programming which isn't a 'bro' book at all - although the effect scale will in reality be a smoother transition from black to white than blocked as nearly.

For most people just using a variety of rep ranges and paying attention to overall training volume will tick all the training result boxes.

What's your diet like, specifically are you in a caloric surplus and gaining weight in the acceptable 'not going to get fat quickly' range?

Diet I couldn't tell you how many calories I have. But ive been about the same weight for a couple years now. I weigh between 82kg-84kg and im 6 foot.
My meals vary being they are cooked from ingredients rather than ding dinners.
Ive had the same exact breakfast for about a 3 years now:p two scrambled eggs on two pieces of toast and a bowl of porridge with blueberries and a dollop of honey.
Then I go gym after breakfast, plus I pretty much get about 8 hours sleep.

Edit: im not after a particular weight, I would be very happy getting stronger and still be the same weight.
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One set? I don't get how that is even a thing.

5x5 might be a bit much, if you are worried just drop it back a bit. I assume the calcs are based on a 1rm?

I gave 5x5 a go yesterday, first time trying the sumo stance. Went pretty well except the last rep of the last set. I'll see how the first week goes as it'll probably take a few workouts before I get used to the volume
One set? I don't get how that is even a thing.

5x5 might be a bit much, if you are worried just drop it back a bit. I assume the calcs are based on a 1rm?

I gave PPL deadlifts a go yesterday, first time trying the sumo stance. Went pretty well except the last rep of the last set. I'll see how the first week goes as it'll probably take a few workouts before I get used to the volume
Edit: im not after a particular weight, I would be very happy getting stronger and still be the same weight.

While you can certainly get stronger at the same weight over time, there's a reason most average gym rats go on phases of bulking/cutting - unless you're an advanced lifter near their genetic limit in terms of fat-free-mass where gains are pretty much limited to ones on the bar, most people will make faster progress building muscle and strength in a surplus - a bit of fat gain is inevitable, but since fat can be removed a lot quicker than muscle can be built, a lot of progress can be made with a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio of weight gain/loss over a year, presuming training is good and macros aren't retarded (e.g. Keto Bulking or doing the 'see it: eat it' diet).

EDIT - see Eric in part one here

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very interesting video, and I actually understood it :)
Never heard of the chap doing the video, would you say its reliable. There so much on the internet that's a bit broscience.
very interesting video, and I actually understood it :)
Never heard of the chap doing the video, would you say its reliable. There so much on the internet that's a bit broscience.

Watch the rest of the series (it's part 1 of 6).

Eric is a coach for 3DMJ - who work with natty bb'ers - along Alberto Nunez, Jeff Alberts and the other guy whose name I forget. They've coached and still are coaching a lot of people who have gone on to be 'YouTube famous' bb'ers/powerlifters like Matt Ogus and Bryce Lewis, respectively. Eric's also a competitor himself although he's taking time out to do his PHD in nutritional science in New Zealand, and has worked on several studies in this field, e.g. http://www.jissn.com/content/11/1/20

I went to his seminar in London this year, which was very interesting. He's not putting information out at the same rate, but he's in the same bracket as Alan Aragon, Lyle McDonald and Brad Schoenfeld when it comes to evidence based fitness/nutrition advice.
Broke my ankle playing rugby a couple of weeks ago and had to have a plate put in my fibula on Sunday. I'm over the anaesthetic, not needing painkillers for my ankle and have decided that as I can't do any other exercise I might as well work my upper body... Albeit on one leg as I've got 6 weeks of non weight bearing to go!

I'm going to start the 100 press up programme (www.hundredpushups.com) and aim to get there before I'm back on two legs. Inbetween times I think I'll try to mock up some pulling exercises. Once my foot stops swelling quite so much when I'm upright, the best exercise will no doubt be getting out on my crutches.

I started on week 3 as I know I can do 25 press ups.

12, 17, 13, 13, 20 done. Very hard work on my good leg, but should be something to keep me amused.
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