*** The 2014 Gym Rats Thread ***

Sorry to hear that, just the thought of ankle breaks make me cringe.

A buddy of mine was on crutches for a long period and he built some decent upper body strength just carrying himself round on them for months on end.
Bench pull is awesome. Not sure how good I'd be at it after a mile on crutches getting to the gym! Also they definitely don't have a high bench there. It might be pull ups under the dining table! If only I had an automatic car I! Patience is the key, and I don't want to do something stupid like ruining a shoulder whilst I'm so reliant on them to get around.

I was considering one legged squats, but simply hopping around the house is knackering!
2nd set of 4reps @180kg. Not bad quite happy with that. The 4th set was a grrrriiiiiiiind though!

16 reps altogether at 180kg - really rather pleased! :D

Is this mainly broscience or are there studies to back it up.

Is this chart suggesting that a weight you can do for 20 reps = 25% of you 1RM? Or am I reading it wrong?

Is this mainly broscience or are there studies to back it up.

There will be a mix of studies backing that picture up, of varying degrees of quality.

However, regardless of what journals actually say, each person is different and responds differently to training, so it is approximate.

What it does show you is either somebody's response or how to best use the information to ahieve desired training effects. The assumption ciuld be drawn that 1RMs all round is the best way to get strong, or that capillary density and lacrate resistance is just silly (questions about cardio, of course... ;) )... so use it as a very rough indicator of approximate, potential training outcomes.
Sorry to be dumb but you'll have to explain that one to me?

140kg is a milestone for bench press for quite a lot of people, so it's a satirical way of saying I've managed to hit the milestone. Some people refer to it as the 3 plate club (3 20kg plates a side).

Smolov JR Bench Press is a routine that's particularly taxing and difficult to complete but often leads to increased strength because the body over-responds in terms of neural and muscular development to deal with the massive benching volume (4 times a week). In my case, my bench has jumped from 120kg touch and go to 140kg with a pause in the 3 weeks of doing the routine, which I'm understandably very happy about.
Speaking of clubs, I recently joined the 220KG paused squat club :D

I've been doing a lot of leg press lately, but this was the end of my first squat session in about a 2 months.

Prior to the video, I did:


All paused for about 3 seconds
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Not surprised you're pleased with that - congrats.

Will look up the routine at a later date cos right now I'm a noob - hence the question. Thanks for taking time to explain.

Thanks :) it's a great routine. I actually ran two weeks of the squat version's base mesocycle alongside it and had a 30kg increase on my squat. In retrospect, it was a bad idea to run them both at the same time because I'm feeling smashed now and in desperate need of a deload week. I tried to out-eat the routines but I'm literally hating food and protein shakes right now. I've not felt hunger in 3 weeks. I knew that would probably happen when I ran them together though :D
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