The 5 year plan to £50k

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With men I think it helps to look physically stronger rather than having boyish good looks, a rugged, tall, robust looking man can instantly garner the respect of men and women without even saying anything. Doesn't make a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things really as just like a very small percentage of women are extremely good looking, there's a very small percent of men who're tall, rugged and well built. 6'3 puts you in the top 2% (UK) and it's around that height where you start to look imposing over others as long as you aren't noodle armed with narrow shoulders.

My biceps absolutely got me my job.
don't forget clothes/grooming.

im amazing just how much some of my friends clock in regards to that stuff.

Back in the 90's a women called Mary Spillane wrote 2 books called Presenting Yourself Men and Presenting Yourself Women. Good books back then, not sure they carry today as it was all double breasted suits back then.
here is an example of some old school type advice from a book aimed at junior brokers - tis American and several decades old, I bought it second hand a while ago mostly out of curiosity (it is quite conservative, only recommends white shirts/kind of allows light blue ones etc..):

edit - photos in spoiler tags so as not to clog up the thread with irrelevance - but if anyone is interested:
9KJCKIx.jpg 12MtxAD.jpg
jKLtJfj.jpg oy3xMe7.jpg

"closed pumps are the only appropriate shoe for the young female broker"

if only that accountancy firm that hit the headlines over the high heels fiasco had taken the more traditional advice!


(Can't he a trader without using as few works as possible in communications :D)

LOL that is quite common too, always too busy
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With men I think it helps to look physically stronger rather than having boyish good looks, a rugged, tall, robust looking man can instantly garner the respect of men and women without even saying anything. Doesn't make a lot of difference in the grand scheme of things really as just like a very small percentage of women are extremely good looking, there's a very small percent of men who're tall, rugged and well built. 6'3 puts you in the top 2% (UK) and it's around that height where you start to look imposing over others as long as you aren't noodle armed with narrow shoulders.

I knew I was stupid and being exploited for my body :(

Ah well! :D
As long as the pay is good they can exploit me for my rippling six pack all they like...

I use the term six pack loosely, but there's definite ripples.
I knew I was stupid and being exploited for my body :(

Ah well! :D


Realistically though do you think you'd be in the same position you are without the whole process of getting to your physique? It obviously brings an added level of confidence and gives people a different perception of you as well as the level of training required in the gym to get to your size giving you a stronger mentality and better work ethic.
It may bring discipline and toughness of character. I'd like to think my skills, and what I have delivered will have counted towards it, as well as my personality being a good fit!

But yeah, I wore tight clothes and bent over a lot...
I'm not denying you don't have the skills and personality but even that is perceived differently between someone who looks strong and someone who doesn't, you can get away with far more imo being in shape and decent looking, you can tell awful jokes and people will still laugh, you can do some lighthearted flirting without HR calling you in for sexual harassment, the list goes on.
I'm not denying you don't have the skills and personality but even that is perceived differently between someone who looks strong and someone who doesn't, you can get away with far more imo being in shape and decent looking, you can tell awful jokes and people will still laugh, you can do some lighthearted flirting without HR calling you in for sexual harassment, the list goes on.
I once had a charge filed against me for attempting to strike up a conversation with a female member of staff, who was sitting next to me in the office. Her manager (female) even upheld it. Said it was inappropriate since I was a temp (literally there for a day, no more), to be making conversation when both of us should be busy working; she also let me know that the girl in question had no interest in talking to me.

I'm not a pretty boy, tho :p Not Brad Pitt, let's say.

I learned that day that there is nothing to be gained from trying to talk to people you aren't going to be working with for long. Esp female office admins who possibly hate their jobs, and/or hate men (or just ugly ones :p)
I've seen it many a time, worked in one office where a lad with aspergers would do his best to make polite conversation with the girls in the admin team, granted he did go on a bit but he was never rude, crass or sexual yet one of them then took it upon the whole group to file a harassment claim against him because apparently he "keeps staring at me over his monitor", the things they would say about him when he was off that day or wasn't in the room were far, far worse than any of the quite frankly boring conversations he would bring up. The MD comes in the room though and makes a sexual reference it's all well and good and giggles ensue.
I'm not denying you don't have the skills and personality but even that is perceived differently between someone who looks strong and someone who doesn't, you can get away with far more imo being in shape and decent looking, you can tell awful jokes and people will still laugh, you can do some lighthearted flirting without HR calling you in for sexual harassment, the list goes on.

I wasn't suggesting you weren't :) It may be relevant - I'm not sure. However, yes I can flirt without getting HR involved, and I do make crap jokes...

I think having physical presence does have an impact for sure - I think diminutive men/women have to make up for it through personality or exceptional performance. I think it is all related.

Once upon a time...You're a weed now with your lack of training and putting your child ahead of your physique :mad:


:( :( :( :(

Ooooof right in his now tiny feels!

Rub it in why don't you?! :mad:

No really... rub it in...
lol @dowie that clothing advice :o :D

We had a trainee have his first day in our team in coloured chinos recently. We are not a chinos team - it caused much outrage, uproar and gossip. That said, our dress code is otherwise really quite relaxed and unless I'm meeting clients I probably look a bit of a scruff. I can get away with it though :p

There is someone round these parts that measures each trainee's tie with a tape measure... :D
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I once had a charge filed against me for attempting to strike up a conversation with a female member of staff, who was sitting next to me in the office. Her manager (female) even upheld it. Said it was inappropriate since I was a temp (literally there for a day, no more), to be making conversation when both of us should be busy working; she also let me know that the girl in question had no interest in talking to me.

I'm not a pretty boy, tho :p Not Brad Pitt, let's say.

I learned that day that there is nothing to be gained from trying to talk to people you aren't going to be working with for long. Esp female office admins who possibly hate their jobs, and/or hate men (or just ugly ones :p)

Seems some woman think even talking to them about the weather means you want to bone them.

Like nah calm down brah....literally just making some polite convo i'd do the same to a dude or an old lady.
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