Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I get the shoulder issue all the time with squats does my head in! And my bench is poo really considering. Doing some sort of rotator cuff strengthen should sort it?
I get the shoulder issue all the time with squats does my head in! And my bench is poo really considering. Doing some sort of rotator cuff strengthen should sort it?

There was a good discussion on rotator cuffs in the old gym rats thread. Have a look in the archive, near the end. A few embedded youtube videos were posted, some good rotator cuff exercises :)
I'm supposed to be doing my legs today...But I can feel my knees hurting and generally being uncomfortable already :(

Exactly what I was looking for, cheers mate :)

Basically the benefits are as follows... the science behind it is fascinating if you want to read up on it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_oil

* Increases fat burning
* Decreases fat storage
* Increases insulin sensitivity
* Maintains healthy joints
* Reduces levels of excess cortisol
* Dramatically improves health


Is that basically the same tablet you mention? Do take one a morning and am doing more and more cardio work (basically just running) these days and on the box it says only one a day so do you think taking more than one would be beneficial to me? One time I did take one in the evening as well but had a nose bleed, not sure if it was related to this or just coincidence if I'm being honest.
Interesting thread chap.

Ive slowly been getting back in to the swing of things at the gym. Only problem there are soo many noobs there at the mo its annoying.

I've been working to the following:

Monday : Chest and Tricepts
Tuesday: Running
Wednesday: Legs and Back
Thursday: Running
Friday: Shoulders and Bicepts

Ill post a exercise break down once i get home.

I have a problem.. Following an injury sustained on my rota-cuff over Christmas, it's left my left shoulder quite weak. I have been receiving correct professional treatment (sports physio). I would say as much as a 40% drop in strength compared to the right shoulder. So i've been sticking to uni excercises but wondered if anyone had any furher tips. This is new ground for me.

When I did my Rotator Cuff I just followed these exercises...mainly the first one, but I did it standing and it got my back to being able to lift the weight I'd been previously doing within...8 weeks? but I do go to the gym 3 times a week. Shoulders are funny, when they pick up a knock they rarely fully cover. The best thing is to build it up stronger than it was before the knock to protect it in the future.

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I was reading a transformation article on T-Nation the other day and the guy recommended on a fatloss diet his clients take anywhere from 30-40 caps of Omega 3 a DAY.

I'll try and dig it out of my history. Ah here it is

"When in a rapid fat loss phase, most of my clients will ingest at least 15g of fish oil, sometimes up to 30-40g. I personally use 30g per day. I like to use one or two servings of Flameout per day and I make up the rest with a good blend of fish oil."


T-nation is the last place i'd go to for nutrition advice. The authors will write anything to sell products, yet ppl are so ready to believe!

One of the many touted benefits of taking fish oil are the anti-inflammatory properties. Anti-inflammatory is counter productive to muscle repair (thats right, DOMS are good!) , so you could be slowing down your progress by mega dosing fish oil.

There are many negative side affects of taking too much fish oil, do the research.

As always, i'll stick to getting all my macros the way nature intended...from food :)
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I'm 100% behind you when you say they are writing it to sell products as i have heard this before. I did think 30-40 caps a day was way overkill but have heard many success stories with people on 12-15 more so than people that take 6-8 on an average dose lets say.

I think i remember Ultra saying he was doing well on a fairly high dosage and FF was doing well on an average dose. Personally i will be taking 6 caps a day of the MP normal Omega 3 when i get my order in shortly, then i can see where i need go from there. I usually have 4-5 good portions of oily fish weekly so i definitely need the caps to boost my overall intake.
Wouldn't mega-dose them myself but have taken between 10 and 15 a day for months at a time with no negative side effects.

Just bought a new batch and will be taking 5 in the morning and 5 before bed for the next month.
I always look forward to my legs day , always good :)

Yeah I do as well...But my knee has a constant 'uncomfortable' feeling in it at the moment :(

I've had issues with it for ages now...Just walking around for a day can make it get really bad.

Annoying because I don't want to miss a day just because of my stupid knee!
"fantastic price for this product, my wife used these throughout her pregnancy and we have a very clever daughter(linked to brain development in foetus)!"

one of the reviews :O
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