just bought myself some....
180+180 (360) £14.29
also ordered some multi vits
just bought myself some....
180+180 (360) £14.29
Think my session on Monday caught up with me today. Did my bench and inclines as well as a few crappy exercises then lost interest and went home. Possibly mental fatigue rather than physical fatigue. I knew switching from comics to adult books would overload my brain
Bench Press
80K x 10
95K x 10
110K x 10
Calf Raises
160K x 20
160K x 20
Incline Dumbbell Press
32.5K x 10
37.5K x 10
42.5K x 10
Weighted Crunches
30K x 10
30K x 10
For those of you worried about eggs:
It's what I've been saying for years. Finally it's getting into the main stream!
For those of you worried about eggs:
It's what I've been saying for years. Finally it's getting into the main stream!
Still not sure eating at least 3 a day is good for you though?? Thats what I need to hear. Anyhow..I like eggs!
Personally I'd give legs a rest until your pain disappears, why not bring forward the next split of your routine?
Back extensions:
BodyweightCan I ask what BW means, sorry for asking a silly question.