Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Morba - looking phenomenal mate. Can't help but be seriously impressed. You definitely need to get more pics up! Have you ever tried going super lean, maybe even doing a show?
There's a guy in my gym with 22" calves, 22 stone and pretty lean. He competes at around 17 stone 4-5% bodyfat - just looks ridiculous (in a good way).

Nah, i have a problem with eating, i cant not do it hehe. would love to be something like 10%bf, but achieving that would be no fun. i do this because i enjoy it :D

Morba, I need to see pics of you. I don't know why, I just have a massive craving to see you, you absolute beast.

I know how homosexual that sounds.

gayer :p
Was in the gym today and thought you guys might like this:


Had a quick weigh in this morning and I'm down to 94.4kg from 107 in january strength is still going up nicely and my cardio fitness has improved hugely. I'm a very happy man
Did my first stronglifts session earlier today (yesterday technically). Felt really easy, but then the first few should. I was just wondering...

I never used to do any sort of warm up sets, but I've started doing a couple (upping the weight each time) for the main lifts (bench press, overhead press, deadlift, squat). Is this about right/sufficient?
just quickly is there anything obviously missing from my workout routine?
Thanks :)

Got measured today by the gym person for free..

She had the results from almost exactly a year ago. Although about 3-4months weren't very serious and using machines.

was in cm so I converted to inches hence the slightly odd numbers, since they seem the more standard unit here.

They aren't the maximums for things like legs etc, as they're in a specific position.

Basically it'll be in the format:

Current measure (Increase from 1year ago)

I haven't grown in height and am just above 5' 11''
weight: 81.2kg (up 8.9kg)

waist at belly button: 31.6" (up 2.4inches)

Thighs at where my thumbs touch when shoulders are relaxed:
Right: 23.5" (up 1.45 inches)
Left: 23.2" (up 1.5 inches)

arms (at bicep peak):
Right: 13.1" (up 1 inch)
left: 12.8" (up 0.8 inches)

Chest (nipple height relaxed shoulders no tensing in lats or pecs)
38.8" (up 3 inches)

What do you reckon? Good progress?

I've been using the routine in the quote, or a variant. Infact For about 3 months I was only doing chins dips and squats, and only for the last month or so have I resurrected the other exercises as I got a bit bored of them and love chins/dips/squats :o I also had a thing against doing barbell curls due to them being a "show off" exercise, however after my girlfriend giving me comments lots on them I've started doing them lots :o

edit: Dun that's exactly the physique I'm going for! Immense :) Need to add to chest and arms really and I should be close I think? Similar stats otherwise.
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Ye mate the numbers speak for themselves, coming along really well :) Nice small waist for your weight.
And thanks, don't worry too much about adding to specific areas though, just push hard with everything :D
Cheers. Yeah although the waist is getting bigger.. really need to get more cardio in :p I can't do the running machine as it destroys my shins and the rowing takes it out of my muscles pretty quick. Might start going for jogs around the fields nearby and see if that is ok for the shins.

Out of interest what exercises do you do? Not so much the sets etc, but just the exercises?

I currently do:
tricep extensions (overhead leaning forward cable)
barbell curls (EZ)
cable rows
Did my first stronglifts session earlier today (yesterday technically). Felt really easy, but then the first few should. I was just wondering...

I never used to do any sort of warm up sets, but I've started doing a couple (upping the weight each time) for the main lifts (bench press, overhead press, deadlift, squat). Is this about right/sufficient?

Starting on squats i used to do.

empty bar 2x5
30kg 3x5
60kg 3x5
90kg 2x5

Then do your work set for 5x5. No real need to do to much more warming up. I'd do a few extra sets for bench but no real need for the rest of the routine as squats will warm you up.
Cheers. Yeah although the waist is getting bigger.. really need to get more cardio in :p I can't do the running machine as it destroys my shins and the rowing takes it out of my muscles pretty quick. Might start going for jogs around the fields nearby and see if that is ok for the shins.

Out of interest what exercises do you do? Not so much the sets etc, but just the exercises?

I currently do:
tricep extensions (overhead leaning forward cable)
barbell curls (EZ)
cable rows

I don't do any cardio at all. As for exercises I mix it up constantly. For example yesterday I did leg extensions, leg press, hack squat, sissy squat. But the week before I did leg extensions, squats, front squats super deep, single leg press. I find it better to keep everything guessing, and don't really decide the exercises I'm going to do until I'm getting changed in the gym, and even then if something is constantly busy (like cable crossovers) then I'll just do something else :)
Starting on squats i used to do.

empty bar 2x5
30kg 3x5
60kg 3x5
90kg 2x5

Then do your work set for 5x5. No real need to do to much more warming up. I'd do a few extra sets for bench but no real need for the rest of the routine as squats will warm you up.

Wow, that's a lot more than I expected! Maybe that explains why my workout seemed so short! I think I'll give this a go next time, might give me a bit more of a burn afterwards. Cheers.
Morba, do you ever go to the bath uni gym? Just I saw an absolutely massive, short(at least I know you're not tall :p ) and bald guy there which seems to fit your criteria and I think you've mentioned living at or near bath?

This guy was so big he couldn't put his arms in to his sides as his lats got in the way :p
Guys, any thoughts on breaking through a plateau? I've been training for years now and I know I've got good form, the right attitude and a good diet. I just seem to have reached a bit of a plateau.

I'm 5'6" 66kg and lift:

Dead: 150kg x 5
Squat 120kg x 5
Bench: 80kg x 5

I mainly train with a 4 day split: legs, chest + biceps, back, shoulders + triceps.

Anyone had any luck breaking through an annoying plateau?
Do you train solidly or take a week or two off every couple of months?

Also, if you're looking for strength gains, have you tried a 3 day full body routine?

Although, tbh those lifts are impressive for your weight, any progress on them will probably come in dribs and drabs.
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