Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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2hrs seems like a long work out, I always try to keep to just over an hour max, apparently after that time it kills your test levels or something like that.
Most likely a myth but some people say your levels of something (can't remember what) drop after around 45 minutes and what you do after that is a bit wasted.

Would seem to be logical and why those with very high intensity workouts are only in the gym for around 40 minutes from what I have seen. Yet they do the same amount in 40 minutes that I do in around an hour and I try to keep resting between sets down to as minimal as I can.

EDIT - Yep it's supposedly your testosterone levels that drop quite a bit after around 45 minutes but I would say that would have to be an intense 45 minutes
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Not sure if it would do anything about lifting but from the articles on the web (mostly full of garbage I know and so I don't know if it's true or not), the levels of testosterone in your body drops below the level of muscle wastage chemicals in your body (chemicals/hormones designed to decrease swelling etc) and so you can see how that would be counterproductive to trying to gain size.
Some of my best workouts have been nearly 3 hours long. No point trying to lift near to your maximum if you're not going to give your body time to recover between sets.

Had a decent workout tonight despite not eating much due to a stinking headache and sore throat.

135 x 8
135 x 8
135 x 8

90 x 5
95 x 5
100 x 5
105 x 5
110 x 5
115 x 5

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
32.5 x 8
37.5 x 8
42.5 x 8

Weighted Parallel Bar Dips
15 x 8
17.5 x 8
20 x 8

65 x 12
70 x 12
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Rest week over, and I almost ran to the gym I couldn't wait to get back in. Paid careful attention to my right shoulder which has been sore, but everything went fine.

Shoulder/Rotator cuff warm ups just like in this vid:

Flat BP:

Upright row:

Decline cable press:

Lateral raises (straight arm DB):

Military press (on machine this time, smith occupied):
10x40kg (pronate)
10x45kg (hammer grip)
10x45kg (pronate)
10x40kg (hammer grip)

Cable pullovers:

On way out, decided to try a quick hammer grip pull-up as this helps straighten my back.. that was a mistake. The moment I gripped and started to lift my right shoulder went zing and hurt a fair bit. It's still a little achey now, but time for me to seek medical advice. :(
Late night work outs for the win, had an arm day:).

Overhead tricep extensions 5x10.

35 kilos x10.
55 kilos x10.
75 kilos x10.
85 kilos x10.
100 kilos x10, feel the burn.

Tricep push downs 5x10.

35 kilos x10.
55 kilos x10.
75 kilos x10.
85 kilos x10.
100 kilos x10, feel the burn.

Arnie concentration curls each arm 5x 5-10.

15 kilos x10.
25 kilos x10.
35 kilos 2x10.
45 kilos 2x5.

Ez curl bar 5x10.

40 kilos 5x10.

Reverse Ez curl bar 5x10.

40 kilos 5x10.

Front dumbbell raises 5x10.

15 kilos 3x10.
25 kilos 2x10.

Warm down.

30 minutes on the crosstrainer
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GVT Monday - I had an enforced 3-day break (although you're not meant to take that much time off, but I was in Germany with the British army for the officers summer ball and wasn't going to miss that!!).

So onto day "7" although it's actually day 8 because I didn't take a break last week to make up for my weekend.

This is still 60% of RM and the workout 1 phase, there are 6 workout phases so I've got plenty to do!

Heel elevated front squats, 4s lowering phase, explosive upward phase with little lock-out. I used thick 25kg plates as my heel perch.

10x5 reps @ 60kg. Again doesn't soun like much, but when you're lowering the bar slowly, it doesn't half cane by the time you get to the end - I was DRENCHED!

I had left my training notes so wasn't sure what was next on the list so just did some DLs.

10x5 reps @ 110kg - harder that it sounds, especially with the 90s breaks, although I couldn't really do 4s negatives, I kept the movements controlled and form absolutely intact.

Sweating profusely at this point.

Split squats

6x60kg each leg
8x60kg each leg
6x60kg each leg


Calf raises


Not perfect subsidiary exercises but I had to improvise considering I didn't have my notes! Thinking about it I should have probably done leg press and a different hamstring exercise... but anyway.

So I've got one more day of GVT for workout 1 then it's onto workout 2 where everything goes up by 6% - it's going to be fun! :D
Been doing some reading about some different workout routines as mine needs changing and I stumbled across GBC(German Body Composition) training and I'm just wondering if anyones tried it?
It looks a lot like GVT which I know FF is trying out at the moment, but uses more exercises and less sets.
The idea behind it is to get the lactic acid building up which in turn should make your body release more growth hormone helping to reduce your bf%
So onto day "7" although it's actually day 8 because I didn't take a break last week to make up for my weekend.

FF - I started this last week also! So far I am loving all the new aches my muscles are feeling :D
Was not overly keen on the 'arms' day, but thought I'd stick to it properly - they are burning still today!
Yeah I'm getting an increasing amount of DOMs - it's only 2 exercises 10 sets x 5 reps, but it's the slow negs that are the killers. The 2 subsidiary exercises also make it surprisingly difficult!!
How many times a week are you guys deadlifting? I've just started adding it in and I'm really feeling the soreness but in a good way...
FF, what happened to my post? Didn't ask for advice so don't see why it should get deleted?
Not sure if it was just because it was in the wrong thread, in that case, I'll repost it:
if it is against the rules, then I apologise for reposting it.

"Just bought 360 omega 3 capsules. My knees have got worse due to squash (One time I changed direction and had to go to ground as they ached so much, and couldn't do full speed for the rest of the session). Came to a head last night when I jumped off a fence say just over a metre high and it absolutely caned, then ached on the walk home.

Going to see a doctor about them too, as they creak a lot when moved slowly."

These omega 3 things seem to do a whole lot of good things, less fat storage and absorption, good for your brain and joints. Any bad things? Think I'm gonna start on 4 in the morning, 4 at night, and move up to 5.
Sorry mate I thought I had moved it... don't know what happened?! :o

How much do you weigh, and I presume they are 1000mg capsules? What's the DHA and EPA concentration? 10 a day might be a bit excessive, and it's important to spread it out throughout the day and after food - no point in taking them on an empty stomach as it won't be absorbed as readily.
When I started boxing I got a pain in my left elbow so I started taking a one-a-day Cod Liver Oil capsule because I heard they helped with joints etc. The pain went away after a few days but it's pretty much impossible for me to tell whether it was due to my body getting used to the stress or the capsules.
So what are the benefits of taking this sort of stuff? It says something about aiding energy release on the box....

(I assume this is the same thing Georges is talking about)
•Increases fat burning
•Decreases fat storage
•Increases insulin sensitivity
•Maintains healthy joints
•Reduces levels of excess cortisol
•Dramatically improves health

If you have got joint pain and issues see your doctor - this helps maintain healthy joints, it doesn't fix injured ones or make the pain go away.

I was wondering if anyone here has ever tried anything along the lines of being in a calorie surplus for 2-5 weeks with heavy weights and cardio, followed by 2-5 weeks of the same type of working out but with a calorie deficit?

I have lost a lot of weight (and some muscle) and want to work on changing body composition but not sure what is the fastest way (although happy to put in the long term slog) to achieve what I want.

I am not a fan of bulk/cut cycles, I would rather stay lean and add lean muscle. But I am not totally sold on the idea of doing it at the same time, has this approach ever worked for anyone?

Thanks for that, looks like they are worth taking then :)

Is there any extra benefit in taking more than one of these 1-a-day capsules? Like taking one in the morning and one in the afternoon or something? Or is there only so much the body can use of it in a certain period?

Like I said the joint pain went away fairly fast and hasn't returned, I haven't really thought about it in ages.
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