Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I know what you mean guys, the worst ones are people that reckon they know exactly what they are talking about and really don't, like my flat mate for instance. He's a really nice guy but thinks that because he does a sports related uni course (Sports Business Management) that he knows all about muscle and fitness and takes great delight in telling me that because of my lanky build I'll never be big. To be honest though I should thank him because it drives me on, and when in 2 years we both leave uni and I walk out of here a stone or so heavier than I am now, he'll know he's been talking out of his bum :D.
Can anyone advice of any good websites for planning my diet? I'm doing the exercise but my diet is still pretty poor at the moment but am looking to put that straight. Basically looking for a website that gives a good break down on what certain food has in it so I can choose carefully as to what I need to eat.
Can anyone advice of any good websites for planning my diet? I'm doing the exercise but my diet is still pretty poor at the moment but am looking to put that straight. Basically looking for a website that gives a good break down on what certain food has in it so I can choose carefully as to what I need to eat.

The way I plan my diet is to work out roughly what I need to eat each day then start picking foods. For example, if I need carbs I will add rice, pasta or wholemeal bread. For protein I would add chicken, fish or whey. Fats I get from nuts. All the values of these foods are on the packet, so weigh them and add them up.

Here's a link to my current diet. http://mattmccann.co.uk/docs/2009-Diet-Plan.xlsx
Thanks, at the moment started doing cardio work again but I will start doing weight training again soon I'm guessing on those days my diet will be different to my normal days.

I'm actually a vegetarian myself so I am trying to look for non-meat food which will also give me plenty of protein and whatever else needed. Obviously if I want to take the whole weight training thing real serious eventually I will need to take Protein shakes eventually but ideally I'd like to get as much as possible from natural food. Have recently discovered certain quorn products which are basically like replacements for ham, chicken, turkey etc which seem to have good amounts of protein in them.

Thanks again :)
Yeah Quorn has really good levels of protein. Eggs are brilliant for protein, get yourself a big bag of mixed nuts/fruit, plenty of protein to be had from those.

Also, cottage cheese/quark can be a good protein source, and cottage cheese is a great complex carb plus slow release protein, so a good choice for a pre-bedtime snack.

Depending on how veggie you are, meaning if you allow yourself to eat fish, then of course, you have massive amounts of choice for protein there.
Obviously if I want to take the whole weight training thing real serious eventually I will need to take Protein shakes eventually

No, you don't.

but ideally I'd like to get as much as possible from natural food.

Good, you've already given yourself a good headstart by addressing your diet first :)

I say it's not essential to take protein shakes because it isn't. Get as much protein in your diet as you can naturally. Only then if you feel you need more start to look to supplements. Most use them because they are quickley absorbed post work out which is what you need. Also cheap, quick and easy.

I suggest you dig up Freefallers supplements discussion thread nearer the time and give it a good read. It's a long opening post but there's lots of useful information there. If there's anything not covered there feel free to ask :)
On the topic of bad form I saw something quite hilarious whilst training this afternoon. Somebody I've never seen before who must have been about my age 20 or so.

Don's his lifting belt and heads straight for the 45's. Barely capable of shrugging them he makes a good effort of moving his shoulders round in what looked to be very painful circles.

Followed by DB rows which looked like he was just trying to give the DB he seed. There was that little ROM and that much jerking. From behind he looked like he was having a hand party!

He also some attempted some single arm standing DB military press, that didn't go too well either.

And his finale was some 1/4 rep hammer grip chins.

Fairplay to him though for attempting something different. Just a shame he had some of the worst form I've ever seen!
Do a kind deed and tactfully ask him if he wants to join in with you, so you can give him some pointers:).

Guy in the office was talking to me, turns out he is taking creatine, but doesn't train. He thinks he will put on muscle. I'm shocked how little he knew. I obviously put him straight.



I'm still sore today feeling muscles I haven't felt before from training at home. It's a great feeling :D

Being sore is a great feeling, it lets you know you've put the effort in oh and fetch me an Ibuprofen lol.
Whats the best kind of snacks n fluids to be taking in when missioning 30miles on a bike?

Because the regular, 3 lucazades, 2 waters, mars bar and boost surely do the trick but cant be doing my diet any good

Few pointers here please
I've actually dropped my protein to around 150g or so a day, and have made much improved gains as a result. After researching it further I'm of the view that alkalysing your diet and hitting 1.2-1.6g of protein per kg of bodymass (lean) is far more beneficial. There are good bell curves of protein synthesis, and the excesses just don't improve or increase protein synthesis, and it either gets changed into urea in your liver and sent to your kidneys to clean, or possibly turn into glucose and used as an energy substrate - it might either be used immediately as fuel or stored (as glycogen). If you already have sufficient carbs to refil your glycogen stores then it'll turn to fat. However in practice this doesn't occur in great extent.

However, you're just wasting money and your time.

Get some good fats in, good low GI carbs (even better carb cycle if you can manage it).

There are some studies however which show that protein can increase you MBR if you're already at a healthy state of fitness, so a portion of protein calories are oxidised and given off as heat (thermogenic reaction) - so minimising the fat storage possibility - however, this is again balanced with the other macros in your diet. This is not a stand alone rule.

It is categoric however that people with live/kidney disease are recommended a low protein diet, and for good reason. So it's just something to think about. Protein is VITAL for bodybuilding and muscle repair, but excess is also just as wasteful and pointless.

I'm just trying to save ya'll money! :D

However if you're on a "cut" and removing carbs from your diet, then you will need the extra protein to replenish the glycogen in your body. Personally I don't do cuts etc... so I prefer a synergistic approach to my diet, i.e. include carbs and fats. :)

IT's all a bit of a balancing act really. Overall you're not going to do yourself any harm, but why waste all that money when you don't need it?

/speach over. :p

I'm not trying to say don't eat protein, however if you get your ratios right and train well, optimal protein synthesis can happily occur within 1.2-1.7g per kg. So of course if you weigh 150kg then you can easily need nearly 300g of protein - but we're talking extremes here.

~I'm not telling you to do anything about it - just sharing my knowledge. Take it or leave it. :)
Ouch! My legs are turning to rubber already! :D

Be the hardest routine I have done, but i like more volume and i feel a lot better doing a lot of voume.

Will be changing my diet from monday onwards, clean foods so hopefully stay decently lean as i bulk.
Will have to make sure my recovery is in order as well.
Yeah definitely. Volume is the key - certainly for legs.

Lean bulk is the way forwards! I'm constantly striving to get bigger and stronger. It's a slow process though :(

AS an aside, before a rugby game I tend to pop in the day before just to do a couple of reps at my 95% RM to stimulate the CNS before the game. Works wonders. Takes 20-30mins and that's all you need.
By volume do you mean more reps even if it means less weight?

Also what are veiws on dropping weight in a set if it means you can finish it with full reps?
Firt time ever im going to weigh/measure and get my bf level done before I start the bulk, monitor every month and re-measure, and then feedback to my nutritionist.
That way I feel is best as I can see if i'm gaining to much (fat) or not gaining enough and then i can get him to adjust my diet from there, hopefully make the best and optimal progress this way.

Volume to me is a lot of sets/reps, like:

bench 5 sets from 12-6reps
incline - 5 sets from 12-6
Crossovers - 4x15
Dips - 4x10

I would say thats quite a lot of volume for chest
By volume do you mean more reps even if it means less weight?

Also what are veiws on dropping weight in a set if it means you can finish it with full reps?

It doesn't have to be less weight necessarily it depends what you can handle. :)

I'm a huge fan of dropsets yes - a good way of recuriting fibres.
I also have been doing a little more volume training, what with the knee and all.

Did some reading on GVT/other volume routines and threw together a little routine, second week now. Really tough but quite fun and obviously I'm disadvantaged as I can't do any lower body. Basic concept im following is:

10x10 on primary exercise
5x5 on a bodyweight movement
3x8 on assistance exercise(s)

Not how I'm using to training so its quite interesting and certainly leaving me well pumped after a session.

MRI Scan results tonight :)
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