I really need to learn how to do deadlifts / squats and get these into my routine!
Your missing out! Start light. Nail the form. Progress slowly. Good form will give you good results and minimise the risk of injuries.
I really need to learn how to do deadlifts / squats and get these into my routine!
What you guys think of this beginner set?
Powertec power rack
Powertec bench
Bodypower - 145Kg Olympic Weight Set
Bodypower - Olympic Dumbbell Handles
Reckon that's ok to start with? Can the weights from the weight set be used with the dumbell handles ok?
Any other essential pieces of equipment or accessories needed?
I may add the lat pull down and leg curl accessories later.
i cant be the only one thinking thats way too expensive for what it is
Good rack = good commitment imo
Chest, Shouders & Tri's for me tomorrow
Are you doing the Mon, Wed, Friday 3 day split as in Gordy's thread Delvis?
Well...I was...
Then I got informed to split it up, as doing shoulder on my chest day is a bit silly apparently...
I recently started doing:
Monday: chest/bic
Wednesday: legs/shoulders
Friday: back/tris
Ab's: Every other session
And it seems to be going alrite at the moment....I just need to nail the chest then hopefully thing's will improve
My program is exactly the same apart from doing tris with pecs and bics with back.