Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

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Rear delts are part of your back, so they get done on back day.. surely? :)

By that logic of what they are part of, then surely they get done on shoulder day?

I've been off work for 5 days with bad d+v and i must have lost nearly a stone, first meal i have had was some cheerios for breakfast.

I'm absolutly gutted :(

Don't worry mate. Get yourself better and get back in the gym, the weight will come back much much quicker than the first time :)
if i've counted that right that's 33 sets on legs.

Correct me if im wrong those who are more experienced, but i'm inclined to think that's a bit much?

Just curious, why do you do rear deltoid excercises on your back day? Seems a bit random that's all.


I've not counted but thats probaly right!

I like to train legs with high volume. I find you don't need to shift massive weights when training legs. It should be around 30 tonnes volume or so, which according to FF, is how leg workouts should be measured. Legs are such big muscles used every day it takes a lot to work them thoroughly.

As for doing rear deltoid on back day, as mentioned, they're part of your back and a secondary muscle for most back exercises and concentric press movements too I think?
You have to perform a rowing or rear fly motion to work rear delts.. something not done on shoulder day. :)

And rear fly is something I like to do at the end before bicep isolation to give them an extra tickling.

Edit: On another note I have 5KG's of Oats coming from BSD soon to use in my shakes. I'm not sure how much or when I should be taking with my shakes?

I have a single scoop whey PreWO and a double scoop whey PostWO at current. A regular at the gym said to take them after and to at least match my double whey scoops with oats. He said I could take them before but might feel a bit 'heavy' during my workout. What are your thoughts? What have you done/do?
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You have to perform a rowing or rear fly motion to work rear delts.. something not done on shoulder day. :)

Don't mean to sound rude mate but I don't need advice on how to build rear delts thanks. Rear delt isolation work can and does get done on shoulder day as many people are far too burned out after a heavy back day to be able to get any useful isolation work from their rear delts.

I'm not feeling great but that made me super rage for some reason :o Train however you feel gives you the best results, don't be restrained by what some random person has written somewhere (including me of course).:D
Don't mean to sound rude mate but I don't need advice on how to build rear delts thanks. Rear delt isolation work can and does get done on shoulder day as many people are far too burned out after a heavy back day to be able to get any useful isolation work from their rear delts.

I'm not feeling great but that made me super rage for some reason :o Train however you feel gives you the best results, don't be restrained by what some random person has written somewhere (including me of course).:D

Yet you are more than happy to jump on top of someone else and instruct them how they are doing it "wrong"?! :)

Rear delts are for pulling and/or rotating the arm down-wards. They are worked in all forms of rows (except upright) and pull-downs/ups.

Definitely a back-day thing... well, more so than a shoulder thing which is primarily pressing, not pulling. :)
You have to perform a rowing or rear fly motion to work rear delts.. something not done on shoulder day. :)

Surely the 'fly' motion is no different from a the motion carried out during a lateral raise? The only difference being 45-90 degrees?

Rear delts are done on shoulder day for me, along with his two deltoid friends Mr Anterior Deltoid and Mr Lateral Deltoid (they're brothers :D)
Yet you are more than happy to jump on top of someone else and instruct them how they are doing it "wrong"?! :)

Rear delts are for pulling and/or rotating the arm down-wards. They are worked in all forms of rows (except upright) and pull-downs/ups.

Definitely a back-day thing... well, more so than a shoulder thing which is primarily pressing, not pulling. :)

I didn't say anyone was doing it wrong, just that initially your logic was wrong and then following it up with a derogatory response pointing out what the rear delts are on a little picture??
Anyway like I say do what you think is best, we're all learning what's best for each of us, there isn't a right or wrong answer.:)
My logic was wrong, despite it being a muscle that is worked out when doing normal back exercises?!

There was nothing derogatory about me posting that pic, I initially thought that perhaps not everyone was thinking of the same muscle.
And what about running/HIIT on rest days?

I've still never had a clear answer about this. Some people say you should only focus on weights and that any sort of cardio uses up vital calories required for muscle growth. Others say mixing the two together is as constructive.

And what about running/HIIT on rest days?

I've still never had a clear answer about this. Some people say you should only focus on weights and that any sort of cardio uses up vital calories required for muscle growth. Others say mixing the two together is as constructive.


The way I've undertood is that you want to keep yourself fit and keep you cv system working well. Also, you can perform your reps better as you're less likely to start running out of breath. If somebody is worried about losing calories, why not eat more on a cardio day :confused:
Hey guys, I was just doing some reading around the net and found some links mentioning a training technique called myo-reps. It's quite an interesting read, its about utilizing rep ranges and rest periods to properly stimulate all the fibres of a muscle. Apparently lots of people have had some pretty good strength gains off of it. It's way out of my league but I thought that it may be of interest to some of the bigger/more experienced guys on here :)

A brief overview by someone who trained witht the coach that invented the method:

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