Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I don't know about that but I could give someone trouble trying to choke me out lol, excellent party trick at the moment:D. Saying that F1 drivers train there neck!
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Freefaller out of interest what time of the day do you train? After work?Before work?

Hi matey,

I'm up early and don't have time to train before work (besides the gym is closed at that time of day!). I don't have a lunch break either so can't train then... sooo I'm left to train after a long day after work. :( Not ideal tbh. But I drive past the gym on the way home so I go straight there - else I'd never come back down if I went home first. So I tend to hit the gym around 530 ish, and try and train for 60-80 mins max - I need to start increasing the intensity and thus lower to time to around 45-60 mins which is more ideal, but it's just getting it into my head about not over training, and just go more often but for shorter periods. By lowering the time I get to spend more time at home recovering and relaxing and sleeping which is vital.

I'm just finishing a new routine, I haven't quite got it nailed but once I do I think whilst it'll be tough initially it'll give me a better quality of life considering the days I do.

Weekends I try and train in the mornings so that I have the full day ahead of me. But as always is the case, life gets in the way at times and moving a training period to later is sometimes required.

It's much much better to have a routine and a regime rather than ad-hoc training - so I'm a little all over the place at the moment. That'll be fixed soon!!
Quick question guys.

What would you recommend for a decent split in terms of protein/carbs/fat ratios?

I'm getting my diet into shape slowly. I haven't been training for a long time so I've started off with a low calorie intake and I'm working up slowly until I reach a level where I'll start to gain weight without going overboard. I'd just like to get the balance right at this stage then I can keep this going while I up the cals.

I know there is no exact ratio and it will vary depending on the person but just a rough indication would be a good start, then I can tweak it if needs be later on. Looking to increase lean muscle mass as clean as possible really.


Are you not a fan of fruit? Apples, Satsumas, grapes etc
I'm a fan of buying minced meats such as steak, beef and turkey.

I normally just salt,pepper and herb a slab and bung it on the george foreman. If you've got time you could make your own burgers?

Turkey breasts are a good alternative to chicken. And you can use both in fajittas which are a quick, easy & fun meal! :)
+1 I could tell some stories:D.

Go on..............

Nice one on the daily burn link, will get signed up. EDIT: it says I need to eat 3700kcal to put on a stone (to 15st) which can be done in 13weeks. Lol I will be a fatty bloater if that happens, especially with work/London socialising coming before weights sessions at home on occassions.
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It depends on how many meals you have a day, how many calories you're roughly consuming daily, your type of diet (i.e. you're eating habits) what sort of eating habit you have - and what you're trying to achieve.

I'm probably around 40/30/30 (C/P/F)

Sometimes it goes up to 50/30/20

And sometimes I low carb for a while, 30/40/30

If you wanted to hit keto you'd have to go around 15/55/30 I think.

It's a little excessive though working out all these macros - but being carb aware is sensible. :)

This is a good calculator for working out how much to eat per meal etc...


Remember though there's more to counting calories, and macros :) I eat 5x a day during the week (breakfast, mid morning, noon, mid afternoon, dinner - this doesn't include snacks pre/post workout either), weekends I tend to graze more, or have bigger meals.
Cheers FF.

It seems I put in I have moderate activity at the gym (3-5 times) but I actually vary weeks sometimes between that and maybe only twice a week. Essentially I'm bulking although not eating enough. I know this, but at least my diet is pretty healthy now.

Currently 6ft 2inch, 87.4kg, too much BF% (Guess at 18-20%), lanky arms and podgy belly. Looking to get up to about 15 stone (95kg) by sometime next summer, and currently eat about 2700kcals per day (:() with about 50/20/30 (c/p/f) split.

x2 weight sessions (maybe x3 each week) with one hitting tri's/chest/shoulders and the other bi's/arms/back/legs, with x2/3 interval training sessions a week on the ergo.

After some tweaking and improved time scheduling this should easily be acheivable by the summer.

Are you not a fan of fruit? Apples, Satsumas, grapes etc
I'm a fan of buying minced meats such as steak, beef and turkey.

Yeah, I did mention snacks at the bottom of my sheet - the only problem is I can't have apples or pears, or certain nuts and berries. :( Oranges, bananas and grapes seem to be fine though. I can't drink much milk either! End up coming out in loads of spots. :o

I normally just salt,pepper and herb a slab and bung it on the george foreman. If you've got time you could make your own burgers?

Turkey breasts are a good alternative to chicken. And you can use both in fajittas which are a quick, easy & fun meal! :)

I don't have a foreman grill but I do have time to make my own burgers! Mmm

Turkey, hmm still trying to get the taste buds tuned into it, and will have to perfect my cooking skills to get it cooked perfect and not chewy.

I have found some turkey rashers in Asda though, perfect substitute for bacon for the grill up!

My main issue is breakfast really. I went through a stage of eating porridge (in water) for a few months and now I can't seem to eat it. Eggs I don't mind as you can cook them in a few different ways. I think that diet is doable for the time being, it's not too bad, would you agree?

Thanks for the advice. :)
Cheers FF.

It seems I put in I have moderate activity at the gym (3-5 times) but I actually vary weeks sometimes between that and maybe only twice a week. Essentially I'm bulking although not eating enough. I know this, but at least my diet is pretty healthy now.

Currently 6ft 2inch, 87.4kg, too much BF% (Guess at 18-20%), lanky arms and podgy belly. Looking to get up to about 15 stone (95kg) by sometime next summer, and currently eat about 2700kcals per day (:() with about 50/20/30 (c/p/f) split.

x2 weight sessions (maybe x3 each week) with one hitting tri's/chest/shoulders and the other bi's/arms/back/legs, with x2/3 interval training sessions a week on the ergo.

After some tweaking and improved time scheduling this should easily be acheivable by the summer.

I'm around 99kg at the moment and touching on 18% BF, but it looks a lot lower as thankfully as I carry a lot of muscle mass you can still see ab definition and some vascularity. I'd say that's probably a little too many carbs, see if you can drop it down and increase the protein.

I'd say hit at 3x big full body weight sessions and 2x HIIT get your body composition sorted, then worry about adding some lean mass. :)
My carbs did seem a bit high, and I will increase the protein, although I do have a good shake in the evenings.

If I'm expecting to be 95kg and 18% bf by next summer then that isn't far off you. Maybe a tad optimistic :D

x2 HIIT is going well with me increasing the sessions up to x12 sets of 30secs on (as fast as possible) and 30secs rest (all on the Ergo of course). Weights I hit pretty hard with my brother spotting me if he is there, and normally do 8reps x 4sets. I try to use free weights only and am currently doing the workouts listed below. Just started to get into teh swing of things after my first 4 weeks at the gym and am upping weights now which is a great feeling :)

- DB bench (36kg total)
- DB tri extension (8kg each db)
- DB/BB upright row (26kg)
- DB rear delta row (20kg each db)
- DB seated military press (12/14kg each db)
- DB Pec Fly (20kg total)
- Dropset on 1/2 of the above or supersets 8x2 @6kg DB (DB side raise, DB front raise, DB military press)
- Possible dropset on the chest/tri machine

- Wrist flex/extensors
- DB Hammer curl (24/28kg total)
- DB Curl (24/28kg total)
- BB Shrug (65kg)
- DB bent over row (22kg)
- Seated row (cable) (50kg)
- Pulldown both widegrip and close (machine) (50kg)
- Deadlift 70kg (not sorted my form or ideal weight yet).

Then chuck some legs in on one of those days, especially a leg press.
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The diets reasonably good. Maybe have pizza as a cheat meal and quite a lot of pasta there. No rice? Brown preferable. Same for pasta where do-able. Try not to eat carbs too late in the day, have them for lunch for example.

I'm not really a fussy eater. The only meal of mine which really changes is dinner and the sandwich filling at lunch. Rest of the time it's a pritty standard routine for me. As it stands on a student budget:

8:00 AM---Breakfast---4 Whole eggs, milk, salt & pepper(scrambled), 1 & ½/2 wholemeal toast
9:00 AM---Fruit & Grain Bar
10:00 AM---1 Scoop Pharma Whey & Water
11:00 AM---Mid Morning Lunch---2 slices wholemeal, butter, 4 slices chicken, lettuce, two tomatos, apple, fruit & grain bar.
12:30PM--- 1 Scoop Pharma Whey & Water
2:00 PM---Mid Afternoon Lunch---1 Can of Tuna, Mayonaisse, 2 Satsumas, Fruit & Grain bar
4:00 PM---1 Scoop Pharma Whey & Water
5:00 PM---Satsuma
7:30 PM---Dinner--- 2 Chicken breasts, Half Plate mixed veg, Half plate brown rice. Korma Sauce.
9:00 PM Evening snack Satsuma
10:00/11:00 PM---Bed---2 Scoops Pharma Blend & Water

Thats an off-day.

I can eat quite regulary luckily being a student. On a training day like today I'll have my shakes around my workout. 1 scoop shake @ 4pm, half an hour later a serving of V-max Pump. Workout @ 5PM Immediately followed by PWO shake (around 6/6:30pm) a double scoop shake and then dinner an hour or so after. Couple of scoops of oats to go in the PWO and maybe PreWO shake arriving today at somepoint.

Other evening meals will be, 2/3 chicken breasts fajitta with mixed veg. Same again but with a turkey breast and chicken breast. 500 grams grilled minced turkey/beef/steak with mixed veg. 4 Fishcakes & veg, Tuna Napolitana Pasta with a chicken breast mixed in. Chicken/Turkey breasts & Mixed veg with mushroom/spanish chicken/ honey & mustard/ sweet & sour sauce. Same again with either/and rice or mixed veg.

I'd like to experiment with a few different meals but the house I'm living in has the tiniest kitchen known to man so I'm in and out as quick as possible. There's no room for my grill which is under the stairs and you can't open cupboards or draws properly because the other worktop is that close!
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That kitchen sounds crazy. :eek: I'm in halls at the moment, with about 20 people to one kitchen so it can get hectic at times.

Is it not wise to have carbs too late after lunch then? I have a habit of eating quite late sometimes, then I can't usually sleep, I wonder if that is the problem?

Diet looks very good, constant supply throughout the day! Four main meals, would that be enough for me too? Being on a student budget, that one less meal will make a lot of difference.

The other big obstacle I need to overcome is going to bed late. I need to try to get into the habit of going to sleep by 11 at the latest and waking up at 7:30.
We should do a deadlift rep challenge like they did over on UK-Muscle
They were using 200kg and seeing who could hit the most reps (no pause at bottom, only at top of rep, no straps or gloves - only chalk iirc), but 200kg might be a bit OTT here so maybe we could do it with say 150kg or something?
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